DUPLICATE NYPL RL 3 3433 07736400 2 e*- v^ G \ a clcV i ■5/ PUBLIC UsHAWV F / \ HENRY COGGESHALL GLADDING, PROVIDENCE, R. I. THE GLADDING BOOK.. BEING AN HISTORICAL RECORD AND GENEALOGICAL CHART OF THE GLADDING FAMILY, WITH ACCOUNTS OF THE FAMILY REUNIONS OF 1890 AND 1900, AT BRISTOL, R. I., THE GLADDINGS' AMERICAN ANCESTRAL HOME. PREPARED AND PUBLISHED BY Menry Coggeshall Sladding, PROVIDENCE, R. I. 1901. V J J J* J » « J > J * «J THE HE^'' '>'°^>^^ PUBLIC US^'f^ 1926 1 R 'II T INDEX. TITLE. PAGE. Contents, 3 Incentive for the Mrst circnlar, 5 Gladding family reunion — the proposition, 9 The committee chosen 11 Circular No. 2 12 The day and the hall 14 The exhibit : portraits, photographs, pictures, etc., 14-15 Badge 15 Coat of arms, 16 Social greeting, ; 17 Dinner, menu, 18 Order of exercises, post prandial, 19 Opening address, by judge Gladding, 20 Address of welcome, b}^ Philip Coyle, president Bristol town council, 24 Remarks by lieutenant governor Wm. T. C. Wardwell 26 Sketch of the Gladding family in Ashtabula co., O., by judge Henry A. Gladding 27 Address of Henry L. Gladding. Albany. N. Y 29 Poem, "'In the Old Rhode Island Days," by Hezekiah Bntterworth,. . 34 Poem, by Xancy C. Gladding-Beebe 37 Historic Sketch of the seven Johns, 41 '•The New Crusade," 51 Reminiscences of the family, by Annie Waldron Dana. Warren, R. I.. 53 Thirteen reasons for holding a family reunion, by judge Albert F. Gladding, of Norwich. N. Y., ./.. . . 55 Letters of regret, and telegrams, from Charles F. Gladding F. G. Sacket, E. J. Gladding. H. T. Coates. Wm. Sheafe Chase, Chas. T. Cole, Chas. A. Gbidding. W. H. Fish, Nelson A. Gladding. Mrs. Lydia M. Gladding. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Gladding, Mr. and Mrs. James W. Gladding, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson A. Gladding. Robert R. Gladding 58-64 Biography of Benjamin F. Gladding, 67 Prisoners, 70 Poem, '-Biistol." by Julia Thresher Gladding, 71 The old Gladding house, by Atma B. Manchester, 72 The unhewn stone monument, and inscription 77-78 A quarternary of ••Williams." 81 Poem, by Nancy C. Gladding-Beebe 91 Muse, 92 'p '!■' TITLE. PAGE. Alle S••*■-<"*-"*- i- ■(■ CONTENTS. The incentive for tiie first circular. Re-uiiioii )::oposed. The coriiiiiirtce ("lioseii. Day and hall described. The exhibit. Badieshall Gladding, of Provi- dence, read by Annie Waldron-Dama. Reminiscences of the family, by A. Waldion Dama. of Warren. Historic poetry, by .loini Gladding Ciiase. of Pi-ovidence. Tliirteen reasons for iiolding a fimiiy reunion, by Judge Albert F. Glad- ding, of Norwich, N. Y. Reading letters of regret, by .Miss Wiliielmina E. (Cladding, of Bristol. A])pendix. '-S--J^-«"*--*--» % THE INCENTIVE FOR THE FIRST CIRCULAR. A cause that will unite the descendants of a common ancestor is commendable. A reunion tends to l)iing about this result inas- much as it livings together a goodly number of peoi^Ie of one blood, and bearing the same name. In a gathering of this kind, a pleas- urable fraternization at once springs up, creates a union and con- centration of thought and action, and stimulates a laudable pride in their common name — a desire to elevate each member — to banish, at least for the present, any unpleasantness that may exist in the fam- ily. It is a fruitful source for renewing old acquaintances, reviving former family ties, and also for making i)leasurable new acquaint- ances, for at such gatherings thev leaiii their true relations one to another. Grandfather's old bil)le, scraps of poetry, many old let- ters, and relics that have so quietly rested in the old red chest, well covered with (bist in the garret, are brought out, and their contents well studied. Such information, at a reunion, Itronght together by various members, becomes veiy inteiesting and |)i'otitable, and tends to unite. '•'•Blood is tliicker than water." "'In union there is strength." These matters being so, why should there not be a call sent out for a reunion of the Gladding family? — and thus give oi)portunitj for all who wished and could to visit the place and graves of their ancestors? — the beautiful Narragansett, and view the shores of its headlands, its numerous islands, bays and harbors, especially Bristol harlior and town, founded in IG.SO, in which our forefathers took so lively an interest, l)locked off in eight-acre lots, like a checkcr-l)oar--»- ^*--r-»-^ -*--»• ■S V) r • f"] "t that wc'iv phinted so many yciirs ago, whose gigantic arms now ^ arcade those broad streets, producing an enchanting scene, with the > wai-ni rays of the sun phaying hopee]) witii those favored ones who ► I'ide oi' wnlk these shaded avenues, so broad as to afford room v > foi' lon^ stiip> of bright green between tiie carriage drive and tlie sidewalk. The happy variety of ancient and modern structures, all well preserved, and suri'ounde(l with nl)undance of vegetation, closely sh:iven lawns, hammocks and swings, shaded seats, flowers and fruit, vine covcicd verandas.* meet the eye from every direction. I would th;it I had tiie wit and wisdom, the time and space, to do justice to this grand old town, the American ancestral home of all the Gladdings on this side of the great Atlantic. For here can be seen, on eveiy hand, the streets, the land tmd water, traces of their handiwork. No sooner were the Mount Hope lands open to the white settler than our first ancestor secured lands for a home, and in KJSO renii)\-eil his family from the Plymouth country, where he had spent some twenty years of his life in this western world. Tradition reports he moved his family and all his effects in a small vessel, and landi'd on the [nojection of rock in the south i)art of tiie town fonncily calU'it Toint Comfort, and later called the Love Rock. I think it (piite prol)abh; Mr. (Madding purchased the lands adjacent to this point. Tiie old (iladding windmill that stood just near the point, and those lands thereabouts, were owned by the Gladdings all through the 17th century, and the widow of the late James N. Glad- ding still owns and occni)ies the central portion of that square. Mr. John (jladding. the settler, spi'ut the balance of his days there, (deceased April "iTlh. 1727, aged 85 years.) and so did many of liis descendants ; the lirst liorn of the live succeeding generations tilled there their allcjtted days here, and the liristol bniial grounds still hold their remains. Those who have removed to various parts must liave alwaj's maintained a strong love for their native town, and ti'ansmitted the same to their children. My parents weie both born here. My *In former days it was said the chief piddurts of 15ii>i(il consisted of ^ee.se, Not so the ^drls ! ,[ For nianv still our homes adorn. > The onions rare ! > A Ah3-esl their odorous presence ^ Fills all the air. "^ *--»-^- ['] father Benjamin, son of John G., ray mother Mahitable, danghter of James Coggeshall, and son of Newly, all of the Nanows. My pa- rents commenced their mariied life in Bristol 1815. They removed to central New York where I was horn 1827. There the first twenty years of my life were spent. Since 1847 I have been a resident of Rhode Island. In former years when Bristol wharves were groaning under the great burden of all manner of merchandise, white winged vessels went forth to all parts of the world, to return with fresh cargoes of oil, sugar and molasses, and all manner of merchandise. It was then the (Jladdings were the more numerous for they were always most largely identified with maritime interests, as merchants or sail- ors. With the decline of the shipping interest the Gladdings sought homes in the west. At the present there are but few families to bear the name. All these circumstances combined was a strong in- centive for calling a reunion. HENRY COGGESHALL GLADDING. > ^ ^ ^ <■ ♦ ^ » < i <- <' ^' i- i- L9] THE GLADDING FAMILY REUNION-THE PROPOSITION. Five hundi-etl circulars, prnposiDg a retuiion of the descendants of Mr. John (iladding, were pi'inteil and ready for circulation in the early part of 1890. Much e.ire jind labor were taken to get this circular before every individual throughout the whole country who was in any wa}- connected with the family by blood or marriage. A fidl week's time was taken to canvass the city of Providence only. And every party in any way known to be connected with the family was personall3' interviewed by tlu writer. In this way a wide range of names and post otHce addresses was obtained, with other valuable information concerning the family. The proposition met with general favor. [First circular.] •»)? iRBUNIOI 1^ of the Gladdicg Family, 1640 1890 i- To Tin: Descendants of JOHN GLADDING: John Gladding came to this country about KiGO, wlien a mere lad, singly and alone. He located in the Plymouth colony and lived there about twenty years. After the King Phillip war, which opened the Mount Hope lands to white settlers, he removed thither, with a m CM V -V- -^ -^ -^-^^-^ l^-«"«> [10] ^ wife and four children, and assisted in fonndiiio" tlie town of Bristol. Tlu'V were one of the first white families. He was one of the 7G electors at the fn-st town meeting, in September, 16'S1. He was born in KUO. It is proposed to hold n reunion of his descendants, in honoi- of his "irjOth birth-year, the coming 'Tuly or August, at IJristol, the Gladdings' American ancestral home. The occasion will not only be a social gathering of kindred and friends, but will have for an object, as well, the organization of a Society for the purpose of perpetuating the family name and further advancing the well kept genealogical records handed down to us b}- our illustrious ancestors, and the collection of such papers and mate- rial as relate to the Gladding family. [We will state, for tlie ii)forin;itii)n of any tiiat may not know, that we can point out very correctly tiie localiry of the (Iwelliiins and I The circular proposing a reunion was being cordially received. ^ The Hon. F. F, Gladding, meml)er of the Bristol town council, (who [11] f is a nieml)er of the Wardwell Lumber Co.. Bristol,) and his sister t i- . '^ i' Wilhelmina E. Gladding, (book-keeper in the same concern,) child- ^ ^, ren of Capt. John A. C. Gladding whose nnmber in the Gladding y ^ records is 45 of the 8th generation, showed a heart}' interest in the ► matter. The cousins of Providence, Wairen, Bristol and Newport were invited to attend a meeting to be held June "28, 1890, at num- ber 285 P'riendship stieet, Providence, nt the house of cousin Walter E. Gladding, son of Abraham S. Gladding, of the 7lh generation, number 101. At this gathering there was a cordial exchange of thought on the subject, the best manner to proceed, &c. It was de- cided to a[)point a committee, and to further advance the cause it was deemed best to have a committee that could represent several places where a number of Gladdings resided, at least so far as we knew at that time. The committee was chosen, as follows : THE COMMITTEE CHOSEN. Henry L. Gladding, Albany, N. Y. ; number 51 of the 7th generation, E. F. Gladding, Bristol, R. I. ; son of Capt. J. A. C. Gladding, number 45 of the 8th generation ; J. Howard Manchester, Bristol, son of Mary J. Gladding-Manchester, number 19 of the 7th generation ; Wilhelmina E. Gladding, Bristol, sister of F. F. Gladding; William O. Gladding, Newport, son of Peter, number 89 of the 7th generation ; Henry Coggeshall Gladding, Providence, number 20, 8th generation, Benjamin C. Gladding, Providence, 95, 6th generation ; William H. Gladding, Providence, son of Abraham S., number 101, 7th generation ; Daniel W. Gladding, Warren, son of Henry W., number 94 of the 7th geneiation. At a subsequent meeting, held at cousin J. Howard Manchester's < office, Bristol, H. C. Gladding was chosen chairman. The Circular < No. 2 was decided on ; also the badge and its formula, the plan for j i providing a dinner for the occasion, the time and ()lace for holding |, the reunion, &c. 'V [12] .,^. Ciiciil;ii' Nt'. 2. ■^f REUNION of tlie Gladdigg Family, 1640 1890 To Tin: I)i:sri:M,ANTs of JOHN (JLADDIXd 'Q At :i nu'etinji; of (lesccii(liiiits of John Gladdinti. tlie liist (ihiddiiiir wlio seUlc'(l ill this coiiiUry, hcdd in response to circular niimlter one, proposing a reunion in honor of his 2o()th l»irth-ye:ir, a eoniniittee of airangenients was appointed, who are heartily in s^'nipalhy with the undertakintj;. and coidially invite ;dl beaiing the name of Olad- nant Governor Wm. T. C. Wardwell, of Bristol, R. I. Sketch of the Gladding family of Ashtabula Co., O., by Judge Henry A. Gladding, of Windsor, O. Music: Overture. La Flandi-e. Address by Henrj' L. Gladding, of Albany, N. Y. Poem. Old Rhode Island Days, by Ilezekiah Butterworth. of Boston, editor of Youths' Companion, grandson of Susan, number 2S, Gth generation. Poem, by Nancy C. Gladding-Beebe, of Norwich, N. Y. Historic sketch of the 7 Johns, by Henry Coggeshall Gladding-, read by Mrs. Annie Waldron-Dana, of Warien. Music: March, Philadelfus. Poetry, by John Gladding Chase, son of Lucretia, number 11, Gth gener- ation. Reading letters of regret, by Wilhelmina E. Gladding, of Bristol. Thirteen reasons for holding a Reunion, by Judge Albert F. Gladding. Music: Auld lang s^'ue, sung by the entire assemblage of cousins. t i I OPENING ADDRESS, BY JUDGE GLADDING. Ladies and Oknti.emen, Relatives and Kindred : I acknowledge 1113' appreciation of the disliuclion and honor of being selected to preside over this assembly, so largelj' representa- tive of the Gladding farail}'. It has been suggested to aie that in starting the literary part of this feast — ''The feast of reason and flow of soul." — that it should be done b}- a short speech from your chairman. I enter upon the performance of the duty assigned me with trepi- dation and yet with that obedience expected from the younger child of a large family when commanded by the older members. There are many serious thoughts and suggestions, engendered by this interesting occasion which will, doubtless, upon due reflection, take sufflcientl}' definite form to admit of expression ; but for the present I will only dare to give utterance to those lesser and lighter ideas which naturally, — after a good dinner, — bubble up to the sur- face of the well-spring of thought, expecting that those more worthy of deliverance, will take possession when we are carrying away with us the remembrance of this meeting, and this dinner, and its attend- ant inspirations, and when memory is struggling to recall the faces which we have met here, and were glad to meet, but may never meet again. And when we part I trust we will all take with us a senti- ment akin to tliat found in a line from the poet Burns. ••To live ill hearts ye leave behind is not to die.'" Before proceeding further I wish to express an o[)inion, which I believe will be found universal among us, viz., that our unstinted giatitude is due to those among us who conceived the idea of this reunion, and worked it up with unflagging zeal, much labor and doubtless considerable expense: and also to the committee of arrangements who have so well cont lived to make us all comfortable and happy, and to crown this affair with that success which it would be impossible, at this stage, to take from it. .[, I shall be glad to entertain a motion, before we separate express- | ive of our thanks to those to whom we arc so much indebted for the > i>leasure of this occasion. I have an Aunt who lives with me and who bears the honored * name of Gladding, by virtue of having been the wife, now the j2 [21] widow, of my late Uncle, John A. Gladding of Albany-, N. Y. ; and this Annt claims to have considerable knowledge as to the peculiari- ^ ties and characteristics of our clan, derived from the life which she "' has passed with us. I have heard her state, (as though it were an indisputable proposition,) that there was never a Gladding yet but what was cross when he was hungry, and that the surest way to . reach the heart of a Gladding was via. the palate and the stomach ; that she became imbued with this idea when she lived with my Uncle and that it had become a settled conviction with her since she lived with me. If this be true, (and I am not disposed to deny it) and if the opposite of the proposition is equally true, what a good natured party we ought to be and are at present. We may he said to be like Bar- num's Happ}- Family, happ3- because we are well fed. The fox and the goose, the serpent and the hen, the rabbit and the dog, were hap[)y together because they were well fed ; but remove the liberal supply of food and the ferocity of their animal natures would quickly return to them. I do not anticipate any dissensions in this famil}' for a like reason at present. As I passed through the states of Massachusetts and Connecticut on my way to the sea coast a few weeks since, (I mention only Mass- achusetts and Connecticut because it would not be in good taste to speak disparagingly of a state whose hospitality we are so richly en- joying at this time) and as I looked upon the unreclaimed hills, the un3'ielding rocks and the sterile aud unproductive soil, I thought that perhaps, the fates and fortunes of this family might have been diff- erent if our ancestors, whose 250th l)irthd;iy we now celebrate, in- stead of landing on Bristol Neck, had sailed down the Atlantic coast and around Cape Sable and the Florida Reefs into the gulf of IMex- ico and thence to the "•Father of A'V^aters" and up that clear and placid stream to where it is joined by the muddy waters of the Mis- souri, and had there landed upon that fertile soil, the garden of the world, from whence his progeny had spread north, south, east and west. It is possible that our more immediate ancestors instead of i being tillers of the soil, fishermen and rope makers, might have \ been wealthy ranchmen with innumerable acres of productive land ] and whose cattle, with their countless hoofs, could be found roaming ■ over the vast productive plains of the west, supplying the markets of i the world with beef. Or, they might perhaps have been rich bonanza - 1 I' [22] inininij; kinos, reaping untold treasure from the inexlianstible mines of ijold and silver upon either side of the RocUn- Mountains. Oi-, they iniiiht have been the founders and chief owners of some of those uuirvellous western cities that have sprung into existence during the last decade and in population have already reached a hundred thousand souls. Undoubtedly, accident as to i)lace of l)irth, lucky positions, fortu- itous circumstances have much to do with individual progress and advancement in this life. But as I look into the intelligent and retlned faces of this well-fed, well dressed, contented and happy assembly of friends and kindred, I feel that we have no just reason to complain, — that our lot and lines and lives have, after all, been cast in pleasant places, and we thank Iliin '-Whose hand holds the earth and its waters in the hollow thereof" that we are not so far scattered over the face of the earth but that we have been able, so many of us, to meet here at this time on this beautiful spot in this ancient and historic town, hallowed and made sacred by the lives and the immortal dust of those to whom we owe our being, and to have our hearts warmed by looking into the eyes and clasping the hands of so many connected by consanguinity or aflinit}', b}- blood and love. And we ouijht not to forget that while we mav not have in- herited from our ancestors ranches, mines, or much wealth of an\- kind, yet that they have handed down to us, their children's children, the richest legacy that man can leave to man. the memory of a good name and the inheritance of a good exami)le. An eminent historian and philosopher has stated that the perma- nency, prosperit\- and progress of all governments is due to the middle classes. Tiuit when the people of any country become divided into two classes, when tlic line of demarkation between the rich and the poor, tlu' liigh and the low becomes distinct, and all the people may be found upon the one side or the other and the middle classes are extinct, then the foundations of society and the govern- ment itself speedily- decays and falls to pieces. In this connection I wish to allude to a saying of my Father's, oftentimes repeated in my hearing, to the etfect, that lie never knew a Gladding wlio was a drunkard, that he never knew of one that got into jail and but very few that got into office which is next to the same thing, that he never knew one that was very rich nor yet one that was so very poor, that he never knew one against whom an execution was returned unsat- [23] isfied or who failed to pay his debts. I take it that these things are substantially trne, and they seem to be verified by this assemblage. I believe that our people — the Gladdings — as a rnle ai'e neither very rich nor very poor; that they occupy the iiiiddK' and better ground of the human family and may fiiirly be reckoned among the most, useful and happiest of earth's inhabitants. They are generally to be found in favor of the execution of law, of the preservation of order, of the maintenance of right, of the administration of justice. They are steadfast, conservative, true to the best interests of society, the salt of the earth. Not much of a philosopher or reasoner is he who has not already divined that riches and wealth are but a poor insignia of happiness in this life. On the contrary, peace of mind, contentuient of soul, cheerfulness of spirits, steadfastness of character, an appre- ciation of the beauties of nature, of the beneficence of God, love of country, home, kindred, wife and children, these make up the sum of human happiness and cannot be bought with wealth, neither are they the necessary accompaniments of ease and leisure. You will know what a pleasure it is for me to meet my kindred here when I tell you that a'hout all I know about the Gladding family I learned from my Father ; that I have I'arely ever met one bearing the name outside my father's family. IJeneath his roof have dwelt all the Gladdings I ever knew. That in a busy life I have not often inquired concerning them, though I am sure that as one result of this reunion I shall be prompted hereafter to pursue such inquiries and follow the fortunes of our tribe more closely. Therefore my inform- ation as to their large hearted hospitality, kindliness of heart, gen- erous dispositions and unfailing charity, has been derived from tra- dition and also from actual experience with the patriarch who sits near me, (pointing to his Father) the proud father of nine children, twelve grandchildren and three great-grandchihb'en, and who has maintained these characteristics of oui- clan, of which I have sijoken, from my earliest recollection down to the present moment. This tra- ditional charit}-, generosity and oi)enhandcd hospitality, to which I have alluded, is being exemplified here today in a manner which warms the blood of kindred and serves to cement that cordial l)ond of sympathy which should and does exist between those of the same name and same blood. And now since I have said a word in regard to my Father, 1 trust none of you will think I am too personal or trespassing too much up- w i [24] on family relations, (for you must remember this is altogether a per- sonal and family nffair) if I also say a word in regard to the Mother, Grandmother and Great-grandinolhor, combined in the person who sits l>y his sicK'. Perhaps I can best illustrate a characteristic of hers, (which 1 would touch lightly in i)assing,) by saying, it was not my motliei' who s:iid to one of her daughlers on an occasion "Han- nah Mariah. just try that custard pic and sec if it is sour. If it is, we will ha\e it for supper, and if it isn't we will kci'[) it until tomor- row." Ni)r does she belong to that class of mothers who, when one of them was asked how many eggs she put into her cake, replied ''I put in one egg, init if I have another that is doubtful I put that in too." My mother always used the best that could be obtained and she has raised up nine sons and daughters in vigor and health, by the most devoted care, and there is not one of them today, though they all live in comfortaVde houses of their own. that will say that they ever sat down to a better meal in their lives than they can get any any day undei' the parental roof, still prepared by the deft fingers that never tire when doing for the children she has reared so well. ADDRESS OF WELCOME, BY HON. PHILIP H. COYLE, PRESIDENT OF BRISTOL TOWN COUNCIL. Members and Friends oe the Gladding Family : This is the fust family reunion that has l)e'en held in Bristol ui)on so large a scale for many years, and I need not sa}' that it affords me great pleasure in behalf of the town to extend to every member of this old and honorable family a most cordial welcome to the home of your ancestors, and to the old town from which many of you went to seek wider fields, and your foitunes in various occupations. As 1 stand here and look over this large assemblage the thought occurs to me of what the fust ,b)lui (Madding would think if he could look upon this gathering and see the pioportions of the family at the present day. I believe he would feel proud of his descendants far beyond his power of exi)ression, and wouhl say that you had greatly exceeded his anticipations, and that he would heaitilv congratulate you upon your success, for the expression and the intelligent faces of this audience assure me in nuiking this statement. v When we think of the early days of our country, when we think of the toil and hardships of the early settlers, and of what little pros- , pect they had, and how little they could enjoy the future, and now tij'-' ■ [25] look upon our grand position as a people, unequalled by any country in the world, it makes one feel [)r()ud to be an American citizen, and proud to be the descendant of an honored race, who had to toil for their posterity, who have built up our country and made it what it is today. . The descendants of Jolm Ghulding have risen from the log cabin to high positions in science, art and literature, to positions of honor and trust. The poorest boy on our street below, or his descendants, may be a Lincoln, a Grant, or a Garfield of the future, and be en- titled to all the honor that can be liestowed upon liim. This glorious freedom and equality is what we all enjoy, and it is what has made it possible for us to have such a grand reunion here today ; and to those early settlers we must give the credit for laying the foundation. If I were to attempt to review wliat little historj' of the Gladding family I am ac(piainted with in the presence of so many heads that are covered with honorable grey hairs, and with so many listening to me who are mucii better able to relate your history than I am, it would only be consuming valuable time, and result in telling you nothing but what you all know more about than I do ; but I will say, from experience and personal contact, that so far as Bristol is con- cerned the name of Gladding stands unblemished. It is a family born not of ease and luxury, but composed of those good old quali- ties that have characterized the family from the l)eginning, turning with the wheels of industry to all branches of tiade and business, making itself felt, and liecoming a power in tlie community, and always in the right direction. I can do you no greater honor than couple the name of Gladding with industry and honest toil, for with that follow all other qualities that are worth preserving. I welcome you all today not as strangers here, foi' man}' of you, like myself, are natives of Bristol, and love the old town, and all of you have a claim upon it as the birthplace of your ancestors, and so the welcome extended to you in behalf of the town, is a welcome home. Sons and daughters, well may you enjoy the hospitality of your committee, who have nobly sustained the reputation of old Bi'istol by providing a celebration worthy of the occasion. The Gladding family have been prominently connected in otiicial, social and business positions in our town, and always with marked i success, filling places of lank and honor, with great credit, whether e it be upon our Town Councils, in public offices or private organiza- [•2(;] tions and Itusiness, we have al\v;iys heard tlie same expression of conlidenoe and belief in their integrity. No doubt you have lieard it said, Put a man in i)iiblic office if you want to learn his true charac- ter. Even this test has been applied to the (iladdings and the}' have stood it : one in [)articnhii' I will si)eal\ of. He is not with us today ; liut althouoh he has been laid at icst where mv words cannot reaiih his ears, his character remains fresh in my memory ; and that noble character, so strongl}- impressed upon my mind, will last forever: and his official acts will shine in the future and grow brighter with age. I refer to Peter Gladding, that faithful old servant of the town who filled the position of town clerk for thirty-five years, and to whom so many went for consultation during that long period of time, and always with the feeling that they were dealing with an honest, upright and honorable man. I can pay him no higher tribute than to say he was faithful to his trust, and his deeds are alive today with ns. Let me congratulate you u[)on your success, and tlie large attend- ance here totlay, and also those who have been instrumental in arranging this reunion ; and I hope every one here will live long and prosper, and be able to attend the next Gladding reunion, which, if it should occur, and be like this one, would be a great credit to the family', and to the town in which it is held ; toi' as I can speak for old Bristol today I will sa}' she is highly honored, and greets you all with a heartv welcome. REMARKS BY LIEUT. GOV. WM. T, C. WARDWELL. Wm. T. C. VVardwcll, licuteiiuiit-^uvcrnor of the State, biMu<;- called up- on, responded as follows: Mr. Citaiuman, and Laoiks and Gentlejikx : It is fitting that the State shoidd be represented on such an occa- sion as this. Not many families can boast of as long line of ancestry as 30U that are here assembled. Your ancestors were among the first to settle in this state, and they and their descendants have been identi- fied with its growth from the year 1()40 until the present time. As the second among the officers of the state 1 am ulad to be with von (^ today ; l)ut I am still more pleased to think that I can claim a rela- ^'3 [27] . "%| tionship with all the Gladdings here present. lu the year 1G93, > Oct. 31, John Gladding Jr., the son of the first John Gladding that came to Bristol, married Alice Wardwell, the danghter of Uzell Wardwell, who, with John Gladding, were numl)ered among those who founded the town in 1681. From the union of John Gladding Jr. and Alice Wardwell, sprang the goodly number of eleven child- ren, whose names and date of birth are as follows : John Gladding, born Sept. 1 I are 43 descendants of the two daughters and 3!) from the four S(Mis. y I You will pardon nie for mentioning a few family chnracteristics. I <■ Their complexion is light, there being only one l)laek haired individ- ^ ual in the family. Politically they were all republicans. A few have seceded to the prohibition party. They aie not politicians although they have held and are holding many honorable positions of trust. They are mechanical and excel in the ability to turn the hand to almost anything, and make the most out of what the}- have ; are hos- pitable, jovial, — fond of social and family gatherings. They are mostly an agricultural people, there being one lawyer, one pieacher, one in oil speculation, three mechanics and six teachers. There is not what at the present time might be called a wealthy man among them : fifty thousand equaling, and perhaps exceeding the accumulation of any one individual. Yet all. with one exception, own good homes, and the average wealth is aljout two thousand dol- lars per capita. In almost every case the^y are financially rated above their actual wealth. Tiiey are honest, industrious, virtuous, temperate and religions. About half of the adults belong to the M. E. church and a few other denominations are represented. There never has l)eeu a drunkard, an illegitimate child, nor an arrest in the family. Living in a section said to contain the most intelligent rural population in the world, they are above tlie average intellectually and morally. There are ten graduates of colleges and other higher institutions of learning, and neai'ly all are taking active parts in the advancement of education. One son died in California, one family are living in Nebraska, two in Fenn. The balance of ihe family are living and have buried their dead in Ashtabula county. t ADDRESS OF HENRY L. GLADDING, ALBANY, N. Y. Brethren and Sisters of the (^laddinc; Family : i i: . i <, I am glad that my name is Gladding. I am proud to belong to the > ^, great family, which today meets to hold its first reunion, in this an- I' cient and beautiful town. I rejoice to be with yon here, to honor the memory of that honest and true man, .John Gladding, who in 1660 - "^ -r"T- 1^ [:50] W came to these L iiited States, as the lust rc|)resentative of the family. •( It is indeed good to be here, to look into 3c)ur kindly eyes, to I'eel the y ^ grasp of your friendly hands, to listen to the hearty welcome of yonr ^ ^ words. ^^ ^ Although I have never before been in I>ristol, yet this is my sec- ^ ond visit to your state, having been in Providence once, some forty years a. boy, l)ut his early education had been much neglected. Part of the school work of the boys was, the wilting of compositions. Naturally * enough my young friend did not greatly relish this sort of literary ^ %^ i '/lb ['^1] % ^ work. So from week to week lie invented sundry excuses to evade i the duty. Finally, the professor told him that he must positively have his composition prepared by a certain day of tlie following week. So Boh, as we will call him, went at it. After some deliber- ation as to a suliject, he finally concluded to write on "Education." The tirst thing of course was to define the word. So he got down Webster's big dictionary and began to write down one after another the various definitions he found there, on this wise: Education : Act or process of educating ; result of educating in knowledge ; skill or discipline of character; the enlightening of the understanding ; act of training by course of study ; &c., &c. When he had written down all the definitions, he found that he had covered about three- fourths of a page of foolscap and concluded that he had quite a re- spectable composition. So to show his gratitude to the l)ig book that had bi-ought him through his difficulties, he wound up his composition with this grand fiourish : ''Education is a good thing to have in the house so is Webster's Dictionary." In my opening words, I said, I am glad that my name is Gladding. There is a good deal in a name, Shakespeare to the contrary notwith- standing. Names are significant of things. One is the sign ; the other ought to he the thing signified. Our Anglo-Saxon ancestors well understood this, and so they gave names to their children, as in- dicating certain qualities they desired their children to possess. Thns Edward means, hapi)y protector ; Egbert, the sword's brightness ; Edith, the happy gift; Ellen, the excellent one; Godwin, the friend of God ; and so on. So I suppose Gladding must have been meant to signify the one who makes everybody glad. I first came to see the significance of the name something over twenty years ago. In the year 1 tites of a lot of healthy and hungry hoys. > Before going into the hall the boys were gathered into another y room, where a few kind and eainest words were said to them. They ^ were told that the feast for the stomach was to be preceded by an in- tellectual feast, of a musical and literary character. That the gov- ernor of the state (Gov. Hoffman) had kindly consented to come and speak to them. Besides this, we had engaged a full military band. and a fine quartette of singers to entertain them. We told them that it would lie necessary to place them at the tables, as thej' went into the hall, Init that thev were not to touch anvthing on the tables, un- til the order was given, which would be at the close of the literary exercises. The boys made the promise, and strange to sa}', tiiey faithfully kept it : for during all the opening exercises, lasting more than an hour, not a single hand was raised to touch a thing on the tables. The governor, made one of the best addresses that was ever made to a lot of boys, and the band and the vocalists were at their best. It was trnly a great treat, not only to the boys, but also to the audience who were present and looking on. AVhen the order to eat was given, of course the boys went at it with a will : they not only filled their stomachs, but also their pockets, the breasts of their coats, and every place where they could stow away any of the good things of the abundant feast. Then, there was more music ; after which the boys marched in single file to the door of the hall, and as they passed out each one received a big paper bag, filled with good things, to take to their families at home. One of the speakers on this intei'esting occasion, was the Rev. R. W. Clark, brother of Bishop Clark of Rhode Island. He kindly complimented the General Secretary on the success of the affair, and said he was glad that his name was Gladding. Thus, more than twenty vears ago I was first reminded of the significance of our family name. So I conclude denr friends that every man and woman who bears the honored name of Gladding, ought to be constantly doing all in their power to make people glad, to make all about them happ}-. > Their especial mission should always l)e. to make this world of ours >^ better, and wiser, and happier, 'i'hey should thus be, in the truest > and widest sense, imitators and follow-ers of that "Divine Man" who > more than eighteen hundred years ago "went about doing good ;" M ~s^- [33] ^ He who came "■not to l)e ministered unto, but to minister," and to give himself for the good of the human race. ', The sun in the heavens throws his effulgent rays upon the moon, luit not for the purpose of having the moon wrap herself in those ra- dient beams and alone enjoying that transcendant brightness ; oh, no, but that she in tuin may reflect those rays upon the earth and light up the dai'k places of the world. 80 if any blessed light shines into oui- hearts it is that we in tnrn may reflect that brightness into other hearts, and if anv of God's good oifts come into our hands, it is that we ma}' share those good gifts with those about us and in all the earth who are in need. The great German poet Schiller thus asks and answers the impor- tant question : What s-hall I do to { And heated hot witli burning fears, and dipped in baths of hissing tears, •< And battered with the shoclis of doom ; to shape and use. So let all the Gladding family use the world as not abusing it. ? Si, ■.- w ^ ^^-^.i.. I' POEM, BY HEZEKIAH BUTTERWORTH. IN THE OLD RHODE ISLAND DAYS. I In old IJliudc Island tli(! buys were blue. And tlic lields of clover were red and green, And lii.uli in llie snn the ospreys tlew. Ami the killdces .screanied in the evening dew. The days and nights between. Tlie Puritan bell of mellow tone Rung over the churchyard wall. And the Quaker ehuich hid sky and lone; In some little byway walled with stoue And there rung no bell at all. But the Quaker came and the Quaker went To his little church in calm content; 'Mid the oaks and the tields of maize. Each walked with God with a conscience free. And each beyond the world could see The Spirit's brightening ways. And the Quaker's cornfields turned to gold. And his hearth and heart were never cold In the old Rhode Island days. II In old Rhode Island the bays were blue And the Northmen's barque of the silver wing, From the noonless fiords of Norrowy, Was havened in yonder stormless bay. Almost a tliousand years ago. And brought the bride of a king. 'Twas here America began Or so the old Sagas run And I really hope 'tis so. Here the Florentine corsair turned from sea The silver Hag of the Fleur de lis Of the rouilly knigiits of old Rochelle. And dreamed of his isles of the (Jreelan odes And our shores seemed bordered with roses of Rhodes — We like ids picture well. 'Tis centuries four since came his ))row. But ills i-oses of lihodes is Riiode Island now And tlie roses still haunt the bays. Oui' sister States have legends old. But wliat are they to the stories told Of the old Rhode Island days'? [35] Of-'' III ^ ► ^ In old Rliode Island the waves are blue, < As the purple waves of Galilee. ^. .In old Rhode Island all hearts were true. ^ ^ I thiidv they are so toda}% don't you? '■ As Rou:er Williams wished them to be? I think it is so. but I do not know. I sinof of an hundred years ajfo, — When the farmer earned his bread in the sun. And the sailor earned his bread on the sea. And the modest maid while her mother spun On her sampler worked her family tree; When the barns were full of clover haj% When the old red settle stood in the hall, When they succotash ate on Forefathers' Day, And on Thanksifivino: praised God for all ; When a dozen ships in the harbor lay, When the Winter tires had a j^enerous blaze, When they met to talk on the villaain I Thej- were hopeful names to their sea-girt claims That the hardy founders brought, And first on the roll of Mt. Hope lands, The honored name of Glaudino stands. And its honor failetlmot. And all praise to Irim. that Captain true. Who the broader light of the Word would know. And whose white ship broug]ifto the bays of blue The flaming messenger who passed tiirougli The land a hundred yeai'S ago. He opened his house to hear him pray And the whole town heard when he raised his tongue. And stared in wonder, and moved away. On the quiet street wlien first he sung. And the Puritan to the Quaker said. As from the Captain's house they fled. Where so much noise was made by few: — ••rm sure I did not know, did you, I didn't know, but hope 'tis true. That we had so much to praise?" Alas, alas, I fear 'tis so With us today, as long ago In the old Kiiode Island days! VI Oh. white were the ships of Bristol town, And white were their wings on the sea. But never a ship of old brought down A richer freight to the sea-walls brown Than brought good Jesse Lee. i The Baptist could preach, and the Quaker teach, And bells could tin' Gospel ring. And the English Church could chant with the choir, But Jesse Lee, with a prophet's fire. ^ Could the Gospel shout and sing. * The songs of flame that the <>ood man brouirht. Home of James C. Gladding F Pharsalia, Chenango Co., N. Y. TH5 ^•'•' .;«■' PUBUC U«iHAR^ [37] A sweeter and larg-er Gospel taught And the siiigiug cliiirch with its steeple tall, Became the i^rophet church of all. Nor the Argo with the Golden Fleece, Nor Sir Francis Drake and his ship of gold. Are as mucli as tlie Captain's ship of old, I think you will all agree As ponder spire we see. Well may the sons of such men appear And their worthy fathers praise. I'm glad that tlie Gladdings settled here. In the old Rhode Island days I VII On the Avon's arm lies Bristol old. On the Narragansett lies Bristol new. And the legends of one have the centuries told. Sure our legends here are as noble aud true. The glorious scenes that Humbolfc met, That chai-nied Ui.e,ey^'S"of Lafayejte, And VVashui^tbh SerightH],;" Are ours forever, »n*I as blue The Narragansett rolls in view ' •'_ As erst tosea.kings'knighted.. No hapijier town e'er lifted its spire's To the sun's all brightening rays Than this of our brave and noble sires Who only sought God's will to find. And to live for the soul, and all mankind, And to leave to others an honest name. What picture nobler can History claim Tiian the old Rhode Island Days? IIEZEKIAH BUTTP:R WORTH. POEM, BY NANCY C. GLADDING-BEEBE. You ask me for a poem To grace this festive scene. But the task is not so easy As you all mav fondlv dream. [ y So I'll only tell a story i- ?: ?■"> That perchance may suit the time. Hoping that you will be lenient Caring more for truth than rhyme. •r [38] Long ago from grand old England Came a stnrdy pilgrim hand. Loving iVeedom more tlian kindred. Came they to a wild free land. And thejf made the stormy palhwiiy Of the sea a shining light. And onr fathers followed early To the land so free and hiighr. Like the branches of a river Running out in silvei- lines. Went the children of these fathers To the land of oaks and pines. To the land where throngh long winter The eai-th is bound in ice and snow. Then there conx'S the gentle summer And the sugar maples grow. In the early years of childhood With their number marked by four. Father left the town of Bristol And the grand Atlantic slime. Where the maple and the hemlock Stretch their tall and feathery hands. In the town of old Phrasalia The house of the eighth generation stand? There he toiled amid the woodland Bj' his ax and strong right arm. Mid foliage and flowers perennial. Bringing out each hidden charm. There he toiled amid the woodland As his father toiled before. Till his years stretched into manliodd And his feet new paths explore. Till he found npdii the hillside The maid his heart would seek to win ^ And lure her from her mother's nurture * Uis own rude house to live within. He wooed and won her for his own. This maiden fair and sweet, And took her to the low framed house He'd budded at the forest's feet. - -«-->->-»->•-»"»"» 1 1 i i> [39] And there for more tliaii fifty years They lived uiid loved full well, And children nine came to their home To cheer and sweeten toil. It may not please you over well To hear their names in rhyme And I'll tell them to you hastll}' If to listen youMl be kind. Eliza Ann, a "-raceful <:irl In generation nine. And tlien a curly headed boy, .Squire James fell into line. Mary Jane, a Bible name Tender, kind, and true. Her feet have traveled many miles And stand today with you. Albeit F.. the honoied name Of judge he bears today. Methiidvs if he stood amid the throng Ile'd bear the palm away. (Blue eyes and bonn^' hair Just lightly touched with gray.) CiMithia Annette, the next in line. A western rover bold, Came into our quiet home And stole her from the fold. Nancy Corlyn. an old fashioned name. And one her grand dame bore. Three girls are already named And this one makes the four. And then to make a fine bouquet And finish the number well Came a fair sweet flower girl. They named her Rose Adell. Benjamin F. the next on deck. He weighs two hundred pounds, If you look sharp he's not so small, You'll see him standing round. John Edward — the name of John, It has a fiimiliar sound, ->->^ -*-->--«' -*-->• VI -"gSc" < < i <■ i < i [40] 111 every family from one to nine Tile name of Joliii is found. Eliza, Squire James, Mary, Albert, We are tlie triije of James; Cynthia, Nancy, Rose, Bennie And Johnnie are our names. Seven of tiie tribe are here today And our hearts are swelling with pride As we list to the deeds of the fathers bold In the land where the}' lived and died We clasp toda^' the hand of our kin. We stand in ancestral halls And gaze with something akin to awe On the old time-stained walls. We mark the spot where lie the dead And read on tombstones gray The names of those who lived and loved And from earth have passed away. We tread today on sacred ground And look with bated breath. We give a tear to those who have gone And a smile to those who are left. When time shall gather the years to come And bind them in with the past. We shall cherish the meniorj' of these glad hour>.. Their fragrance through life shall last. .V > > > m. J -*—>-»-»- -5"«- -*- ^ 4: HISTORIC SKETCH OF THE SEVEN JOHNS, Seven generations in direct succession in the Glad- ding family begin with the name John. This is a little singular. But such is the case, in our family, for the first born, of six successive generations, without a break, was a man child who lived to rear a family of children. The oldest of each, being a male, received the name of his father, thus making with the first John, the settler, seven sons in true succession. In the eighth generation the spell was broken : three daughters before a son was the beginning of this generation. [Sth, Uth and 10th generations begin with the name James.] From the birth of John the settler (1640) to John the first-born of the seventh generation (1784) was 144 3-ears, or about 24 to a generation. It is a subject of regret that we have no written matter from the hand of our first ancestor, who was born on the other side of the water, during the reign of king Charles I, of England. We will make the best of tradition, and as far as we can, back it up with known facts. €-v^a John the settler, the record says, died April 27, 1726, »^ aged 84 years. Then he was born 164g, we suppose in Pvnoland. Tradition says he left that land of fogs and smoke in the days of the Commonwealth and Oliver Cromwell's time. He being about 20 years of age, starts out to trv his fortune in the new world with no kindred to accompany him, probabh* a youthful adventurer. His grandson, John the 3d, commenced a manuscript, on parchment, which was continued by his oldest son, and so on down to the 7 oldest sons John. It is to be regretted that this oldest manuscript and records for a number of years has been mislaid — we fear, lost altogether. Fortunatel}- cousin Julia T. Glad- ding, daughter of James N. Gladding, about the year 1857, on a visit with the descendants of John 7th, made a copy of records and notes which was probably the original matter that had been kept by the oldest sons, or the same manuscript that John 7th alludes to in his letter, that accompanying the genealogical chart he sent his brother Edward in 1838. [This letter will probably appear in the *.X •w' -y^ -^ -w"^ ^ '^ -^ Appendix.] The matter of this cop}- our cousin so thoughtliilly pre- ^ served will not be lost ns several have copied from hers. < From this manuscript we get many facts. John the 3d writes : ♦ "172(;. Ai)ril 27, my grandfather John Gladding died, aged 85 years." Again he says, "My mother, Alice Gladding, died March 23, 1729." This is all he says of his own or grandparents. In the letter of John to Edward, previously alluded to, uncle John says, "I have seen in the town clerk's office at Bristol the fol- lowing, viz : 'John Gladding's mark for neats cattle and swine is a slit one-third the length of the left ear,' — dated 1(;62." In the fore- going there is an evident mistake, — in this date 16(52, for Bristol was not founded until 1680. As our ancestor had been a resident of New England about two years, and the above was copied from some laws of Plymouth Colony, that would make the matter all straight. In the above letter he says, "I have been informed by my grand- father. (John the 4th,) when I was a boy, that it had been handed down to him In- tradition, that the first John Gladding came over from England to Plymouth Colon^^ some twenty years after the first settlers landed. About the same time he with others removed to what was called Bristol Neck, in the state of Rhode Island." This tradition agrees with many facts, except the dates, for these get him at Plj-mouth afeotrt— fewettty-years before he was born ( ?) and remove him to Rhode Island some four years in advance of Roger Williams. Allen I. Gladding, in his revised Chart, reprints John the 7th's letter which gives the age of John 1, the settler, and 1(!41 as the year he was born. On the headlines of the chart he says, "He came over to the Plymouth colony 1640." One year before he was born. I am at a loss to know how they make this mistake. Whittier's piose work, Margaret Smith's Journal, mentions him, as he was a witness at the trial of Goody Morse, who was tried for her life 1669, for she was supposed to be a witch. We know he removed from those parts to Mt. Hope Lands as soon as these lands were open to white settlers, and was one of the 76 freeholders at the first town meeting, Sept. 1, 1681. Tradition says he removed in a large boat, with his family, and all his goods, and landed on the < rock iust below where the old Gladding windmill was afterwards > < built that was burned in the winter of 1849, here, in this new settle- > i- ment, with the rest of the founders of the town, to commence life I 4. anew : in erecting their dwelling, planting their fields, and in the l A many things incident to a new settlement. Here he spent the bal- Jj, (,-*^ ;^aJ. f v^JU^f) aa^ >i-. n'So 1 725, January .3. nn^ brother William raised his house. (He has seyeral remarks like the aboye, and about the weather, and so on. We will copy the more important matters.) 1725. Oct. 23. Col. Mackintosh was buried. 1725. Noy. 16, brother Ebenezer was married on Tuesda}'. Dec. 14, schooner Morton for St. Christopher. 1726, April 27. m\- grandfather John Gladding died, aged 85 3-ears. Oct. 24, (1726) my brothers William, Jonathan and Joseph were married. (This seems a little singular for three brothers to many in one day: that is, it would be in our day.) Aug. 31, 1727, my brother Jonathan raised his house. Oct. 29, about 10 at night, there was a mighty earth(iuake. Cousin James Gladding married. Thursday, Feb. 27. My mother, Alice Gladding, died March 23, 1729. 1731, Feb. 14. my brother Nathaniel sailed, Ijound for St. Christopher." All his years were spent in the town where he was born, and here was he buried with his fathers, where he rests in hope. But he will liye again and complete the work he had begun. I '-All tliinjr? are of God. Why need we worry? > < Whichever way the wind doth blow '\ t Some heart is g^lad to liave it so. •< Then blow it east, or blow it west, . i The wind tliat blows, that wind is best." ► -*—*■-»"* WT: ftii i < mmimmii "in John, son of John and Martha, was born in Bristol, R. I,, June 30, 1717. He was twice married, tirst, Sept. 25, 1738, to Mary Drown. To them were born five sons and three daughters. In his manu- script he says, ''Apr. 14, 1759, my first wife died, aged 40 years. 1759, Sept. 6, I was married a second time, to Han- nah Short." It is said of the Gladdings that they are clever at almost any trade — a kind of Jack at all trades. So it seems to have been with this woith}' ancestor : he was master and owner of a sloop or packet, also a shoemaker. In the winter months this busy man, with his boys, mans the cobbler's bench, and in lieu of sails — jib-sheet, main- sheet, — the halyards and helm, handled the hidss of the calf and the goat, the wax and the thread. With their patterns on the leather they laid out their course. They hoisted no sails : with crimping and binding and the aid of last fine boots and shoes they brought into port, and instead of splicing a rope, or mending a sail, they pegged on a tap or sewed up a rip, and no time was lost. Wlien the fetters of ice from the shores melt away, then to the water they haste ; their vessel they man, their sails are bent — a cargo of wood back to the town the}' soon will bring. This good man lived on Bradford St. His house was near where the North Primary school-house now stands, and his shoe-shop was near by. In his manuscript he records the birth of his children, and many remarks about things that happened in his day. I will only copy such as will be of interest on this occasion. 1740 he notes as a very cold winter, so that two-horse loaded teams went from Newport to Providence on the ice. He cut a hole in the ice and found it 22 inches thick. He makes mention of the battle with General Gage ; of bombardment of Bristol, and of the British fleet coming into Rhode Island waters. I now give some of these matters in his own words. Of the bombardment he says : ''Oct. 1,1775. Then began Cornwallis to fire on the town of Bristol. He fii'ed 200 guns upon the town, and never hurt a man, woman or child only Mr. Burt, and it was thought he died of fright. And two geese were killed for Pease Wardwell with a ball. He fired about one hour." ^ a-? r ^ -*►->- -J- -^ m w -»--<-<^-«-■*--*••»-'*■« [4r,] "•Aug. 25, 111.'). Thou a Friday I was taken by Col. Wallis and was on board the ship Pant three days. He took from me about 13 cords of wood." ''December 7, 177G. to be remembered tliat that terrible sight of British ships, about 130 sail, came into Rhode Island (Bristol har- bor,) and we, about fourteen families, hurried off to Dighton a Mon- day. We moved our goods to Mr. John VVhitmarsh's house, and the rest of the inhabitants to other places, and 1 beg God would sanctify it to us all." "March 20. 1778, my son Solomon died in tlie 24th year of his age. I beg God would sanctify this to us all. Apr. 20, 177'J. I moved my family back from Dighton to Bristol. May 25, 1779, Bris- tol was burned by the regulais. Dec. 6, 1770, my son Peter died. 35 years of age. Oct. 25, 1779, the regulars left Newport." I omit quoting more from his journal. I trust the foregoing will be of interest for it not only gives dates but shows the character of the man. He evidently was one who loved justice and feared to do wrong. Our Savior says, ''Blessed are they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness : for they shall be filled." This 4 John died Nov. 16, 17H5, in his (;8th year, in the same town where he was born, and was l)urie9; married Lucretia Smith Sept. 17, 1 701, and died Sept. 25, 1S20. His wife, Lucretia, died May 5, 1H13. in her 70lh year. The following is a copy of their family record : ••My sun John was born Friday, Nov. 19, 17(;2. My daughter Hannah was born on Monday morning, Aug. 27, 17(;4. My daugh- ter Lucretia was born on Friday, July 25, 17G6. My son Samuel > was born on Monday, April 4, 17(58. My son Richard was born > Friday afternoon. May «, 1770. My son Benjamin was born Friday \ afternoon, Sept. 11, 1772. My daughter Molly was born Friday ; afternoon, Apr. 27, 1775. My son Richard died Jan. 13, 1775. ]My ; son Benjamin died Sept. 3, 1778. My son Richard 2d was born ^ r [«] 'f I- <> 4. ' Friday afternoon, Jan. 22, 1779. My son Richard 2(1 died Aug. 6, < 1780. My daughter Sarah was born on Frida}' noon, April 5, 1781. > i My daughter Lucretia, wife of Thomas Waldron, died on Wednesday I i- afternoon Feb. 22, 1786. My daughter Lucretia 2d was born Fri- ^ 4. day noon, July 14, 1780. My son Samuel departed this life Dec. 8, >■ 1813. Departed this life Josiah Gladding, Sept. 5, 1804. (This was Josiah No. 2, fifth generation.) This John number 5 was a famous boat-builder in his day. His boat-shop was on the same lot with his dwelling, which was about half-way between Hope and High on the south side of Constitution St., Bristol. To facilitate the moving his boats to the water he had a carriage arrangement, with rollei'S, that he moved the boats on from the shop to the water. In those days it was not wicked to take a little rum occasionally. With two jugsful of 'Mhe critter," in a cool corner, he had no trouble in getting an abundance of help to drag or I'oU his boats to the watei'. You may lie sure it was with a ' very lively interest I listened to all the stories my father had to tell about this noted grand-father and his boat-shop. At that time all the boats that I had ever seen were those hauled by horses on the "•raging canal" — the Erie and Chenange. The boats from this shop gained great notoriety for speed as sailers. My father said it was seldom he was beaten, but more than once had he beaten his own record. Fortunately in those days the wealth of this land of great resources was in the hands of the mil- lions. Millionaires were unknown : consequently the racing yacht of today would then have been a superfluous affair, while the boats our ancestor builded were more for business than pleasure. Grandmother Lucretia reached her 70th year ere she was called to lay aside her work in this stage of her mortal existence, and was lain away May 5, 1813. Her worthy consort followed her Sept. 25, 1820. Their remains still rest in the same grounds with their fathers. The time is coming when they will live again, with all the rest of Adam's race, and in the ages to come will receive the blessing promised through Abraham to all the tribes of the earth. ^■^-^^-^^•#--^«£ ¥ ^1 notmBiiiiitii M n^pHHn g -John was also born in Bristol, November U), 1762. Married Rachel Tolbee, Jan. 11, 1784. Their chil- dren : "•JMy son John was l)orn Oct. 23, 1784, Snn- day. My son Eldward T. was born Dec. 22. 1787, P'riday. My danghter Lydia was born Jan. 17, 17"JU, Sunday. My son Benjamin was born Feb. 9, 1792, Thursday. My daughter Hannah was born Aug. (!, 1794, Wednesday. My son Samuel was born Apr. IG, 1797, Sunday. JMy daughter Rachel was born Oct. 21, 1800, Thursday. My son Stephen was born Feb. 21, 1803, Thursday. My sou James N. was born Oct. 4, 1807, Sunday." This John and Riichel were my grandparents. Benjamin was m3- own father. John owned and occu[)ied an estate on Union St., a little east of High. Several of their children were born there. This property he exchanged with Stephen Gladding for the three-cornered lot (and a dwelling) bounded by High, Walley and Water Sts., also the windmill and shore lot. The house and a portion of the land are still held by the widou* of his youngest child, James N. Glad- ding. He was for nnany yenrs dejnitv-sheriff of Bristol county. I have heard my father s.-iy if he would he could have been sheriff of Bristol county, but he would not ;iccept for fear he might have to hang some poor wretch. He was a man who loved justice, equality and righteousness. 1 hnve always heard his name mentioned as that of a man highly spoken of and one beloved b}' all who knew him. The days of his pilgrim :ige were less than any of the foregoing : he departed this life in his 59th year, Oct. 20, 1821, in the triumphs of faith. His wife survived him nearly 28 years, dying Sept. 1849, aged 85. They were buried in the grounds east of the Connnon and near where the other five Johns were. They may have part in the first resurrection, l)ut we are sure they will come again from the land of the slain. '-If a man die, shall he live ;igain? All the days of my appointed time will I wait, till my change come. Thou shall t!all, and I will answer thee : thou wilt have a desire to the work of thine hands." e wl -4--«--i'-*--i-«"4--i ocg^- o w fD O o H P ft) 115 P I 'H'li'l^iggj 1*!' :i:| «■■!; If^illiiifi'' m < I .£^^ < ,^S rn o.i |. SnSi^^^& J'^'^^ ^l^o ^'^^^ born at Bristol, R. I., — Oct. 23, | 1784. May 1, 1808 he was united in marriage with Miss Nancy, daughter of James and Patt}' Cogges- hall. The Coggeshall home and farm is in the east part of the town of Bristol, at the Narrows, on Mt. Hope bay. He was quite clever at rhyming : so much so that in many of his letters, both business and famil}', he would very pleasantly convey | his thoughts and wishes all in rhyme. I remember a letter he wrote to my father, near fifty years since. This letter was an invitation to my parents to come and spend thanksgiving with them. This letter was so nicely written in verse, and so well fitted for the occasion I regret its loss ver}- much. (Most of _my father's papers were lost in the Troy fire in 1802.) . T^je Qnly' "inat^er in verse 1 have from his pen is the follovviDg-fapiil^v record of^hite children, in rhyme. If my memory serves me this does not do him justice. I regret that it is all that I have from the ITi^hrd ^f tlije. ijncle that I loved and knew in my childhood. ";\^ - • " "' Three dau^^hters and two sons I have : My daiiing John and James, Martha T. and Anstress T. and Eaohel are their names. A record now I'll try to make. With Martha I'll beo:ni : The fourth of August she was born In eighteen hundred ten. In eighteen hundred and eleven. On Monday afternoon, In November, — twenty-fifth, — When Anstress T. was born. i i My son was born ; I called him James j His Ma would have it so. y i ^ In eighteen hundred ten and three, | November twelfth I know, > X v- V -*--*►-»--»■ V -*■ A a --^^•^-^ -it, W" [50] I In oiijhtepii hiiiKlrcd ten and nine ' i Another dangliter came — <> I September seventh, afternoon — '^ i And Eacliel is her name. > In eighteen hundred twent^'-two My second son was born ; April tvvent3'-eight it was, And he is named John. JOHN GLADDING. Pharsalia, April 15th, 1836. [Copied from the original.] This 7th John was educated in the common schools of Bristol, and was apprenticed to the rope-making trade with Major Howland, whose walk was on the Bristol Common. This John was the first of the seven to leave Bristol, as several families from Bristol had located in 8henango county, N. Y., and the glowing stories they told of their goodly- land induced him and his brother Benjamin to remove thither. They arranged with one Mr. Bosworth, of Shenang, a former resident of Bristol, to come down with his team and move them to what they then called ^'u\) country." About 1816, quite late in the fall, so late that ice was making in the rivers — and few were the bridges on large rivers in those days — they had much difficulty in crossing the Hudson, as the ferry-boat had hard work in the ice. I think this journey was in December, with big box, little box, band-box and bundle and their little ones, with themselves, stowed nicely away into Mr. Bosworth's two-horse wagon, read}' for the move to their new home in the woods. This little band of emigrants numbered the same as those saved from the flood in Noah's ark. Two brothers married to sisters. John and Nancy had three little ones, and Benjamin and Mahitable had one. The children of these families were double cousins but their whole number makes eight souls in all for this long journey. I think the}' were two weeks on the road. > I would that I knew more of this long and noted journey since mj' own dear mother and father, and the first-born of our family, * m '•i: [51] made three of the number, on the journey of about three hundred miles, whieh was then attended with more hardships than a thousand would be toda}-. They passed over new and poorly made roads, and the latter part, no roads at all. Here they had to pick their way through unbroken forest by means of biased trees, where the bear, the wolf and panther still claimed a right, and made it unpleasant for travelers by night. John the 7th would not be called a conservative, as he was an aggressive character, a man of the people and for the people : an active abolitionist ; always on the side of the oppressed ; a lover of equality ; a leading spirit among the Wesleyan Methodists ; a kind father and valuable neighbor. Soon after he located in Shenang he established the cordage business in the town of Pharsalia which has been in successful operation from that day to the present, first by himself, then by his children, and now by his grand- and great-grandchildren. His death was hastened by an accident : he slipped on ice and fell near his own door, but was so badly hurt that he died in a few days — on Jan. 1, 1839, near the 46th year of his age. The following is quoted as a reflex of the reforming and demo- cratic spirit of the 7th John : THE NEW CRUSADE. When shall we leani, and at wliat fearful cost Of conflict fierce and suftering intense. The truth that one of old — A savage counted, with finer sense. The sense of Justice to the nations lost, — Bold thundered forth in stern, rude eloquence: "The land cannot be soldi" If not the land, not what the land enfolds! Alas! until grown arrogant and strong Through spoil of our estate. Have we submitted to the hoary wrong. All wealth the land, the sea, the mountain liolds. Eartli's hidden treasures, unto all belongs : Not to a syndicate! t I came in the mornin■ ^ are familiar to Providence residents and many beside. My grandfather Nathaniel Gladding had three brothers and one sister of whom I knew nothing. My great-grandfather, Samuel Gladding, had eight children : five sons and three daughters. My great-great-grandfather, John Gladding, had seven children : five sons and two daughters. My great-great-great-grandfather, John Gladding, had four children : two sons and two daughters, my great- great-great-great-grandfather, John Gladding, being the original John of England. All of my paternal ancestry except the original John and my father, were born in Rhode Island, presumably all in Bristol. There has never been to my knowledge any positive proof of where the original John came from to this countrv, nor is there anv knowl- edge of his ancestry ; if there is I should be very glad to be informed. Had I been present at the reunion I might have known this and much more : which is my misfortune. I suggest that no more than a dec- ade pass before another reunion of the Gladding family be held, at which I hope I and mine ma}- be spared to attend. Again express- ing regrets, I am, sii'. Very truly yours, CHAS. FRED'K GLADDING. Edenburg, (Knox P. O..) Clarion Co., Penn'a, Aug. 19, 18'J0. H. C. Gladding, Providence, R. I. : Dear Sir. — Through the kindness of some of my relations in Ohio I am in receipt of ''Circular No. 2. — Reunion of the Gladding Family." Being particularly interested in this genealogical line of work, I am very much pleased to know that such an organization has been accomplished. ' The Ohio branch of this family have been holding their annual > 1 reunions for quite a number of years, affording a great deal of satis- | < faction and pleasure to us all. | < I deem it proper to say, on this occasion especially, that I am > proud of my lineage ; and among all of the Gladding family whom I i^aa; .^-«-^*^-*- u [59] have met during my travels, there were noticeable certain character- istics which I doubt not prevail throughout the whole line. These are, a genial, social disposition, rather given to mirthfulness. Their hospitality is noticeable beyond that of the average people, also the close family friendship existing among them, while honesty, sobriety and industry have without an exception been the most clearly marked of all. During eight years' residence in California I had the pleasure of meeting a good many of this family, and among these were Allen I. Gladding and family. I found him to be one of those nire ones who are possessed of nearly all commendable traits of character, and ever ready to assist those in need. One of his sayings, illustrative of his character, was that he "would never turn his back upon a Rhode Island man so long as he did what was right." Tiiis man no doubt many of you were personally acquainted with, and nearly all have a knowledge of him through his untiring efforts in the comple- tion of the Gladding Genealogical Chart to that time, for which I think all of us feel grateful to him ; and I hope through this organiz- ation an effort will be made to continue this line of work. "Would that he had lived to be among you at this meeting. Few, if any, would enjoy it more. From him I procured a number of the charts which I distributed among the male members of the family in Ohio, who prize them as rare treasures. I regret indeed that I cannot be one of your number on this occasion. Hoping that I may be permitted to be present at some future one, I am Yours very respectfully, F. G. SACKET, Grandson of *John Gladding of the 6th generation, family number 22, and son of Sally Gladding of the 7th generation, family number 50. *This John Gladdiii;; on the new chart is number 18, family 2. of the Gth "erieration. Boston, Mass., Aug. If., 1890. II. C. Gladding Esq., 9 Iloppin St., Providence, R. I. : Dear Sir, — I am in receipt of your invitations to the Gladding irr reunion. I shall be unable to attend I find on account of business t engagements. > My father was Geo. W. Gladding, of Albany, N. Y., deceased twenty years ago. I am very sorry that I cannot attend the gathering as I should be pleased to meet the family. Yours resp'ly, E. J. GLADDING, 231 W. Canton St., Boston. New York, Aug. 18th, 1890. Uncle H. C. Gladding and Committee of Arrangements: Gentlemen^ — 1 have read the circulars issued by your committee calling together the descendants of John Gladding, with great pleas- ure. It is to be hoped that the coming 250th birth-year will be cele- brated in a manner worthy of one who assisted in founding the town of Bristol. I am proud of the honor to be able, as the grandson of the late Benjamin Gladding of Bristol, R. I., to wish your committee success, and all others interested in the organization of a society for the purpose of perpetuating the family name of our illustrious ances- tors. My early recollections of Bristol are very pleasant. I know of nothing which would afford me more pleasure than to meet once more the many kind friends and relatives whom I have not seen since a mere lad. But m3' business engagements pievent my being with you at this time. Wishing you all a pleasant and happy reunion, I close with my love to all my relations in general. I am yours respectfully, H. T. COATES. H. T. Coates & Co., Cotton J2xchange Building. St. James' Rectory, AVoonsocket, R. I. F. F. Gladding Esq. : Dear Sir, — Please accept the regrets of myself and wife at being unable to attend the reunion of the Gladding family, into i [61] which I was so fortunate as to marry. A funeral at which I must officiate will necessarily detain us at home. With best wishes for the occasion, I am Yours faithfully, WM. SHEAFE CHASE. Corning, Adams County, Iowa, Aug. 18th, 1890. D. W. Gladding and others. Committee: Your invitation (Circular No. 2,) to attend the 250th anniver- sary of the birth-year of John Gladding, has been received, through my father, Nathan P. Cole of Warren, R. I., whose mother, Sarah (called Salley) Gladding, was a direct descendant of him whose an- niversary you celebrate. I regret very much that I cannot be present, as nothing would give me more pleasure, and a distance of 1500 miles is the only ex- cuse I will offer. No one in your assembly probably has a greater love of genealogical research and family history than the writer, and as the years pass by and with them come the lessons of experience and formation of new acquaintances and new associations, one be- comes more and more attached to the old landmarks and the old friends of youthful days. Of course I cannot remember very far back into the Gladding family, but I well remember, when visiting my *grandmother, of hearing her speak of her ancestors, whom I also learned to revere and love. May your celebration and banquet be a success ; and may you all, from an eminence of two hundred and fifty years, look back in memory and history and find food for refiection which will enable us all to cherish the memory of those who have gone before, and in- crease our love for those things which abide, and not the fleeting, transient conditions of this nineteenth century. May God grant that the reunion may inspire us all to nobler and better lives, and to emulate the good in those who have gone before. Fraternally, I CHAS. T. COLE. •( *See chart in Appendix for this <^randraother, Sarah Gladding-Cole, 6th ^^eueration, famil}' 1, number 10. [r,2] [Telesrain.] Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 27th, 1890. To Gladdiug Reunion Coiriniittee : Thoroughl}' regretting urgent business engagements prevent my attending, aeeept congratulations. CHAS. A. GLADDI^'G. No. 44 Millon Ave., Hyde Park, Mass., Aug. 25, 1890. Mr. H. C. Gladding, Prov., R. I. : My Dear Sir, — Our little family circle (myself, wife and two boys,) have talked a good deal about the reunion of the Gladding family, and reckoned much on attending the same, and I can say it is with deep regret that I am obliged, at this late hour, to notify you that unforeseen circumstances will prevent our attendance. I had feared we might not be able to attend, and hence had not sent for tickets, and j'et had hoped affairs would so shape that we could come. But let me assure you that we do not and shall not forget the da}' or the Name I "We shall ever take pride in the name Gladding, so long, so well and so favorablv known in and al)out Providence, and now branching out in various directions through the land. We are proud that we may be numbered as one of the smaller branches of this large and flourishing family tree ; and we are perpetuating the name in our family circle through our oldest son, Henry Gladding. Though separated fioni you by necessity, and not l)y choice, on the day of the reunion, rest assured we shall be much with you in thought, and that our petitions will go up for the benediction of heaven ui)on the Gladding family, in all its branches. May you, one and all, have a glad day and a glad future, full of hope and the fru- ition of heaven's best gifts. With kindly family regards. Yours, W. H. FISH, husl)and of Annie A., daughter of the late Thomas C. Gladding. P. S. Will you kindly send us whatever reports are published of the reunion? also, genealogical table of the family, if one is made up? for which I will pa^'. We have two boys, Henry Gladding, born January 20, 1877, and Edwin Knight, born Nov. 22d, 1882. W. H. F. 't [63] < 195 Main St., Memphis, Tenn., April 1(3, 1890. ' My Dear Sir, — I am in receipt of your circular proposing a reunion of the Gladding family, etc., and while it may be impossible for me ] to be present at the gathering, yet I wish to sa}' that the plan meets with my hearty approval, and I trust it will be a most successful and pleasant meeting in every way. My father was the late John H. Gladding, son of Geo. W. Gladding and Rebecca M. Gladding, who lived for many years cor- ner of Prospect and Gushing Sts., Providence. I left Providence first in 1874, returning in 1883 for a residence of a little over two years, and since January 188G have been con- nected with a large Indianapolis concern but having my headquarters in this city. My mother, Mrs. Lydia M. Gladding, is now living in this city ; also ni}- brothers Geo. W. and James W., with their wives. Another l)rother, Benjamin Munroe Hill Gladding, resides in ISan Francisco, and would no doubt be pleased to I'eceive one of your circulars. His address is Care Auditor's Department, Southern Pacific Railway Co. Myself and other members of our family here would be pleased to receive full information in regaid to whatever arrangements you decide upon in regard to the reunion, as possibly some of us may be able to be present. Awaiting your favors, I remain Yours truly, NELSON A. GLADDING. To H. C. Gladding Esq., 9 Floppin St., Providence, R. I. P. S. Please advise if you can what the wording is on the scroll at bottom of coat of arms, and greatly oblige ; also the general significance of the desi 4 * i To her children, her faithfulness and loving patience will always be i a sweet and precious possession. * At the age of twenty-three he sold his house and interest in the rope business and bought, for $4, 500, the Joseph Williams farm of one hundred acres, situated one mile from Walerville on "Paris Hill" and Utica road. He built a new house, and in the fall of 188H moved to his farm, where he lived fourteen years. Besides carrying on the farm he took many large building contracts, among which the most important was the building of seven different plank roads, one hundred miles in total length. These were busy years for Benjamin, now in the prime of his remarkable strength and activity. At this time he received an urgent and flattering call from Messrs. F. & S. Pratt & Co. of Petersburg, Va., to build a plank road from Peters- burg to Bo3'dton, a distance of ninety miles, at a cost of about $150,000. After consultation with his business friends Samuel Goodwin and Samuel Medluiry, and after a visit to Virginia in com- pany with the latter, he accepted the contract, sold his farm, and despatched a large caravan of new wagons and the finest horses, loaded with tools, fuiniture, provisions, &c., on a long overland journey to the distant south, while he, in company with his family and thirty to forty carpenters, blacksmiths and bridge builders took a steamer from New York to Norfolk and up the James river to his destination. The caravan arrived a few days later. In three years the whole road was completed and paid for. Soon after completing this road he assumed a contract for a second road, which occupied two years longer. During most of this time three of his brothers and one brother- in-law were with him. Within these five years he buried one of his children, one sister, one sister-in-law and several of his workmen, and was himself brought to death's door by a severe attack of yellow fever. These were years of extraordinary trials and difficulties ; but these were all successfully met and borne down by the tremendous energy and pluck of an extraordinary man. > On his return to the north he located at Troy, N. Y. Here he \ carried on an extensive grocery and provision business for three years, and then liuilt a large livery stable and carried on the livery i business until the great fire of 1862, which burned out both home >, and stable. With characteristic energy he at once began rebuilding _^^ > •^-♦■-♦^-s- ^r [69] ■:{ t '' and had the first roof on in the burned district. In a short time he >. sold out this business and moved to Providence, R, I., where he y assumed a contract with a compan}- making gun-locks. After the | close of the war he continued the manufacturing business for several | years, occasionally taking a contract, such as excavating the filter ; basin of the pumping station of the Providence city water-works : ' building a part of the branch road for the Providence and Fishkill company from River Point to Phenix. R. I., and several works of i similar character. In 1883 he retired from active work and is enjoy- ing a well earned rest in a quiet countr}^ home at Gill, Mass. , Beniamin F. Gladding's most striking characteristics have been a tireless and driving energy ; a great capacit}- for handling large bodies of men, and a most remarkable physical development. In his prime he presented an iron frame, six feet in height and weighing two hundred pounds.* It has always been his motto to "Wear out, not rust out," and unable to keep quiet he has for some years and until very recently carried the daily mail, in all weathers, between Gill and Greenfield, a round distance of fourteen miles, and cele- brated his eightieth year this last winter by starting from Springfield at 6.30 in the morning, with the thermometer twenty degrees below zero, and riding in an open sleigh to Greenfield, a distance of thirty- nine miles, reaching there at 3.30 in the afternoon, taking on a heavy load of grain and continuing his journe}' over the hills seven miles further to his home. He is still a man of great strength and endurance and is good for many years more of active life. He had four sons and two daughters. William died in infancy in Virginia. Charles H. died at the age of ten and John H. at the age of twenty- nine, in Providence. In little Charlie he lost a generous and warm- hearted boy whom all loved and mourned. In John he lost a son at the opening of a most promising manhood, a noble christian char- acter, whose strength and marked fidelity would have made a man of exceptional usefulness and influence had his life been spared. Thomas Stantial, Elizabeth and Lucy survive. I *A little incident that happened in Benjamin's younjjer days we Avill re- > <' late, to show his fjreat strength. A meeting-house was being built in the y I village. In those days heavy timber was used for large frames, in lieu of ^ * the numerous smaller timbers of the present time. Some long sticks had >■ <> been hauled and lay in the street near the building site. The position of one long timber was such as to tempt the part\- present to contest their fANi > ^ [-0] T ^ strenjrtli in a liftiiij;: match. It was found that scarce any couhl lift the one > i end of the ]on<; timber. One heavily built and fleshy n)an just laised the I stick from its bearing. Now all wanted Benjamin to try ; but he was not i suie he could lift the gieat weight but would try it the big two or three * , hundred pounder who had just litYed woidd sit on the end he was to lift. The timber hung out a long way from the i)earing. with the lat gentleman on it near the end. As Samson, when all things were ready, bowed him- self and laid hold of the pillars of the Philistine temple and wrenched them from their fountlation. so lienjamin raised the little stick, man and all. and up they went about six inches. Like the Philistine temi)le down they came, but not with death and sorrow, for this incident caused great merriment to all present. The fall of tlie long timl)er produced so violent vibrations in the man's seat on the timber as to nearly shake the teeth from his jaws. — H. C. G. ^i PRISONERS. I The Gladdings have never shown any great aspirations for mili- tary glory. Captain Nathaniel Gladding, of the fifth generation, was probably the only commisisioned officer among our ancestors during the wars of 1776 or 1812. We are sure some got into 2)>'iso7i ! , The Britons made a laid on the old ancestral town of Bristol during the revolution, tind gathered up all the males the}' could catch, but most of them were elderly people, and with little respect to their person hurried them off to Newport, and placed them in cramped quarters on a prison ship. Among the rest were old Mr. John Gladding and his cousin William Gladding : also Governor Bradford, who did not well enjoy this manner of life. He asked Mr. William Gladding "When do you think we will be released from this horrible place?" Mr. Gladding characteristically remarked "Well, I cannot say ; but I hope, not soon." With surprise the governor asked ''Why do you say so?" The old gentleman replied, "■For man}' years I have desired to see a condition of things where each had an equal share, and all fared alike; and here we have it: the honorable and the humble, the rich and the poor, and all fare and share alike." | J BRISTOL. By JULIA THRESHER GLADDING. O where can be found a prettier spot. Roam thfonijh this wide world as we may, Than Bristol, Rhode Island, which stands on the shore Of the beautiful Narragansett Bay? The home of our forefiithers long ago, The home of their descendants today : 'Though some in other hinds made a home, Others remained in the town on the bay. In the eighth generation I am found ; We were brothers and sisters a dozen. And as through the town I take my way I find I number many a cousin. And in the good old days when we were young- Many merry times together had we In searching the woods for berries and flowers. Or listening in wonder to the sound of the sea. For in the summer time we oft were found Gathering shells and stones, with children a score, Or playing around the old mill which stood On the bank near our home by the shore. Long years it had stood when I was a child, And my father played there when a boy. Or watched with delight his father grind corn- In after years remembered with joy. Many fond stories by father were told us Of his boyhood days around the old mill. As we clustered around him beg;ging for stories : — Though years have passed we remember them still, — One in particular I think of now : It happened one day that a little brother In his boyhood sport climbed on to the vane, All unbeknown to iiis father or mother. And thought it no danger— this little boy— But thought it was rare spoit until he found That he could in no way again get down. For the vanes by the wind were moving around. He did not relish this kind of a ride : First down near the ground, then up in the sky ! But fast he clung with little hands and feet Till his father heard his poor frightened cry. He saw him coming: toward him with speed. And his poor little heart bounded with joy; His father, dear father, was coming now! He knew he was coming to rescue his boy. :Xv--v-,r--»--,*--.r-v- [72] ^ Once safe on the ground he was orlad to remain ' ^, And never a^^ain cared for a ride on the vane. > *' Many recollections have I about the old rail! : t <> The old mill which stood near mv home bv the shore; > j' And in fancv I plav. airain 'neath its shade. [ With dear ones <,rone to return never more. I One day at last it was found on tire; And soon, very soon, it was burned to the i> our Sovereign Lord. King Charles the Second over England &c.'' > <. It is not the purpose of this article to prove ownership in land, > I at the early settlement of the town. We will state the fact that the > son of this landed proprietor, Timothy Ingraham. who was born in m [73] i Boston, came immediately after the purchase, to Bristol and made it I his home. He brought with him his bride only nineteen 3'ears of age, ,y 1 and here were born their six sons and one daughter. Timothy owned | t and occupied a house on the southwest corner of Hope and Consti- ^ ■* tution streets, and it is interesting to note that two of his descend- ■> ants of the sixth generation, one of whom is the writer of this article, own and occupy a house on the same site. Here was born on the first of July, 1705, Joshua Ingraham. j That Joshua took an interest and was active in town affairs is evident from the fact that, although somewhat advanced in years, he was elected in town-meeting, February 10th, 1774, as one of a com- mittee to draw up a series of resolutions giving expression to the sentiment of the town regarding the Boston Tea Party. He was twice married and the father of sixteen children. I . One square west, below his father's house, or, in the coloquial phrase of the town, "at the foot of Constitution St.," Joshua In- graham, in 1745, built the house, the subject of this sketch. In the garret, upon one of the beams, painted with black paint may be seen his initials: ''•J. I. 1747." For those early days it was a goodly habitation, indicating prosperit}' and refinement. It fronted upon the principal street, — Thames street. Every day, through summer's heat and winter's cold, the old stage-coach, coming into town from Providence, would roll on in its lumbering way, down Thames street to Burton, where it would turn, and going northward, would pass along Hope street. The house was spacious, two stories in height, with a good cellar and an attic. A fine, large garden, well kept, furnished the continually increasing family with vegetables. The door-way witli its somewhat peculiar ornamentation is suggestive of the colonial style of architecture, as also are the diminutive window- panes. The balustrade of the stair-way and the high quaint mantel- pieces overtopping the broad fireplaces bespeak the same early pe- riod. The southern and western windows have a fine outlook upon the Bay. The place must have indeed been regarded as beautiful for ! situation. To this house Joshua took his first wife and at least eight I i of his children. In this house his wife died ; and to this house he ^ \ took his second bride, Mary Richmond. She became the mother of [ ^ five children, of whom Charlotte, born July ■2d, 1767, is the most j ^ closely connected with this sketch. ^ ^ In 1775 Bristol was bombarded by the British fleet. The story ' of the bombardment has been so often told it needs not to be re- peated here. The inmates of this house, in common with the other frightened inhabitants of the town, rushed towards the remote farm- < i i <• < houses for shelter, leaving their houses unprotected. On their return i> the house was found to have been ransacked by some soldiers from the fleet. They had feasted upon all that the pantry contained, had stuck their sabres into the panels of the doors, and one door which they evidently had taken from its hinges apd used as a table, bore the marks of a three-legged kettle, which they had taken from the crane in the fire-place and, all hot as it was, had deposited upon this impromptu table. For many years these marks were shown as me- mentoes of the unceremonious visit of the British soldiers. j At an early age Charlotte Ingraham married Samuel Gladding I and became the mother of ten children. Samuel was a prosperous sea-captain and made voyages to the West Indies and to English ports. On the death of his father-in-law, Joshua Ingraham, by pur- chase from the otlier heirs Capt. Gladding became owner of the homestead, and for more than half a century it has been known as the "old Gladding house." One must needs draw upon the imagin- ation to picture the estate as it appeared prior to 1815 : — a spacious vegetable garden on the south ; abundant accommodations for the keeping of cows, pigs and poultry, which were a part of the possess- ions of every prosperous familj- in those early days ; a well built wharf reaching far out beyond the high-tide mark, u[)on which stood an extensive storehouse. To this wharf Capt. Gladding would bring his vessel and unload his valuable cargoes. His voyages were always prosperous and he became a rich man, as wealth was then reckoned. Capt. Samuel Gladding was a man who commanded the respect of all Avho knew hiin. He was a good citizen, upright and conscientious. His occupation seems not to have hardened him, as it is so often said to do, for he is remembered as a man of great kindness and generosity, and of verj' strong affections — especially towards his brother John, who seems to have been a special favorite. In his own family circle, he was an affectionate husband and a fond, indulgent father. The writer has now in her possession a china tea- set and several pieces of Moorish Lustre which he brought home, on t one of his voyages, to his daughter Eunice, as a wedding gift. He I lived to see three of this daughter's children ; the third one, bearing > its mother's name, he regarded as his special pet, — the youngling of > > A H CI o ' cc r+ -—1 r^ o c 5i D o' 00 C/3 CO ■-! *■ Peace. w x^ -.--*--»--< [76] The old house continued, for man}' j'ears, to he occupied by their descendants. Later, it passed into the hands of strangers and l)ecame a tenement house. Its glor}' has departed and no one would recognize in its decaying walls the fair, colonial house of those prc- revolutionary days. The descendants of those early occupants are numerous and fill places of honor and responsibility. That so many of them are residents of Bristol indicates that love of home is still one of their strong traits of character, as it is a part of their inheritance. ANNA B. MANCHESTER. > > m fat' <> <' I m.. -S--^-*">-^^-<^-^-^ -^-V-^-*--;^^!— ^-^ ><-£; THE UNHEWN STONE MONUMENT. r I Uncle H. was not Bristol born but made Bristol his home just ^ I before reaching his majority. On a pleasant Sunday afternoon in ^ ^ the fall of 1847 our uncle Samuel S|)ark (uncle by marriage, his > \ wife being the youngest daughter of John Gladding the 6th), invited <^ [ us to go with him to the Bristol Common and the East Burial I Grounds. Uncle Spark was a dear good uncle. I always cherish his memory with love and respect. He was by nature a jurist, and might well have been called the town's oracle. He wns one of those ob- serving men that retained all the salient points of all he ever saw or handled. His object in taking me to the city of the dead was to in- struct me in matters concerning my ancestors. The early settlers buried their dead first on the Common, and later in the East Burial Grounds. i Now says uncle here repose the remains of half a score through i whom you can trace your ancestiy to the first settlers and founders of Bristol. And we have within the sound of our voice six paternal j grandfathers in true succession. The three first were buried some- [ where on the Common. The fourth was buried in the south east corner. These four had notliing to mark their resting place. The fifth and sixth were in the East Burial Grounds, and have proper stones to mark their resting place. Uncle cited other matters not directly connected with this subject. This monument might well be called the Monument of the Seven Johns, from these peculiar circumstances : The first-born to the Gladding family in America, for six generations in succession, was a son, and all named John, after their father, John the settler. I claim the first six as grand-parents, the seventh my father's brother. This one was buried at his adopted home, Pharsalia, Chenango Co., N. Y. Is not the foregoing sufficient reason for a strong desire that some monumental token of love and respect should be erected to their memory? Another incident I will mention here though it will be illustrated j and more fully brought out in another place. Uncle pointed out a ^ t common stone of the field with this inscription : 1G96. Mr. R. Smith. ^ f You will see, by the inscription on the monument, the third John > Gladding married Martha, daughter of Richard Smith. Through \ this Smith family we trace our genealogy direct to a first settler and founder of Bristol. This stone, with others, was removed from the 4 k. [78] Coinmou to the new grounds. The coninion stone, wiih its simple ^ inscription, is now highly prized by liis numerous descendants. This < stone perhaps was the father of the thought of an unhewn stone <> monument. <> > ' Your uncle II. is one of the present day, ever growing, impecu- nious class. Nevertheless, greatly desiring some move in this matter, and being an all around man, or Jack-at-all-trades, and feeling con- fident he could cut the inscription for the seven Johns, decided to start the matter. Last fall when I was out on my nephews' farm a granite boulder was selected to fill the place of a die for the monument and shipped to ray place. I shall ere long finish the lettering, and trust the whole matter will be completed this season. I have made this picture as a supplement to this article. It is only a pen-sketch, or relief plat, through the photo-process, still it is a correct picture, and the monument will be verj' much like it. INSCRIPTION. Erected in memorv of John Gladding, who was one of the founders of Bristol town. Also for the first-born of his descendants in direct line to the 7th generation. 1 John Gladding, the settler, died 1726, aged 84. 2 John Gladding, married Alice, daughter of Uzell Wardell. 3 John Gladding, born 169-t, married Martha, daughter of R. Smith. 4 John Gladdidg, born 1717. Married Mary Drown, first wife; 2d, Hannah Short. Died 1785. 5 John Gladding, born 1731>. Married Lucretia Smith. Died 1820. 6 John Gladding, born 1762, married Rachel Tolbee. Died 1821. 7 John Gladding, born 1784, married Nancy Coggeshall. Died 1839. Then- names with us can never perisli. For kindlv thouirhts of them we cherish. m -.*— i--i--s--«--t- ■*'-;'-*►-»•-*'-; — *--*■ ^ ^^ . ♦rn >^ mEI Jt ^^^ V ■«-* V ..^ i m William Jamks Gladding. Jud'^e William Gladding. William Gladding. William .1. Gladding. Judge William J. Gladding, at one time depnt}- United States marshal, under Daniel Lake, and later under Alexander Walker, died at his home on P:iist Twenty-first street, Sheepshead Bay, in the morning of February 26, 1895, in the 53(1 year of his age. Death was due to pneumonia. He was in usual health a week prior to his death. A widow, one son — William, ai)Out 20, — and two dauohters, — Mrs. Fred Lundy and Mrs. Weaker Lundy— survive him. Mr. Gladding had been a frequent contributor to the press, both as a writer and as an artist ; — his productions in the latter line often being seen in the comic periodicals. He was a regular contributor to the Kings County Journal. ♦-*"»- A QUARTERNARY OF "WILLIAMS". Tliis cliiipter is devoted to a bi-ancli of the Gladdiii.o- fainil}- which ha> been generous in the nse of tlie Chi'istian name William. Brief Sketches of Foui- members npon whom it has been bestowed. Witli I'oitraits. Written by .TuDGE William J. Gladding, of Sheepshead Bay, X. V. That tiie Chrislian name Williani has been a favorite with the nomenclalors of that branch of the Ghidding family to which Provi- dence has assigned me an hnml)ie place, is obvious from the fact that itiy grandfather, father, self, a nephew and a grandson have each in turn had bestowed upon us this more or less euphonious cognomen. Whether the English origin of the family, coupled with the fact of the name having l)een boine 1)y several of Great Britain's kings, beginning with Williani the First, commonly called William the Con- qneror, has i)rompted the liberal use of it among us, or whether it is because of the circumstance of its having predominated extensively as a prefix to the surnames of many who have played important parts in the world's history 1 know not, l)ut I do know that in our immediate family at least William has been perpetuated ; he has not been shelved long enough to permit of his growing rusty. He bobs up serenely and perennially and i.s ever in evidence. While writing this chapter, wMiich "Uncle Heni-y" is mainly re- sponsible for, the news has been communicated to me that my daughter Josephine has added a ten pound boy to the treasures of her household, and although the gleam of sunshine which brought with it the youngster has scarce faded into the twilight, the little fellow is already named. When the happy parents present their baby at the baptismal font of the little Methodist church at Sheeps- head Bay, (whose walls have oft resounded the music of his mother's voice) the name which he will there receive and by which he will for- ever after be known, will add another William to the list. God bless him ! The whisper of this name was associated with the earliest recollections of my childhood ; perhaps I fancied it possessed a musical cadence that was' pleasant to the ear because it came- from my mother's lips, and now in the autumn of life, its familiar mention greets me as an old song, that had its beginning in a lullaby and which will end in a requiem. The first of the name with whom my boyish days were associated was my grandfather William Gladding (of the seventh generation) ; X ■*• -^- -*■ -^ -?•-?" -f^ -♦- "^ -^ -^■ -*- -^ -f^ -^ -^ [H2] I he was the son of Josiah (13) and Hannah Gladding and was born I in the 3'ear 1798. P^aily in life he displayed a decided penchant for ^ mechanical pnrsiiits and after receiving a fair education was appren- ^ ticed to a painter at Albany, N. Y., in which city he resided the greater portion of his life. Soon after attaining his majority and marrying Miss Sophia Matilda Cain, who bore him twelve children, he embarked in the business of his choice "on his own account" and laid the foundation for a subsequent prosperous career. Before reaching middle age he enjoyed the distinction of being the most ex- tensive contracting painter in the community in which he lived, em- ploying at times as many as one hundred and fift}' men, in fact almost enjoying a monopoly of the trade of the city and its suburbs. The North River Steamboat Company was among his first patrons. My earliest impressions of art (which has through my life found in nie a sincere devotee) date from the moment when I gazed raptur- ousl}^ upon a decorative piece upon which my grandfather was at work. In all of his efforts the artistic sense was apparent and his taste in harmonizing color in ornamental work was remarkable. Successful in business and an employer of labor to a considerable extent, it was natural that political opportunities should present themselves. His inclination, however, did not run in that direction for, while affiliating with the Whig party and taking such an active interest in politics as all good citizens are supposed to take, he firmly and persistently refused to become a candidate for office. ! My personal remembrance of him recalls an extremely good- natured man, fond of a practical joke and quick to perceive the sali- ent point of a humorous storv. Nature had been generous to him in the bestowal of her gifts both in form and feature. He was of com- pact build, of medium stature and extremely careful of his personal appearance. He seemed ever bubbling over with what appeared to be an effervescence of animal spirits and harmless fun. For a quar- ter of a century he continued to pursue the painting luisiness suc- cessfully until a few years previous to iiis dt'uiise when opposition i developed which was too powerful for him to cope with. Conditions -f t changed with time, and new men and new methods came upon the scene disputing the sni)remacy which he hatl held for so long a pe- | riod. The result was that about the year 1852 my grandfather de- | cided to move to New York City where his son (my father) resided, > leaving a brother Joseph and another brother Horace wlio remained <»■ [83] at Albany and continued the business. His career in the Empire City was brief and uneventful. In 1854 he contracted a cold which sub- > sequently developed into a chronic bronchial affection from the effects > of which be died after a few months illness, in the fifty-sixth year of y his age. His remains were interred in Albany. William James Gladding, the next William in succession, my father, was born at Albany, N. Y., December, 1 < That the future would develop some new enterprise Avas probable, > , nay, almost sure, if health and strength remained. He determined that reverses and disappointment should not effectually crush but rather stimulate renewed effort. His determination was justified, for the year 1876, the centennial year, brought with it the foundation of a business which eventually developed into the most successful venture of his career. The manufacture and sale of his specialty known as "Gladding's Hoof Dressing." together with other standard stable preparations of his manufacture, assumed in a few years a magnitude which entirel}' exceeded his most sanguine expectations. Veterinar}' surgeons recommended his goods and the trade mark which he adopted with its motto '-purest and Ijest" was literallj' as well as descriptively adhered to. Tcxlay his preparations are sold and recommended in almost every state in the Union. The attainment of this success was the result of laborious and well directed effort. The introduction of an}' article in the market, no matter how meritorious it may be, is always attended by numer- ous difficulties, and was particularly so in my father's case, as every dollar of his limited capital had only one source from which to em- anate.— honest toil. Commencing his "new departure" at an advanced age, with in reality as his principal stock in trade an al)undantly ripe experience and a liberal share of determination, during the closing days of his life he reaped the I'eward of his labor, deriving from his business an income which enabled him to enjoy God's temporal blessings to an extent in keeping with his modest tastes, and to bestow with a lavish hand practical help upon man}' whom fortune had frowned upon. He was almost prodigal in his generosity. His charities were dispensed with so liberal a hand that his estate was materially crippled at his decease in consequence thereof. In the heighth of business pros- perity and with every prospect apparently of continuing his useful- ness for many years, on the third day of May, IS'JO, he was stricken > I with apoplexy, and with the passing of the twilight on the day when y ( attacked by the malady, his spirit passed peacefully away. So quiet . indeed was his departure that my sister had approached his couch with gentle step to speak a word in gentlest whisper, and failing to ^t, ^■'-- receive an answer, leaned closer only to receive the sliock and lind that all was over. Requiescat in pace. t ^^^ [85] i Modesty prevents my personal attention to too great an extent [ I to tlie William that followed. He has been with me since my birth 1^ and has never forsaken me. His constancy has been perpetual in t joy and in sorrow, in prosperity and adversity, in sickness and in ' health. When I chance to gaze in my mirror I am confronted with the image of a man whose sparse hair is tinged with silver ; and yet it seems not so long ago when I looked in that same glass and a boy's face with sunny curls met my gaze. The writer is the William now under consideration. I nuist let others speak for me for "■little shall I grace my cause in speaking of myself." The following excerpts prove the magnanimity with which my brethren of the Press have dealt with one who appreciates but feels undeserving of the kind sentiments which have been bestowed upon him with too lavish hand. The Eagle and Brooklyn says: "A comparatively young man who for a number of years has been identified with public affairs at Sheepshead Bay is Justice William J. Gladding. He has lived at Sbeepshead Bay for sixteen years and was born in New York City June 15th, 1843. He began active life in 1861, engaging in the pho- tographic art, and originated the specialty of the making up and selling collections of portraits of celebrities. He remained in this business nine years and then became a partner in the Greenpoint Straw Hat Works, where he remained until 1882. Diu'ing these years Mr. Gladding was a frequent contributor to the public press, both as writer and aitist, his productions in the latter line being often seen in the comic periodicals of the day. After a residence of ten years in the section which is his present home, he became act- ively interested in politics, and when Daniel Lake was appointed United States Marshal for the Eastern District of New York, Mr. Gladding was made Chief Deputy. Upon the death of Marshal Lake and the succession of Alexander Walker to the office, Mr. Gladding continued as Deputy until 1894. In April, 1891, he was elected a Justice of the Peace and took his seat upon the bench at Sheepshead Bay January 1st, 1892. For four years he was treas- 4 urer of the local Fire Department in the community where he resides ^ I and is a member of Fortitude Lodge F. and A. M., also of Franklin > I Lodge I. O. O. F. and Montague Council, of the Home Circle, and for many years has been a regular contributor to the Kings Count}- , Journal." w ;3^' [«'•] Biooklvn Ea^le, Jiinuarv 2, 1.S92 : "On Ne.v Year's dav the Town had a brand new Police Justice inaugurated in the person of William J. Gladdinir. His uniform politeness in his previous official ^ positions has won him golden opinions from all who have come in > contact with him. He is ver}' popular with the people of the district and will no doubt make an excellent justice." Tlie following is taken from the Kings County Journal of June 20, 1894, the date of niy fifty-first birthday: "A Birthday Basket of Roses. A lawn party was given by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lundy at their attractive residence on Voorhees avenue, Sheepshead Bay, last Friday evening in honor of the birthday of Judge Gladding, Mrs. Lundy's father. The affair was quite informal and a complete sur- prise to the Justice. About forty couples participated in the festiv- ities. A number of Japanese lanterns furnished the illumination for the dancers, who "tripped the light fantastic toe" on Nature's green carpet. Gilbert's orchestra furnished the music. Late in the even- ing supper was served on the lawn. A number of ladies were present whose pretty midsummer toilettes vied with the kaleidoscopic effects of the lanterns, the combination producing a charming contrast of color. At the head of the table Mrs. Josephine Lundv, another daughter of Judge Gladding, placed a basket of fifty-one Jaquemet roses, emblematical of the number of years of her father's life. At the urgent solicitation of the guests, the recipient of all these honors made a brief speech, thanking all present for their congratulations and expressed tiie wish tliat many happy years of life would be vouchsafed to tlicm all, and that their pathways should be figuratively strewn with roses as free from thorns as were those beautiful blooms in the basket which graced the head of the table. Then all present sang "For he's a jolly good fellow," and dancing was resumed and continued until midnight. The weather was delightful, a gentle sea breeze rendering dancing enjoyabU'. ;uid thus ended the celebration of the Judge's fifty-first birthday." In connection with the official duties of a Police Justice an admirable op|)ortunity is afforded the incumbent of the office to studv human nature. Many odd incidents occur; in this connec- ' tion the including of some clippings from newspapers which have > chronicled a few which have come under my Jurisdiction may be y > apropos. f New York World. August , 1S94 : "Mrs. Etta Frichte, an * •< attractive bloude, came to the Sheepshead Bay Police Station last .y I night followed by a crowd. Her face and hands were covered with | I blood which flowed from her nose. She told Judge Gladding that her ^ husband had beaten her, and an ofHcer was sent to arrest hiin. At > the police station Frichte declared that he had not struck his wife but said that during an argument he was gesticulating and Mrs. Frichte ran against his fist. She called him a brute and reiterated that he bestowed too much attention npon other ladies. Judge Glad- ding locked the luisl)and up and advised Mrs. Frichte not to live with him if he were cruel. ''Oh, I could not leave him," she sobbed, as she rubbed the blood from her nose over her left eye, presenting the I appearance of an Indian in war-paint. "Judge, he is so handsome and that's why 1 love him so." A few hours later Frichte promised to do better and as the wife refused to press the charge, the husband was discharged." ' New York Herald, Augnst 3 : "Wanted to Wed in a Rush. Loud knocking at the door of Justice Gladding's house at midnight Wednesday awoke the Justice, who poked his head out of a second- story window. The noise was made l)y a young couple who expressed a wild desire to be made man and wife as soon as possible. Justice Gladding informed them that he did not propose to perform any mat- rimonial ceremonies at such a grave3'ard hour, but said he would tie the knot, if everything was favorable, when the sun resumed business in the morning. The couple said they would call again. They did. They were around at five o'clock and the Justice rather than break his word got out of bed and in a suit of pajams united the couple. The bridegroom was William Henry Barker and the bride Miss Laura Yansort. Barker said he was a druggist in hard luck. For the sum- mer he was dispensing liquid beverages at Manhattan Beach. He said he was in a hurry to get married before he went to work for the day. He is good looking and his wife very pretty. Justice Gladding did not kiss the bride ; jjerhaps it was because his cook was acting as witness." Brooklyn Eagle, July 10, 1893 : "Justice Gladding's Missing ^ i Fee. Justice Gladding is often called upon to perform the marriage ' ^ ceremony. He had a peculiar case a few evenings since which he > I thinks beats the record for nerve. A pair called upon him to have > ] the nuptial knot tied. The prospective bride and her friends were soubrettes of the Coney Island type and all Catholics. The Judge w^-,^-^ — -^-^-.►- - ^ -,---- -.»^>::^ r [««] < \ t remonstrated with them and advised tlieni to be married in tiie clinrch. > He considered it the proper thing to do even thongli a marriage by > him was perfecth' legal and l)inding. All of his arguments were of ,( no avail and his eloquence was wasted. Ncjlhing would s:\tis(y the t pair except that the Justice should many them. They complied with every formality and he could not see his way to refusing to perform the ceremony. Wiien it was over he asked the witnesses to subscribe their names to the certificate, and one of them refused to do so. "What is your name?" asked the Judge. "JNlary Casey, sir," replied the damsel. ••^Vell. Mar^", write vour name here," said the Judse paternally, as he pointed to the document. "I'd rather not," said Mary. Finall}', after much persuasion, Mary took the pen in her hand, grasping it with the point projecting below the little linger, and scored an immense cross upon the record. The party then left with- out any further ceremony, and the Justice gently called back the groom. He said to him. "Don't you think, young man, that you have forgotten something? Don't you think that independent of the pecuniar}' part of the transaction, for which 1 care nothing, you ought at least to have thanked me for having performed the cere- mon}'? You might say 3'ou are short of money, or something of the kind." "Oh, dat's all right, Jedge. Just you wait a moment and I'll go outside and git lifty cents otf de gerl." "Never mind, go away and l)uy a bouquet for the bride," replied the Judge wearilj-. And the bridegroom went." I will not trespass upon tlie indulgence of the reader ])y (juoting more of the manifold notices of a similar nature which make up my scrap book and wiiich if printed in one volume would afford an inter- esting insight to the life of a police justice. I desire to place myself on iccoid as apologizing for the crude efforts (previously menti(tned) which in my youth I intlicted U[)on an inoffensive jjublic in the mistaken belief that nature intended me for an artist. I have endeuvoied to make at(Miement liy leliiujuishing the use of the brusli many years ago. Nowadays, wiien I am in- duced by the gentle reminder of my wife that some portion of the interior of our dwelling needs touching up. I I'eluciantiy take it up, ^ but only to use it in connection with "readv mixed paint for house- [ hold use." [ < My uncle Willard was probably the most piominent artisticall\- \ of any of my immediate relatives. His family portraits, heroic A^ «C^i- f [89] .j painting of Wasliington, and other examples of his skill, now in our family, are distinguished for admirable treatment and faithfulness to their originals. It has been remarked more than once that the Albany •' Gladdings were born with paint brushes in their hands. It is a fact, however, that a taste for drawing has developed at an extremely earl}' age with most of my kindred. I am told that I could "draw a horse" almost as soon as I could talk, and that it was not considered neces- sary to append the name of the beast to distinguish it from other creatures belonging to the animal kingdom. The last of the Williams whose memory it is my sad privilege to chronicle in this volume, William George Gladding, (belonging to the tenth generation) was the son of Asa W. and Laura, daughter of A. Connover of New York City. This bright young man whose span of life encompassed but twenty years, bid fair to realize a career rich in golden promise. An apt scholar, his gi'aduation from school at sixteen was rapidly followed by his installation in a clerical position with a firm identified with the Produce exchange of the City of New York. Here he remained until within a few months of his demise. His brief business career was characterized by all the attributes which usually attend the development of a successful man : attentive to his duties, ambitious and possessed of an inherent shrewdness that fore- shadowed thrift, the future seemed for him fidl of encouragement. But the realization never came. An incurable disease developed which at first received ]»ut passing thought, but whose deadly work, like an insidious growth which stealthily entwines itself upon a stately tree onl}' to sap from it its vitality, soon manifested itself with all the terror of its malign destructfulness. A trip to Dakota was determined upon. It was thought that the climate of this section of the far west might restore his health. Alone, handicapped by physi- cal prostration, he felt that tlie effort for life should be made, that it was worth the trial, and while those near and dear to him knew in their aching hearts that the effort was a hopeless one, this brave young man started on his journey. He reached his destination, the ^ trip having been made by slow degrees, only to find that the boon of I health wliich he sought was far beyond tlie power of balmy atmos- ■• pliere or any known earthly power to restore. Then, realizing for the lii'st time perhaps that his case was hopeles, the longing for home came, and mother, and all the dear ones whum he had left behind. In this hour of trial and affection his courage never failed. His pluck was remarkable ; his bravery indeed was phenomenal. He started at once on his return trip with one thought uppermost in his mind, — to reach home to die. His last wish was '-to die with mother." Fate ruled that this should be gratified. A few days after his arrival death ended his suffering, on the 11th of August, 1892, just one day after his twentieth birthday, he having been born August 10, 1872. lu tlie natural order of events, someone, at some future time, will like myself take up the self-imposed task of chronicling brief histories of other Williams in our famil}' as j'et unborn. That time will bring them upon this mundane sphere is as certain as fate. As the tomb closes upon one, the cradle unfolds its protective influence for another. As one in bent form, with whitened locks totters upon his staff towards eternity another in cherub form and dimpled cheeks and feature comes upon the scene. The withered flower is replaced by the fairest bud, and thus William will like the brook "•go on for- ever." That those to follow may be God loving, upright citizens, true to themselves, their country and their creator, is the fervent wish of the writer of this chapter. I i [91] <> <■• <- By the finger of time on the dial, t A hundred years liave been told <> Since our fore-father with faith undaunted Went out from the slieltered home fold. Into the unlinown future, Into the paths untrod Or marred by the fino'er of man : — Fresh from the liand of (iod I O brave were the noble women. And a courao-e born of God Inspired the sturd\' yeoman As he looked on the virgin sod. He knew God had implanted This purpose witliin his breast. To give to his children unborn A home bj' liis labor blest. For them he braved the seas, For them the untried shore. For them he toiled and trusted. And conquered a new world's lore. Snug in its rugged beauty He built of the timber wild. A tiny, leaf-crowned liome-nest. To shelter his wife and child. Then from this sheltered home nest Our father's father went. He answered the spirits calling — 'Twas His bidding: he was sent. Ah ! he was the emancipator. The counselor of the oppressed. God had a work for him to do, — He followed His behest. O, Dear old *-Xorth West Corner", To us the musical sound Is as the ripples of laughing waters By the glorious sunlight crown'd. Here our Grandfather did his life-work, The hero of his day. V -«--«— »--«--»■-»"«-■ •-^-*--^^-^-«^^ -*--*- -^ • > ■ > ■ ► • > i i- i < [92] Never the poor oppressed, forsaken, From his door was turned away. Never the downtrodden Stretched out the pleadhio- hand But he felt the warm clasp of a brother And was oathered into the band. He spoke for the cause of the people; Held the law of God above man's; He heard each cry for help and gave Unto their outstretched hands. And when, the measure of days fultilled, He heard the midnight call. On shoulders worthy to wear it Did his mantle of virtue fall. Then from over the threshold To his last resting place They bore that which was mortal To give to ''God's acre'' grace. And his son, our father. When his father's work was o'er, Did honor to the teachings Of him who had gone before. In his life no stain of dishonor, Insinceiity or sham : He lived for truth, God and freedom. And the brotherhood of man. A goodly heritage is ours Of character and worth — Far more to be coveted Than the accidents of birth. And the low roofed cottage — Its picture here you may see — Is dear by its sacred memories. Its childish joys, to me. No palace, grand, imposing, Of marble, brass, or stone. Is as dear as the vine-clad cottage In my loyal heart enthroned. With its wide stretching tields, Its orchard and its hill, 4 <> V \ i- i- <■ [93] The old ^ulf, deep and grand, Witli its waters, nois}-, and still. Its rugged, moss-covered rocks; The grove of hemlocks be3'oud; The Bear's Cave, and the cool, cool spring — Xo nectar so sweet have I found. O, memorv will always cherish, And hang in a guarded place, This picture so lovel3% so dear, So full of a tender grace. Nancy Corlyn Gladding Beebe. i^'i^-i'^-i'^^-t- V -»-->--}- -J- -«--^-*- I'M BLIC UBKARY 'Love Rock's S( re", Bristol, 1680 rii 'J* .■x,.r.OAnOI ■*-^-«-*"»-«~^ -^ -^^^^^, -> mUse -i- «■ <► We attempt in the picture. Love Rocks Sliore. to portray the southern j portion of Bristol shore adjacent to Walker's Cove, and the Love Rocks shore as it appeared in the founders' days. The view is from the upper front windows of the old Gladding house, corner of Hope and Walley st. The wind-mill (burnt 1849) was at the foot of Walley st.. near the shore. The trail on which the settler with his cattle is snaking the log became Bristol's main street. Rugged and strong is the old Gladding house, That was builded a hundred years ago. It stands near where the old. old house stood, That was built years and years before. What of that? An old house: like many an other; not better nor worse. Ah, but this was my grandfather's house! And here my father, with sisters three. And brothers live, passed all tlieir youthful days. They pLayed their plays as other children did, And in schooling days, their place at school Each one was sure to fill. At church on Sabbath days you were sure to see That row of rounded faces, in pink and white. All crowned with curly hair. Their garden wall was low but long. And sweeping round enclosed a village square: In this, and In tlie mill-lot too. The onion and the carrot, the Bristol staples, grew. This dear old house I it ever hath charms for me : It's a link, a tie, that carries me back to years gone by. This place the home of my kindred for centuries has been. With pencil and pen I will try to portray By a landscape, and thoughts in our muse. Of the varying views from the dear old house by the sea. In our muse from its upper western window panes We see the weather-beaten shingles on the old wind-mill, Its rotary top, and its stumpy weather-vane, The slats and sails on its long angled vanes. I hear its creaking wooden gears, and the whirring stones. All these did well their part, and filled a want. In our forefathers' days. As o'er the scene I look I see the ever shifting tide; The lazy moving clouds, beneath the arching blue; The fishhawk with wings spread wide With grace and ease skims o'er the seas. ^^^^^^^^ ,j^^j_^^^ ^ -*-■*--<■-*■'>■ -t- -*■ — -»■■>■-*■->•-<>--*•-♦■ -^ [95] The points and headlands, and the ishinds, botli far and near. Encircled by the flowing tides: The far ott" land that seems to separate The water from the sky. On the near by shore T see the clam-man, His basket, and wheelbarrow, and. basket and hoe in hand, Seeking the luscious Rhode Island clam. Were these things so a hundred years ago? Did the gorgeous butterfly on great flapping wings go floating by? Or was the bumblebee so neatly dressed In bulf, and yellow, and bottle-green? On gauzy wings did he sing mow-wou-owu A hundred years ago? Yes: a hundred j'ears ago The flowers their sweets did yield the butterfl\^ and bee to feed. ^Ij' thoughts ran back along the stream of time. E'en back to when the red man dwelt upon these shores. Yes; I saw the anxious look upon his face While as j-et the curling smoke rose o'er their wigwam flres. A forlorn-hope had the3'^ ; yet the}^ strove with might and main Their cherished rights to maintain. And I saw the usurpers' blood-stained hand Drive him from his wigwam fires, and their cherished lands. By conquest their lands the crown doth claim. And seeks for men with pounds and pence to buy this stolen wealth. [The Mount Hope lands (the Indian name was Pokonoket) were sold Sept., 1680, to John Whaley, ^'athan Oliver. Kathaiiiel Byfield and Stephen Burton. The consideration was eleveu hundred pounds of current money of New England.] Could these muiinming winds, or moving tides, talk I And would tell us the things we wish to know About these sturd\' pioneers in this wild and wooded land. It was here, almost within one year, three score and more Of these hard}' pioneers were settled. With the very first from Plymouth Colony, With hopes as high as heaven, our ancestors, ^Vith a goodly number more. Migrating to the westward, came to settle here. ) Was this a "•western fever" move? r Such thej" called it in those early times. I From the first, in Roger's land, religious freedom was. for all. I Here the Baptist or the (Quaker no longer need fear The intolerant lash, or the noose in the rope, dungeon, or jail. I .J -j'^-j--S"{-t--s- -^ -^ V-*--*- -«--;' ln^^33« ^ -^ -!-^ ^ • > [96] In all the churches, with steeples so tall. The rich, and the poor, their doctrines conld teach, All tearless of laws. The Qnal dis- taff. 21 : Slie is not alVaid of tlie snow for her hoiiseliohl : for all her house- hold are clothed with scarlet. 27: She looketh well to the ways of her honschoid. and eateth not the bread of idleness. 28: Her children rise up. and call her blessed : hei- husband also, and he praiseth her. ■«-■«-«- I Alleged Facts said to b3 authaiticated by Rssearchss of Rev. Dr. Washington ^ Gladden, Columbus. 0. X From histoiical matter found in the British Museum the following I has been compiled. I The primitive ancestors of the Gladding family were Scandina- ! vians of the name of Montpicket, and dwelt for man}' years in an old castle situated on the wild and rugged coast of Norway. It is stated that the women of this old famil}- were noted for their virtue and great beauty, and the men, for bravery and intelligence of such high order that the}' were recognized as leaders in the many military enterprises of their countrymen. So marked their military ability that Rolf, a young Norwegian chief, appeals to the Montpickets of his time for instructions and advice in regard to a contemplated mili- tary expedition of the Scandinavians into France, of which he is the leader. They advise him to renounce the policy of bloodshed and plunder heretofore followed by his countrj-men on like expeditions and to effect, with as little bloodshed as possible, a permanent Scan- dinavian settlement in that country. Rolf heeded their advice, and in time, as all students of history know, succeeded with but little bloodshed in compelling king Charles to formally cede to him the province which from its new lord and his warriors has henceforth borne the name of Normandy. Not only did the Montpickets coun- sel the young chief, but two members of the family, Charles and Henr}', accompanied him on his warlike enterprise and were of great service to him throughout the entire campaign. At its close Henry returned to his native land, but Charles settled in Normandy, by the side of his chief, and in time became one of his greatest barons. Charles' descendants, for many generations, were an honor to his great name. They were honored throughout the province as barons of influence and ability, but none greater than Louis and Robert Montpicket, who were followers of the great duke William, and in his conquest of England fought gallantly at his side. In *.he battle of Hastings (1066) Louis was killed, but Robert lived to see William crowned king of England and to receive from that distinguished ^ i- individual some of the confiscated estate of the Anglo-Saxons as a t < reward for his services. With this Robert Montpicket the genealogy <^ ^; proper of the family begins. •> ^; At the close of the conquest Robert settled in Essex, and during '> his life held that and an adjoining shire as a baronage from the king <■ <> k li^ [99] He had two sons, William Montpicket and Charles Gemon (Gemon being the Norman French of Montpicket.) Charles, who had a great barony in Lincolnshire, had two sons. From his elder son, William de Montpicket, descended the barons of that name whose i- seats were at Overstead, Essex, and Montpicket town, London, of which city the Montpickets were standard bearers or militar}- chiefs in time of war. The younger son, Alared, who retained his father's surname of Gemon. had large estates in P^ssex and Middlesex and was a member of the king's privy council. His only son, Matthew, born 1185, was for man}' 3-ears the king's chamberlain. Matthew had one son, Ralph Gemon. who was the father of William Gemon, who had two sons, James and Goderfy. James was born in 1205, was counsellor of Richard I, and founder of the great line of Gem- ons who hold estates to this day in Essex, Suffolk and Derby. God- erfy, the younger son, surnamed De Cavendish from his estate in Cavendish, was the father of Roger Cavendish who married the Duchess of New Castle, by whom he had one son. Sir John Caven- dish, chief justice of Richard IL Sij; John was connected by mar- riage with the Petcevais''aiMi--'Kagt"ings-. and was the father of two sons, Richard an^ Fhl'g'tv.^-.Hu^lHad' no issue. Richard had one son, named Osberi. "'• ^^6ert having quarreled with his famih" re- nounced its name! and.,tm>fc"tll'i^nanie^>'Df his estate Gladesfer as a surname, (which was a cu^'oco.liv-fto-Ttife'ans uncommon at that time). The name Gladesfer was probably used to designate a glade or open swampy place in the forest. Osbert's only son, Edward, changed the name to that of Gladewin, and his immediate descendants changed Gladewin to Gladwin, and from Gladwin, as can be shown by numerous records, was derived Gladou, Gladdon. Gladding, Glading, Gladdin and Gladen. H. A. GLADDING. ALLEX I. GLADDING. •> [100] MARY INGRAHAM GLADDING. f Mary Ingraham Gladding (b. Sept. 14, 1808), was born in tiie old > homestead. She was but five years old when her father died, and 4 continued to live with her mother in the old home until her mother's death in 1835. She then entered the home of her sister Martha and lived there until her death. In this sister's family she was always the read}' helper and the children knew very little difference between their own mother and aunt Marv. She was a member of the Conore- 1 gational church and much given to good works ; though not having much of her own to bestow, she was often made llie almoner of the bounty of others. Her willing feet would travel through mud and snow, through sunshine and storm, to carry comfort to the suffering and her ear was always ready to listen to their tale of sorrow. It was on some such errand that she met her pastor, the Rev. Dr. Shep- ard, when, upon her telling him what she was about to do, he said, "Mary, we must call you the Good Samaritan", and the name clung to her, in spite of her protestations, from that time. She died in the simple, childlike faith in which she had lived, and according to her own request was buried by the side of her mother in the old burying- ground east of the common. ALLEN I. GLADDING. I Allen I. Gladding, the subject of this sketch, and the eldest child of Richard Smith and Martha Claik Gladtiing, was born in Bristol, R. I., Dec. 3, 1815. and was educated in the schools of that town. In his early manhood he learned the cooper's trade, and later fol- lowed the sea some and made one whaling voyage. At the age of twenty-five he married Abby M. Brown, the ceremony being per- formed by Rev. John Busted, in St. Michael's church, of which Mr. Busted was then rector. He soon found that sea life was not to his taste ; neither would it satisfy his ambitious disposition. At the age of thirty-four, during the first gold excitement in California, he joined a party about to seek their fortunes in the new country. Leav- ing wife, children and friends, he embarked on a sailing vessel and '^ after a long and stormy passage around Cape Horn arrived in San 4 Francisco in Jan., 1850. He opened a large general merchandise <> store. In 1851 he returned to Rhode Island for his wife and children. t En route he was taken with the Panama fever and nearly died. His [101] horae-going was a sad one as during his absence death had taken his oldest ehiUl, an unusually bright girl, between whom and her father ^, was a strong mutual attachment. Accompanied by his wife and f J three remaining children he returned to California, by way of the •♦■ isthmus of Panama ; and from this time until his death he made Cal- ifornia his home, several times visiting the home of his childhood. During one of these visits he completed and had published the "Gladding Chart." In preparing this chart his son Allen was a most valuable assistant, as he took a great pride and interest in it. An adept with his pen he spent months in preparing it, and only lived to see the completed work. At twenty-three years of age he was a vic- tim of typhoid fever, and in 18G7 the family returned to California. Mr. Gladding then entered the real estate business, which he con- tinued until incapacitated by illness. Overwork and close application brought on paralysis, with which he was atliicted for several years, and during this time his wife and youngest son died. Like most of the early Californians Mr. Gladding had his financial ups and downs. It was characteristic of the pioneers. Money was I freely made and easil}- lost. Mr. Gladding was of that class of use- ful persons who seek to enrich the world with muscle and brain. It was his disposition to be generous to a fault. When he had money it was free as water to all, and many a man did he give a start, that is now prosperous. Always ready to respond to calls of charit3\ In religion he was an earnest Elpiscopalian. He was baptized, confirmed, and married in 8t. Michael's church, Bristol, R. I. To help plant the church in his adopted home was one of his first efforts. He was one of the founders of Grace Church in San Fran- cisco, and when he moved to Oakland in 1 he was one of the number to found St. Paul's, of which he was elected and con- tinued Senior Warden until his death. Contributing freely, he ever tried to promote its welfare. One who knew him as his rector de- scril)es him as "foremost in good works, always active, and in his place, — a man thoroughly to be depended upon." Late in life many sad changes came to his lot but his noble soul A- retained cheerfulness and faith through all. I In 1.S8.S he visited the scenes of his boyhood for the last time. J Returning to Oakland in October of that year, the following Febru- I ary he entered into rest. m y^^ o_ ^^-j,-^-i--i^-i'-4'» t'WCCrsrcsiiJittfKVKifr*^.-*:?- it.-rrvA" .. .!.-.> .'iii»tt>^ «;^ ^^ ^.■%'«.^.■* k.'*.s»%.*-.: J- >vr^3-«TS'V*'" ^*'^?^;l.':ir*^^'^ ^^ ^ ^ 'V' ^?' '^■'^' ^^ ♦ ^ AS SEEN FKOM MY WINDOW. As I sit by my window today A beautiful picture I see : The harbor, its islands and points Make a charming picture for me. The Ferry point lies at my left, The point of Popasquash at my right. Between these points Hog Island lies, And Prudence, with its beacon light. Beyond Hog Island and Ferry point The island of Rhode Island stands, Noted for its lovely city queen. And its thrifty farming lands. Two other is^les make up the whole. Set '•i'nthe?*6 rippling watery blue. Castle and WalkerV is-le., they have Their charins tJi.oi^gJj'ihej'be few. \ !, v. Ot"^ *' ■>'• *" ' ' ■ --■■■< ''". Walker's isle! the dear little spot :— In vacation, done with book and class. How oft we went to this dear little isle I Happy childhood days, how soon they pass! Castle Island with beacon strong. Built by our grandsire years ago. Still stands to warn the sailor of Dangerous rocks that lie below. As out on this picture I gaze I think of our ancestors gone; To them as well as us it was A picture fair to look upon. Two hundred years and more ago, Grandsire with wife and children four From Plymouth to Bristol sailed his craft And landed on the Love Rocks shore. He toiled on from year to year; He taught his children right, from wrong, They helped to build this grand old town For they increased in numbers strong. •^fe3=-- ■«--*-»•-♦--»• [103] Thoj' bad their homes as we liave now :- They sailed o'er these waters blue; Thej' rowed, and fished, tlie same as we. And visited tiie islands too; Gazed on this picture same as we. At even-tide, at morn, at noon; Looked on the lovely sunset clouds And ":azed on the silver v moon. I I look on the lovely sunset clouds ••With a feelintr akin to awe," For picture like this was never seen, On canvas was never placed, for No artist yet could ever sketch Tiiose colors: rich, though deep or faint. Beautiful shades of every hue, God's own colors. O who can paint? The sun has disappeared from si^iit Behind the lovely waters blue. The mantle of niofht has settled down And hidden my picture fioni view. Jllia T. Gi.auding. V ■»■-«-■«■■*-♦"*• -*-i PETER GLADDINC;. PETER'S MOTHER. ( ■f'Z-MTTrjwj i-*--*- -*-*•-«• ■*--*■•*- - ■*--»--«—*--*•-*--*-- [104] [A biographical sketch of the families of Peter Gladding, his parents, and his grandparents.] I PETER GLADDING. <> There was a man in Bristol, a Rhode Island town, Peter was his name, born and educated in this town. Like the Apostle Peter, whose name he bears. In manner of speech was brusque and blunt. Yet a spirit of righteousness ruled all his words and acts. The fraud, — that fraud who dare show his hand, — Be he rich, or be he poor, A sharp reproof from him would surely get. Though kindly meant, yet for this trait He often got ill will and hate. Upon the sail-loft' floor, so wide and deep. Is where .he. "w-lioughtv with palm, and needle, and marlin spike. ,«v.-. He dear}5'''l8v^V.!hia!-ho.cik-s--ftfi^4iis flowers ; But music was his great delight. His skillful hand an instrument of music made, With catgut strings and rosin bow. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal choir when but eleven years old. There are many people still living who remember the large bass-viol that Peter Gladding used in leading the choir in the quaint old M. E. chapel on Bristol Common. LINE OF DESCENT. The line of descent from the settlers is as follows : [1st generation.] John and P^lizabeth Gladding, the settlers, married at Newbary, Mass., 1666. [2d gen.] Their son. John Gladding, and Alice, daughter of Uzell WardelL married at Bristol, R. I. [3d gen.] Their son John married July 2, 1716, Martha, 1 daughter of Richard Smith, wlio was the first town clerk of Bristol. | [4th gen.] Their son John married Sept. 2o, Mary Drown. [5th | gen.] Their son, Daniel, married . . . Susan, daughter of . . . ^ Wardwell, (descendants of Uzell Wardell.] (6th gen.) Their son [105] * Daniel married. .... Sarah, daughter of . . . Alger, of Warren. I (7th gen.) Their children were Peter, Daniel 1st, Josiah, Daniel <' 2d, Dolly 1st, Henry White. (He married Abby Munroe. Located l i in Warren. There carried on the sailmaking business.) Joseph A. t i married Ruth Ann Brown. This family located at Woonsocket, ^ R. 1. He was a merchant tailor of that place. Dolly married j I William Manchester, of Bristol. Henrietta died aged about 20. John O. A. died in infancy' : — eleven children in all. Their mater- nal grand maternal giandpareuts, the Algers, of Bristol, were noted for liberal generosity ; their home obtained the significant sobriquet. The Pilgrim's Tavern. They were pioneer Methodists. Mr. Alger was the sail and tent maker of Wanen. Their father Daniel was apprenticed to the sailmaking trade with Mr. Alger. He also married ' Mr. Alger's daughter Sarah, a gentle and motherly spirited woman. Daniel Gladding established the sail, awning and tent business in Bristol which he continued through life. His eldest son Peter made a few voyages, acting the part of seaman in early manhood. He soon turned his attention to the sail-loft. His father and himself formed a copartnership that carried on a successful business for many years. PATERNAL GRANDPAREXTS. Peter's paternal grandparents, Capt. Daniel and Susan Wardwell, were worth}^ substantial citizens. Capt. Gladding was one of the old-time merchant-captains : master and ship owner, in the carrying and trading business, mostly between the American ports. His home store or store-house and wharf were on Thames street, south of the old sugar hou!?e, — all now ver}' much changed : the old buildings giv- ing place to new, owned b}^ the Wardwell Lumber Co. The accom- panying picture is a good representation of the aforesaid. They had six daughters and three sons : Nathaniel, Daniel and Peter. Peter, the younger brother, died at sea, when aged about 20 or more. Daniel is the younger, — Daniel of this subject. Nathan- iel was one of Bristol's business men, like his father, master and ship owner and trader, or merchant captain. ^ The following represents Capt. Nat's characteristic features. > 4 Like Job, feet was he to the lame, eyes was he to the blind, and ears i X to the deaf, and the cause he knew not, that he sought out. At one | I time he made a Cea.st, and invited a goodly number of his neighbors, none that were well to do, but the poorest of the poor, and such as the witless — the feast our Savior recommends. S3 o, O :? D t— ' CO CO «!lSfi: 1 il : lili|-:|:?,fiii1i ii 11 ill" I mmmm§m "v" '«■ '^^ '^. ^?" ' " '^^ ^ ^ ^ "9 "^ "v" [106] AX INCIDENT IN CAPT. GLADDING'S TJFE. ^ 4. Capt. Daniel Gladding, on one of his voyages to Philadelphia, 4 while his vessel was lying at the wharf, on a Sunday, happened to ^ fall in with the Methodists. On his return home he related to his ^ wife the incident, and what he heard, and what he thought of the Methodists and their new doctrine saying, "■Why, Susie, the man I heard preach talked just as we believe." It is probable their faith in the old Calvinistic doctrine had become rather shaky. Not long after this incident two strange gentlemen, on horseback, passed his house. They had scarce passed when the thought came to him that one or both were Methodist Episcopal preachers. AVith this thought he started after them on the run, and hailed them near the town bridge. His impression was true : one was none other than the later well known Jesse Lee. The other gentleman's name is not known. They had come f.ronu Newport and were going to Provi- dence. They listened .t© -the captaln's'entreaty and turned back to his house, as portrayed in the picture. The}' planned for the elder to preach to them that evening in the Congregational church. At the time appointed the bell was rung. No sooner than parson White, (the preacher in charge), heard that bell strike than he hastened to the church with the inquiry why the bell was rung. When informed that Elder Lee, the Methodist preacher, was to preach there that ev- ening, he said, "-No, he won't: I will not have it; no, I won't." He little thought what he had done. This act was just what the Metho- dists needed to start the methodist lire and set the ball rolling. The meeting was adjourned to Capt. Gladding's house. Thus it happened that Capt. Gladding's became the cradle of Methodism in Bristol. Here Jesse Lee preached the first Methodist sermon on a summer evening, 1790. PETER GLADDING— SECOND PART. Peter, son of Daniel and Sarah Alger Gladding, was twice married : — first wife was Mary Friend, by whom he had four sons. The elder, William O. Gladding, survived tlie three younger, who died in in- 4 fancv. William O. was a good l)oy and made a good, worthy and 4 upright citizen, inheriting his mother's quiet and lovely spirit. He t married Cynthia Sacy, of Newport. They had no offspring. Wil- liam was clerk, for many years, in a jewelry store at Newport. He { 1 i <• [107] died at Newport, Sept. 21, 1899, aged 6G years. He was the last descendant of Peter Gladding branch. Mr. Gladding murried the second time July 1, 1802, Hannali Hall P^asterbrooks, daughter of the late Crawford and Hannah H. Easter- brooks, of Bristol. IShe was an estimable woman, having a noble spirit. For a period of thirty-five years Mr. Gladding was the town clerk of Bristol. Mr. Gladding found in his wife a very important aid in his oflicial duties in the clerk's office, more so in his declining 3ears. She developed surpiising fauiiliarity with the oflicial business of the town. Mr. Gladding w;is the 7tli in direct descent from Richard Smith, who was Bristol's first town clerk. He labored under an in- firmity of sight, from which he sought relief by submitting to a sur- gical operation with uudoubting confidt-nce ; l)ut his ph3'sical energies in consequence of another disease was not equal to his fortitude and courage. He said. "M}' case is in the hands of God. If I come out well, all right; if not, all is well." But he sank under the effort and passed away Oct. 22, 1883, aged 78, and now sleeps in hope of the return of our Savior. His widow survived hiin near seventeen years. She was appointed deputy town clerk of Bristol, and served in that capacity with re- markable ability : surprising, the clearness with which she passed over the man}' business details connected with her office. She was a generous and noble spirited woman, and lived a long and useful life. She ceased her work in the early part of 1900, being nearh' 81 years old. Uncle H. 4' ■*"*--«■ ■*-«-^ -;.-»"»■-♦■•»-*"*■-*■' ^'° THE PROVIDENCE CLADDINGS. The larger portion of the Gladdings in Providence are the descen- | dants of Jonathan, grandson of the settlers. Their line of descent > is as follows, Gen. one : ^ John and Elizabeth Rogers Gladding married at Newbary, Essex CO., Mass., 1606. Gen. two: These their cliildren, born at Newbar_y : Susan, Oct. 6, 1668; John jr., Oct. 11, 1070; William, July 23, 1673; Elizabeth, Sept 15, 1671); Hannah, Nov. 8, 1081. Gen. three: John jr. and Alice Wardell Gladding married at Bris- tol, R. I., Oct. 13, 1093. They had eleven children. Their (4) child Jonathan sen., was born at Bristol, Jan. 5, 1701. I regret my inability to learn more facts concerning this ancestor, the head of the Jonathan branch and father of the four families that located in Prov. idence in the last days of the colonial period. It is probable he was a resident of Bristol all his days, and his remains now lie with his fathers in the old Bristol burying grounds. Gen. four : The four sons of Jonathan sen., are as follows: *11 Jonathan jr., *12 Nathaniel, *13 Timothy, and *14 Benjamin. I fear it is an unfortunate matter my not finding any records, that would at least give the names of the wives, and mothers of the forty children that were born to these four brothers. DESCENDANTS OF JONATHAN THE 2D. Gen. 4, *11 Jonathan jr. was the father of four sons and four daughters. His oldest son, Allen, gen. 5, *26, married Charlotte Carpenter. I think he was a grocer, at 190 South Main st. Allen's son, gen. 6, No. 7o, Kinsley C. Gladding, was the artist and orna- mental painter of 131 South Main st. Allen's sister, 29 Susan, married Wm. Davenport ; 32 Sarah married Walker Humphrey. Capt. John Gladding, youngest son of Jonathan jr., was a captain in the war of 1815. He acted a part at the Field's Point earthworks defence; — more not known. Grocer and ship chandler. South Main St. Married Mary Tillinghast. Their children were 80 Josiah G., ^ married Marv Brown. Thev had two children, Wm. B. and Marv i •' ■ •' ■< Augusta. 81 Louisa, married Wm. Brown ; 82 Henry G. Gladding, -( cashier of Exchange bank, residence Union st. ; 83 Elizabeth ; 84 \ John C, married Abby Parmenter ; they had children : Ann E., Su- 1 san C, William B., — he was book-keeper in Providence bank; 8') ^ [109] Benjamin C, married Hannah, daughter of Wm. Pope. Their chil- dren, MaryT., Frank. Mr. Gladdin"- leading official of the Phenix ir- on foundry. Providence; 85 Mary, 86 Margaret, S('> Allen, 87 Joseph. DES('EXDAXTS OF NATHANIEL, SENIOR. Gen. 4, 12 Nathaniel Gladding sen., also had four sons and four daughters, of whom we know but little, nor their names. Gen. 5, 38 Warren was the father of one daughter, Ruth. 39 Na- thaniel jr. children were two sons and four daughters. His oldest son, gen. 6, 91 Abraham sen., was a boot and shoe dealer. More than this is not known. His son, gen. 7, IGl Thomas C. Gladding, married Hannah, daughter of Benjnniin and Carrie Pendleton, whole- sale merchant, — Day & Gladding, — Water st. They had five daugh- ters and one son — Thomas E. One daughter, Mary, was the wife of Rev. Wm. H. Fish. 162 Abraham 8. jr., (brother of the above Thomas C.), harness maker by trade; in later days in the market business. He married Ann Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Eliza Hathawa}'. They had two daughters, and five sons all active business men of Providence. Cynthia A., wife of the late Isaac Turner. Gen. 6, 94 Jarvis E. (iladding, merchant-tailor, 148 Broad st. He was twin. Married first, Ann B. Fenner ; second, Harriet P., daughter of Nathan and Dolly Wood Long. / 41. Hale Gladding brothers, of Warren : Of the al)ove Hale, and his six children, very little to us is known. His oldest son, captain Thomas D. Gladding, married Sarah, daugh- ter of Norris H. Hul)bard. To them were born ten children, who are largely residents of Providence. His son Charles mariied Ruth Shove. Their children are Reuben, of Pawtucket, Francis — was keeper of a boarding-stable. Broad St., — Edmond Q., retail grocer, 113 South St. 103 James W. Gladding was father of children. The oldest daughter, 188 Julia I)., is the wife of Benjamin Mantou, U. S. consul to Rio Janeiro. S. A. TIMOTHY GLADDING, < Gen. 4, 13 Timothy, son of Jonathan Gladding, was born at Bris tol ; the date, and wIhmi and to whom married not known. Aceord- f-' 3 s ^ £- aq P =■• =r 13 ft) 5 o n ft- o o o r^ fD CO C 05 ^ o ^. a. o o fD is O C fD fD P fD nr fD o o o P O fD O O P_ o fD — ^1 1/3 fD fD o a" 2. _ =^ I — ' ^ fD H 5 o fD m -73 ^ M fD > Q J « fD V! fD P fD oq K fD p 2. o fD '^ P O C. P g [110] ing to the chart he was the father of thirteen children. We think tlicy all claim Providence as the home of their childhood. Timothy Gladding erected tlie tirst dvvelliug on Westminster street about 1764. He was a merchant-tailor, and used the west end of this dwelling for his shop, or shop and store, while the family occupied the upper part. Gen. 5. His son Timothy, continued the business of his father. He married Betsey, daughter of tleacon I'ei'rin. They had eleven children, six daughters, and five sons who were prominent business nen for many Nears, proprietois of the leading book-stores in Provi- dence. JOHN J., SON OF 13 TIMOTHY, SEX. 46 John J. Gladding, brother of Timothy, born July, 1776, died 1841, was twice married : first, March 28, 1803, to Mary Perrin ; sec- ond, to Clarissa Jacobs; mother of five children; residence 101 Chestnut street. This family may well be called a family of shop- keepers. j GEORGE VV , SON OF 13 TIMOTHY, SEN. 51 George W. Gladding was twice married : first, Ann Jacobs, of Thomastown, Conn ; second, Rebecca Hill. George W., born Sept. !), 1787, died Aug. 4, 1839. Ann Jacobs, died ag. near 18 yrs. Re- becca, born Sept. 1 ^121 Rebecca A., born 1817, married Jolin Mahoney. 122 Benjamin f Ilill, 1818, married Sarah Taft. Children: a Jane H., married Ed- ward Clark ; b Mary Ann and C. Harriot Louisa, wives of J. H. Comslock ; * 123 John H., 1819 ; 12+ Jane H., born 1821, died aged 20; 125 James W., born 1822; 12G Lydia Ann, l)orn 1823, married George Welch ; 127 Harriot L., born 1825, married Prof. E. Jillson ; 128 Nathaniel I., dietl ; 129 Monroe H., lieutenant U. S. A., died at Beaufort, N. C, 1862, aged 34: 130 Marvin A., born 1.S31. */ 123 John Hill, born Dec. 1'.), 1819. married Lydia, daughter of Dr. E. A. Brown, May, 1843. CHILDREN OF JOHN AND LYDIA, OF TENNESSEE, Gen. 7, * 208 George Washington; 209 John Hill ; 210 James Wilson ; 211 Frederick Earl ; 212 Nelson A. ; 213 Benjamin M. H. ; 214 EarlBrown, died. (See chart, p. a.) This famil}' may well be called a Tennessee famih'. / 52 Nicholas B. Gladding married Rebecca, daughter of Rev. J. Wilson. They had three sons and five daughters. (See chart, {). K) BENJAMIN GLADDING. / 14 Benjamin Gladding. Of this wife nothing is known. His three sons and eight daughters see : chart, p. L Anstras married Benjamin Snow of Providence. P^mma married Samuel W. Wheeler. One son died at sea. Neither of the sons left any offspring. The name ceases with this family. He was barber and wig-maker at 63 Weybosset street. -'^. <*--*- -*►-^-*~*--^-^ [112] THE SEVEN BROTHERS. The seven brothers, and two sisters, Polly and Susan, were the children of Josiah Gladding, generation 5, number 2, who was born at Bristol, R. 1., about 1741, his wife's name not knoAvn. He re- moved with his family from Bristol to Middletown, Conn., about 1780. Ezra Gladding, the first of the seven brothers, was father of three children : Emily, Jeremiah, and Ezra. Nothing more of this family to us is known than the following incident: Abont 1842 or 3, or when I was about fifteen, I went with my father on an overland journey from Waterville, Oneida count}', N. Y., in our own convey- ance, to Biistol, R. I. On our return we crossed the Connecticut river at Hartford. Near the river we visited a Gladding family, cousins of my father. I now think this family must have been either Ezra's, or his bother James'. Josiah Gladding, the second brother, had fourteen children ; and thirty-one grandchildren, bearing the name Gladding, are mostly located in Vermont, New York city, and Brooklyn. Walter Mare- nus Gladding, of Brooklyn, N. Y., has the honor of being the father of two daughters, Haiiot E., born 1893, and Gertrude L., born 1897, first born bearing the name Gladding of the eleventh gener- ation. The late Judge William J. Gladding, of Sheepshead Bay, N. Y., was of this family. See his article, page 83. [3 and 4] Joseph and Timothy Gladding located at Albany, N. Y"'. It is said their descendants were born with a paint-brush in their hands, as so many of them were ornamental decorators and painters. See page 29. [5] John Gladding, born 1782, married Mary Ritlor. They removed to Ashtabula county, Ohio. See Judge Henry A.'s remarks, page 27. [6] James S. Gladding. We regretted the meagre informa- tion we have of this large family. All we know is the names on the chart. ^ [7] Daniel S. Gladding married Sally Patten. They had three t I children. Paper box manufacturer, of New Haven, Conn. Their | j grandson, Henry H. Gladding, civil engineer, and his family, are '^ all that remain of Daniel S. descendants. Unclk H. <^ -i^ -V- ^^^ -i.- - '-»--»-»►- "cO^tS GLADDING FAMILY REUNION NO. 2. 1890 1900 DEAR OLD BRISTOL. The Gladdiuirs' American Ancestral Home. Tiisten to their call. waftin 4 •c©^^ r *-«^:. [1141 ^1 i of spirit, nssimilating and binding the various families, as it were, ^ into one groat famiij' bearing tlie same name. This gives prestige > and power, producing a laudable pride in one's own family and its > common name, — also creates a desire to maintain the integrity of the > < famil\- and its name. * THE COMMITTEE .• Chairman, HP:NRY C. GLADDING, Providence, BENJAMIN C. GLADDING, Providence, DANIEL W. GLADDING, Warren, NATHANIEL GLADDING, Bristol, SIDNEY B. GLADDING, Newport. [From the Simdaj' Telej^rain. Prov.. K. I., of July 15. 1900.] THE GLADDING FAMILY TO HOLD A liELXlOX AT BRISTOL Descendants of John and Elizabctli Gladdinj; to Meet at D"\Volf Inn as Thej- Did 10 Years Ay;(), Just ten years ago the 27th of this coming August the town of Bristol, R. I., was the scene of a remarkable famil}' reunion. On that occasion the descendants of John and Elizabeth (Rogers) Glad- ding, to the number of about 100, gathered in Grand Array hall and passed togetiier a most delightful and piofitable day. "Without the storm raged furiously. Those who remember the occasion will recall it as one of tlie worst storms of the season. Yet this was not enough to deter the members of this old and distinguished family from the enjoyment of the delights they had pictured to themselves so long in advance and to which they had been looking forwaid with so much pleasurable anticipation. Within the hall sunny faces and liglit hearts bade defiance to the storm, and what with music, song, oratory, wit and humor and all that goes with such a reunion a day was spent that will live foiever in the memory of those who were fortunate enough to be present. < In the decade which has passed since that epoch in the history of > the Gladding family, the fountain head and mainspring of it all has y > not been idle. One reunion, so successfully and royally carried out, but whetted his appetite for more, and no sooner was it over than ^ L Henry Coggeshall Gladding, to whose indefatigable energy the re- i ■» ■» » ■»-< [115] union was in great part due, set about the task of preparing a gene- * alogical history of tlie Gladding family, and incidentally to prepare t for another reunion to be held at some future date. T The time for the second reunion has now arrived. All the neces- > sary arrangements have been completed : invitations to the number I of nearly 500 have been sent out, and on next Thursday, the 19th of this present month, the town of Bristol will have for the second time the honor of entertaining the reunited members of the Gladding family. The place selected for the reunion is the DeWolf Inn, where every convenience and accessory is afforded. In many ways it will be a unique and notable event. Not every state in the Union will be rep. resented, although it is possible that every state has its descendant of John and Elizabeth Gladding. From Ohio, Pennsylvania, Ver- mont, Massachusetts, Kentucky, New York, Mississii)pi and Kansas, however, there will be Gla-ddings present, and among them will be some of the most distinguished and successful men of their respect- ive commonwealths. The Gladding family is a numerous one, and in the more than two and a half centuries that have ehipsed since the first progenitor of the ' name landed on American soil has scattered its seed in man}- quar- ters of the globe. To secure the names and addresses of even those residing in the United States would be a Herculean task, and more than one man could aiccomplish in many j-ears. The 500 names to which circulars have been sent announcing the coming reunion, there- fore, must not be supposed to repi'esent the entire family. They are those names only which Mr. Henr}' Gladding, the famih' historian, familiarly known as "Uncle Henry," has been able to learn in his ten years of research. Of course, the younger generations are not included, and there are many others living in Providence and the , near vicinity who will attend the reunion as a matter of course. To I many of these ''Uncle Henry" did not send any circular, since he can just as easily extend them an invitation byword of mouth. From | the number of acceptances received from those living in distant places, "Uncle Henry" is of opinion that there will be at least 250 men and women of Gladding name and Gladding blood at the ap- proaching famil}' reunion. Following the precedent of the former reunion, no formal pro- gramme has been arranged for this one. "Uncle Henry" does not consider a set schedule of events the most conducive to enjoyment, fi^ ^ -*. ^ ^ -*- - I t [116] I and his word is law in everything connected with the Gladding fam- I ily in its concrete form. Everything, as far as possible, must be t spontaneous and extemporaneous. If the Gladdings have any special | <^ characteristics, outside of strict integrity, undaunted energy and an ^ inborn desire to elevate themselves and do something useful in the "^ world, it is a genial, mirthful disposition. They are fond of social inter- course, and in the different states their history shows that tliey have been accustomed to hold small family reunions from time to time. No need to fear, then that the absence of a pre-arranged pro- gramme will detract from the pleasure of the occasion. There will be enough to take up the attention of all, and a dull moment will have no place in DeWolf Inn on the 19th of July, 1900. At 9 o'clock according to the present plans, the Gladdings from> far and near will meet each other at the appointed place of festivity, and the scene which will follow from that time until the grand dinner is served at 2 o'clock in the afternoon must be left to the imagina- tion. It does not take a ver}' imaginative mind to conceive that there will be enough to do and to talk about to fill in the intervening time pleasantly and profitably. The dinner at 2 o'clock will be a sumptuous affair. All will sit [ down together and partake in a body, not only of the delectable | viands, but of the '"feast of reason and flow of soul," which is sure j to be the chief feature of the repast. There the familv wit and I family humor will find its surest outlet, and hilarit}' and happiness will for the moment reign supreme. Poems will be read and speeches made, of coui-se. Among those who will read poems, which will be original, as nothing else is toler- ated at the Gladding family reunion, are Hezekiah Butterworth of the Youths Companion, Boston ; Henrj' C. Gladding, belter known as Uncle Henry, Providence; Nancy C. Gladding-Beebe, and others whose names have not yet been learned. Appropriate badges have been prepared for the event, and every Gladding present at the reunion will be expected to wear one during the day. The festivities will last through the day, and not until the ^ lengthening shadows pioclaim the near approach of night will the ^ I happy family begin to l)id each other good-bye, some to meet again ^ < frequently as of yore, others perhaps at some future reunion, and ^ others again in the great unknown beyond the grave. > V The history of the Gladding family is inseparal)ly linked with > Rhode Island, where there are more of the name than anywhere else A J^;-^. -^a^ijl [117] ^^ t ia the United States, and especially with the town of Bristol, one of ,^ ^ the founders of which was John Gladding, from whom the present t 1 Gladding family is directly descended. Back of tliat little ctin be ^ traced of the family genealogy, l»ut the following taken from histor- > '' ical matter found in the British Museum will serve to show that it is a very ancient family : "The primitive ancestors of tl)e Ghidding family were Scandina- vians of the name of Mont picket, and dwelt for many years in an old castle situated on the wild and rugged coast of Norway. It is stated that the women of this family were noted fcjr their virtue and gr(?at beauty, and the men for bravery and intelligence of such high order that they were recognized as leaders in the many military en- terprises of their countrymen. So marked was their n)ilitarv ability that Rolf, a young Norwegian chief, appealed to the Montpickets of his time for instruction and advice in regard to a military expedition of the Scandinavians into France, of which he was the leader. By following their advice Rolf, as all students of history know, succeeded with but little bloodshed in compelling king Charles to formally cede to him the province since known by the name of Normandy. Two members of the Montpick'et family accompanied Rolf on his expedi- tion and were of great service to him during the campaign. These were Charles and Henry, the latter of whom returned to his native heath at the close of the war, the former settling in Normandy, be- coming in time one of his chief 's greatest barons. "•The descendants of Charles, tor many generations were an honor to his name. They were honored throughout the province ns barons of influence and ability, but none greater than Louis :ind Robert Montpicket, who were followers of the great Duke William, and fought gallantly under his b;muei- duiing his conquest. of England. In the battle of Hastings, lOGG, Louis was killed, but Robert lived to see William crowned king of England, and to receive from that monarch some of the contlscated estates of the Anglo-Saxons as a reward for his services. With this Robert Montpicket the genealogy proper of the family begins. "At the close of the contest Robert settled in Essex, and during ^ his life held that and an adjoining shire as a baronsige from the king. t He had two sons, William Montpicket and Charles Gemon, (Gemon being the Norman F'rench for Montpicket.) Charles had two sons. > From his elder son, Willi:im de Montpicket, descended the barons of > that name whose seats were at Overstead. Essex, and Montpicket «--«--«-«--»"*--»-■«- [118] town, London, of wliicli the Montpickets were standard bearers and military chiefs in time of war. The younger son Alard, who retained his father's name of Gemon, had a son Matthew, who was for many years the king's ch;imberlain. Matthew had a son. Ralpli Gemon, who \ was the father of William Gemon, who had two sons, James and Godfre}'. James was the founder of the great line of Gcmous, who hold estates to tiiis day in Essex, Sutlblk and Derby. Godfrey, the younger son, surnamed DeCavendish, was the father of Roger Caven- dish, who married the Duchess of New Castle, b3- whom he had one son, Sir John Cavendish, sir John had two sons, Richard and Hugh. Riciiard had one son, 0.sl)ert. Osbert quarrelled with his family, re- nounced its name, and adopted that of Gladesfor. His only son, P^dgar, changed the name to Gladewin, which was changed by his im- mediate descendants to Gladwin, and from Gladwin, as the records show, were derived the names Gladon, Gladdon, Gladding, Glading, Gladdin and Gladen." The first Gladding to land on this side of the world was John, who was born in England in 1640, and came to this countiy at the i age of twenty years, in 1660. He settled at Newbury port in the Plymouth colony, and in 1666 married P>lizabeth Rogers. After the King Philip war, which opened the Mount Hope lands to white set- tlers, he removed to Rhode Island and in 1680 settled in Bristol with his wife and four children. His was one of the first white families there. He assisted in the founding of the town, and was one of the seventy-six electors at the first town meeting, September, 1681. There were born and lived the heads of seven generations. Six of them died there and the seventh died in New York state. The prog- eny of 'these seven Gladdings are scattered all over the country, and it is said that no Gladding has yet been found in this countrv whose ancestry can not iie traced back to the original John Gladding. The monument, a picture of which appears herewith, is designed by ''Uncle Henry" (iladding to commemorate the seven progenitors named above. It is to be erected in Bristol near wheie they are buried. In his history of the Gladding family. Uncle Henry says: ''This monument migiit well be calletl the Monument of the Seven Johns, from these peculiar circumstances: The first born to the Glad- | ding family in America, for six generations in succession, was a son, > and all named John, after their father John, the settler. I claim the > first six as grandparents ; the seventh was my father's brother. This fi. 't-^'tt- ■ -> [119] > one was buried at his adopted home, Pharsalia, Chenango county, | N. Y." t '•Uncle Hem-}'" is in many ways one of tlie most interesting old > men in Rhode Island and he is greatly beloved l)y all the mem- l bers of his great family, for he numbers among his children all throuoh whose veins runs the good i^ld Scandinavian blood of the original John. He was born in Chenango county, N. Y., in 1827. He learned the machinist's trade, and in 1857 came to this state. He was the first man employed at the Burnside Rifle works when it was started in Bristol, and he followed the concein when it removed to Provi- dence. Later he was foreman of the Union Screw P^actory, now de- funct, but the greater part of the time since leaving the Burnside works he has been in business for himself. For the past ten years he has devoted his time chiefly to looking after his property on Hop- pin street where he lives, and to the preparation of his family gene- alogy. In addition to his other attainments, he writes poetry and and sketches with no little skill. Of course, being the mainspring of the whole business Uncle Henry is chairman of the committee of arrangements for the reunion. The other members are Benjamin C. Gladding, Providence ; Daniel W. Gladding, Warren ; Nathaniel Gladding, Bristol ; and Sidney Glad- ding, Newport. The members of this old and respected family whose pictures ap- pear in connection with this sketch are just a few of the representa- tive ones of Rhode Island. Most of them have taken active part in preparing for the coming reunion, and all of them were on the com- mittee of arrangements at the previous festival. ■»■»■»■»■»■»■»■» ^^^-^.^^-*.^ L. — — -* — [121] PROCEEDINGS AT THE SECOND REUNION, 1900. The Gladding family reunion held at Bristol 1 or any encouragement, for ray attendance. I have a store, and con- > stitute "boss and all hands," and as to making any sure dates, that .> is an impossibility for me. I generally come that way the week of \y the ''4th," and I may possibly do so this year, and if I do, would be pleased to meet all of ray unknown cousins, also uncle Henry. Respectfully, D. P. G. Waterville, N. Y., July 14, 1900. Dear uncle Henry, and family : Thank vou for sending us the notice of the Gladding reunion. I hnve hoped to be with you, but find it will be irapossible for rae to leave horae at this time. I have thought all th6 year that I should come, but will have to give it up. I know you will have a delightful day. Kindly remember rae to all of the friends. With love and best wishes for a happy day, I am sincerely your niece, MARY C. BENNETT. Albany, N. Y., July 17th, 1900. H. C. Gladding, Esq., Providence, R. I. : Dear Cousin, Your kind invitation to the reunion of the time-honored family of Gladding, came duly to hand, and it is a matter of sincere regret that, owing to a press of business matters, I shall be unable to attend what will undoubtedly prove a feast of reason and a flow of soul ; and in these regrets I am heartily joined by all the members of ray family. My mother, Mrs. Freeman Glad- ding, joins most heartily in these expressions of regret, as she would like very much to attend. But owing to her advanced age, having passed her eighty-fiist birthday, she fears the tiip would be too much for her declining strength. We will all, however, be with you in spirit, if not in person, and hope most sincerely that the reunion will i be well attended and heartily enjoyed by those fortunate enough to 1 be present. And may the name of Gladding ever continue to be as honored and respected as it has ever been. ^, Hoping that I may hear from you again in the near future, I re- main, Your Cousin, CHARLES S. GLADDING. ^ ^ -*■-<--*— *•-^ -^ -^ ■*-*-♦- -6- -*■•*-•*-♦ ? [124] |; Kei)lies in general expressing earnest interest in the reunion but I j; inability to be present on account of various causes, were received [ <- from Theodore O. Carr, Sarah Matilda Torapkins, Mrs. James H. [ <■ Goddard, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gladding and children, and Mrs. > Wni. H. Easton, all of Newport, R. I. ; from Wm. H. Gladding and James F. Gladding, both of Albany, N. Y. ; from John S. Glad- ding, of Wickford, R. I. ; from Walter M. Gladding, New York city ; from Nelson A. Gladding, Indianapolis, Ind. ; and from F. G. Sacket, of Knox, Clarion county. Pa. Hezekiah Butterworth, of Boston, the celebrated author, was now introduced and read the following original poem, which was received with hearty applause : BUILDERS OF MEN. Forget not the Pilgrims! By dark foes surrounded. Their tenantless ways through the forests they trod, They sailed 'gainst the world, with the heavens, and founded The towns that are scrolled with the gloiy of God. Forget not the Prophet of Leyden, foi'get not Our Bradford and Brewster, nor his glorious form Whose soul "mid the mighty wave rose, as beset not. The form of John Ilowlaiid that sung in the storm I Forget not. forget not. those builders of old, But their purpose and will Be it ours to fulfill, Aud all that in visions the Pilgrims foretold. Their work is not ended, their stars are not set, Repeat ye their glorious deods. lost ye forget! Forget not the builders of men ! Forget not, forget not the nation's defenders. In their old spirit still let the nation increase. And bear forward the flag amid siiadowless splendors And war bugles blowing the sweet notes of peace. Defenders of might, of king (Jeorge's towns royal. When o'er them the lied Cross of Fatherland blew ! Defenders of right, to humanity loyal Beneath the new stars of the centurv new. Forget not. forget not those Builders of old, But their purpose and will Be it ours to fulfill, And all that is glorious their prophets foretold. ^ ^ ^ ^ "^ "^ ^ "^ [125] Tlieir work is not ended, their stars are not set, Repeat ye tiieir jilorious deeds, lest ye forget! Forget not tlie Builders of men ! Forget not the heroes who rose to deliver The flag when new tyranny lifted its arm. Tlie hermit birtl sings by their graves, and forever There Honor repairs "neatii the pine and the palm. Their deeds thrill our lives, their example the ages. And shadowless ever their fame shall remain. The white marbles bloom for their sake, and the pages Of history they gladden, and poesy's strain. Forget not their deed:*-vvho the free flag unrolled. Their pui-pose and will Be it ours to fultill, And all that is glorious their valor foretold. Their work is not ended, their cause leads us yet; Repeat ye their glorious deeds, lest ye forget ! Ye have not forgotten the Builders of men! Toda}^ ye have met in this elm-shaded town. With your keepers of glorious records again, Where the people are known by the people thej^ crown. The history the Northmen on yonder rock traced Was followed by records the Gladdings wrote down. When the sons of the Pilgrims the wilderness faced And Liberty summoned her sea girded town. Your cheering name stood with the builders of men, Who gave man his birtliright, high hope its desire, Strong labor its due and grand deeds a pen — And Jesse Lee's welcome is 3-oiider church spire. They strove not for wealth, they toiled not for fame. For welfare they lived, and life's righteous course held, And the centuries crown their old family name. That today ye ennoble, like heroes of old. Ye have nut forgotten the Builders of men! Ye will not forget them ; to them came the vision, To them came the daring, the conflict, the stress. They poised in the field the white lance with precision. And poured out their blood, all the future to bless. Tlieirs. theirs was the prophet sight, theirs the direction, Ours, ours the fulfillment, in centuries supreme. Be it ours to bear onward their hopes to perfection. In the spirit they died all the world to redeem. Forget not, forget not those commoners bold, Their purpose and will Be it ours to fulfill. --»-»-»-«"»-«--«■ [126] l And all that is o^lorions thfiir virtues foretold. 1 Their work is not ended, tlieir cause leads us j-et ; i- Repeat )e their oloiions deeds, lest ye forget! ^ O sons of the Builders, build on I ^ For all that they lived, time awaits the fulfillinor. | For all that they died, it is ours to make strono;. To embalm all their hopes, in the resolute willing To humanity's make all the voiees of song. To conscience like theirs stand we true, foi' the glory That await the true hearted, who conscience sustain. And our Thanksgiving song shall continue their story, And the chorus of hills wake their wonderful strain. Forget not, forget not those Builders of old, But their purpose and will Let us rise to fulfill. And all that is glorious b}^ emprise foretold, Their work is our work; the cause summons us yet; The deeds of the Builders ye will not forget I Build on — none a nobler legend iidierit. The hammer of Thor to humanity give; Ye may fail in your work, je shall fail not in spirit; The names of the builders forever shall live. Servius Tullius" heart beat, the deeds of the Gracci, Cincinnatus" honor, and Procion's fame. The glory of Montfort. and Cromwell and Hampden, All shine in the lustre of Washington's name! In the grand march of heroes, one aim thrills the ages. And I'ericles" heart and our Lincoln's were one. And justice and peace, and the visions of sages, Are the stars of the cycles that followed the sun. Build on as the sea kings l)uilt on in their glor\'. To breast the far floods in the luminous dawn. And yonder rock-cleaved with the new world's first stor}-; Build on and builil on and forever build on. Time will ever remember the Builders of men ! Hezekiah Butterwouth. Then followed the singing of "Ilome, Sweet Home," by all pres- ent. Cousin Miss Elizabeth Uzelle Wardwell presided at the piano, V "lincle Henry." H. C. Gladding, made some explanatory remarks , relating to the leunion. ' An original poem, entitled, Biistol, by cousin Miss Julia T. Glad- ding, of Bristol, was read by cousin Anna B. Manchester, and was very well received. (This poem will be found on page 102.) •oCr^^' t!,l [127] Cousin Wm. H. Gladden, of New Britain, Conn., gave us an in- * ^, teresting talk concerning our Scandinavian ancestors, and the Scan- [ |. dinavian name Montpicket ; also the origin of the name Gladding, ^ t Gladden, Glidden, Gladwin, and the derivation of these names and I the various ways of spelling, &c. No doubt had we his address in print it would be an intei'esting study. Cousin Mrs. D. R. Dana of Warren then lead from the Gladding; book the poem by '■'Uncle" Henry C. Gladding entitled "Muse." The exercises were brcnight to a close by the singing of ''Auld Lang Syne," "Star Spangled Banner," and "America," after which farewells were said, and hopes were expressed that all might be pres- ent at the next reunion, which is to be held in 190."). Oil paintings of the following named old-time members of the Gladding family were on exhibition ' in the office of the hotel : Han- nah V. Waldron, nee Gladding ; Anne W. Lindsey and son ; Thomas Francis ; Capt. Nathaniel Gladding ; Ruth Harding, wife of Edward T. Gladding; Susanna Sherman, mother of Anne W. Lindsey. The following named persons were present : Easton, Md., Samuel Gladding, Miss Edith Gladding: page S, f 8, No. 27. Ravenna, O., George W. Gladding. Olyphant, Pa., Holden B. Mathewson, Mrs. Holden B. Mathewson. Page a, f 208 : St. Louis, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. George W. Gladding,^ George McCall Gladding. Kansas, Wm. Gladding Eddv. Bristol, Vt., Miss Alice E. Gladding : page e, f 84. Norwich, N. Y., John E. Gladding, Benjamin F. Gladding: page c, f 3, No. 8, (). Mass. : Boston, Hezekiah Butterworth. New Bedford, Stanley G. Aiken, Miss Laura V. D. Akin, Mrs. Julia W. Almy, Mrs. Edith F. Crowell, John E. Akin, Mrs. Josephine Gladding Akin. Acoshnet, Mrs. Amy Hathaway. Fall River, Miss Mabel C. Cluny, Lottie B. Cluny, Laura E. Macomber, Daniel Gladding. Swansea, Hattie R. Unsworth, Laura E. Unsworth. Conn. : New Biitain, Wm. H. i CUadden. New Haven, Henry H. Gladding, Mrs. Henry H. Glad- i ;; ding, Edna H. Gladding, Daniel H. Gladding. R. I. : Providence, f ;; Benjamin G. Gladding, Mary T. Gladding, Frank Gladding, Mrs. I Frank Gladding, Benjamin H. Gladding, Miss Mary T. Gladding, •> <• Walter E. Gladding, Mrs. Walter E. Gladding, Henry C. Gladding, t Mrs. Henry C. Gladding, Thomas L. Pierce, Mrs. Lydia Pierce, ^ '^" '^" "^"^ ^ ^ ^ ' ♦■*--*--«-*--*--*•■*• [128] Mrs. Addie D. Coates, Miss Ethel V. Coates, Miss Lizzie A. Burton, PZlizabetb E. Gladding, Ann C. Spicer, Koyal II. Gladding, Sarah Monroe Gladding, Mrs. Mary J. Green, Mrs. J. W. Green, Mrs. Charlotte Ingraham, George I). Gladding, Ardelia 1). Gladding, James G. Gifford, Myra E. Pierce. Charles H. Maconiber, Mrs. Wilhelniina E. (t. Bahcock, George L. Bnckingiiam, Mis. George L. BucUinghani, Kate Buckingham, Emily Eldred Gladding Nelson. Warren, Daniel W. Gladding, Mrs. D. W . Gladding, Miss EUie S. Gladding, Miss Henrietta Gladding, Mrs. Jerome Willard, Miss Mary P. Bosworlh, Miss Florence E. Bosvvorth, Mrs, Annie Wald- ron Danna, Mrs. H. Fannie Ilaight, Ethel L. McKenzie, Nettie McKenzie, Ella H. Pierce. Barrington, Alverin M. Gladding, Mrs. Julia Gladding. Bristol, Mrs. Kuth E. Pitts, Alonzo Kenney, Mrs. Ellen T. Kenney. Mai-ia E. Lindsey, Annie F. Gladding, Marj' J. Green, Mrs. Mary A. Gladding, Anna B. Manchester, Mrs. Eliza- beth L. Douglass. Eunice B. Manchester, Maria C. Douglass, Marie L. Duffy, Annie M. Duft'y, Sadie C. Munioe, Lenora V. Wardwell, Alice E. Gladding, Eliza Uzelle Wardwell, William L. Manchester, Genevie L. D. Manchester, Joseph Gifford, Benjamin S. Gladding, Elizabeth Gladding, Mrs. Susan C. E:islerbiooks, Mrs. Hannah S. Burgess, John G. Cantield, Mrs. Rachel T. Gifford, John A. C. Gladding, Albert E. Sparks, Mrs. Helen V. Canfield, Theodore O. Gladding, Nath'l A. Gladding, Hattie A. Gladding, P^mma E. Glad- ding, Jesse G. Gladding, Mrs. Louisa Gladding, Miss Inzie S. Pitts, Miss Ruth Harding Pitts, Miss Mary Rounds, Miss Eva May Cole, Ella May Waldrou, Wm. T. C. Wardwell, J. Howard Manchester. Newport, James G. White, Ida R. Gladding, Sanford T. Gladding, Daniel C. Denhara, Cynthia C. A. Stevens. Sus in Barlow, Susan Jannet Tilley, Agatha M. P. Albro, Samuel P. Gladding, Mrs. Samuel P. Gladding, Mrs. Bessie V. D. Gladding, Joseph Steel Gladding. Cottage City, Mass. : Mrs. Benjamin F. Rice. Warren, R. L : Miss Linda Lawton Haight. <■ <► <> <- , >.*.-♦-«•-*■-*■'♦ o > w r o o z o en o G ?a O w z o TH5 ^'--^ ' -^ . » » ■» » ■»-»-»-^ [129] "UNCLE" HENRY'S AUTOBIOGRAPHY. This book or work treats wholly of family matters, and as Uncle H.'s pilgrimage will count three score five and ten years on Jan. 11, 1902, by request he ventures the following autobiography : My fntliei', Mr. Benjamin Gladding, was the seventh in direct line from the settlers John and F^lizabeth Rogers Gladding. My mother, Mahitable Turner Coggeshall, was a direct descendant of John Coggeshall, the president of the colony that founded the city of Newport, R. I. My parents married at Bristol, R. I., Sept. 27, 1814. In the fall of 1816, with one son, the}' removed to Chenango county, N. Y., where I was born Jan. 11, 1827. In the fall of the same year, with their six children, they removed to Waterville. My father served four years' apprenticeship at the carpenter trade in Providence. At Waterville he worked at his trade until about 1832, when he changed his hand to that of manufacturing rope and cordage. I suppose the cause for this change was his large and growing family. I had five brothers and sisters added, all born at Waterville. The youngest died at birth. Such a tribe of boys and <^irls eoiisuine a power of bread, sirs, But then, our little tiii■*•-*•-*--* - -A- -A- ^ • i. health was good. This winter I was qnite poorly. On my leturn to > I Rhode Island I soon regained my health. I engaged with the Bristol j Butt Foundry, to take charge of the machinery, patterns, «&;c. This | '• concern was burned in the summer of 1850. Next I joined in purl- ^ nership with J. Gladding, in the tin, slu'ct-iron and stove business, adding the jobbing and plumbing business. In tliis I did very well. About this time I engaged in another coi)artnership which involved a matrimonial union, witii one of Bristol's most amial)le daughters, Miss Emily P. Eldred, daughter of Ci\[)t. Samuel and Leviua Bar- bour Eldred. This contract was ratified in the Christian Church, Apr. 2, 1841, and celebrated by about a month's sojourn visit with our kindred in Herkimer, Oneida and Chenango counties, N. Y. About- Ibis lime the plank road craze was at its height. My brother, Mr. B. F. Gladding, with others, contracted to build about ninety miles of road, from Petersburg to Boydton and Clarksville, Va. To build ninety miles of continuous road, with the bridges, (one bridge had a 250 feet span, said to be the longest arch in the world to that date), required many million feet of lumber. To make the lumber the compan}^ sent out seven steam saw mills. I was en- gaged as master mechanic to set up and keep this machinery in or- der. "Wife was to go out and teach the children of the several fam- ilies on the work. For this I chased out my business in Bristol 8e[)t. 18, '51. We left for New York. Met on board steamship City of .Richmond my brother, and family, and others, bound for the James river, Va. We were soon in our new home, with plenty of business. Matters went verv well with us until the obstinate sickness of my dear Family. This incident I have ever considered the greatest afliic- tion of my life. A detailed account would not alter the fact. Our little daughter came to us Mar. 22d, 1852. Her mother was attended by an elderly doctor, one of the company from central New York. For all our loving care she passed away April 11th. All things are of God, and this was one of the all things. I fully believe I shall meet her again. Until then I wait. ^ My poor little waif weighed only five pounds when she was three I months old. She is still living and has passed her 49lh year. ^ I I did not remain in Virginia till the Avork was finished. I came < back to Bristol in the early summer of '52. This time I worked for J. Garner until his works were burned in the winter of '54. I married the second time, Sept. 12th, 1853, to Miss Sarah M. Wald- *-«■-«■-«--< -»»■»» »-»-»--» < •<• •(> I- [131] ron, (laughter of Capt. Allen and Martha Gladding Waldron, all of Bristol. My last engagement in Bristol was with the Biirnside Gun Works. This work was established there 18.54. The '57 panic nearly closed the works. In '58 they removed to Providence. With this work I was an all-round man : had the oversight of boiler, engine and ma- chinery, tool maker and 'inventor. My labor-saving devices, for some parts of the lock, &c., especially in the forging department, reduced the labor cost from 5 to 100 per cent. As with the soldier in this matter, so with me: the soldier fights the battle; tiie general gets the {)raise. With the closing and the removal of the gun work to Provi- dence 1 was virtually frozen out of the grand old town, after a ten years residence. We removed to Providence 1858. My brother James and I, under the name of H. C. & J. N. Gladding, established a machine busi- ness, principally for all odd jobs. With the beginning of the big fam- ily quarrel, 1861, things looked shaky, with much uncertainty. How- ever, Mr. J. Ralph and I secured a contract from the government for a large quantity of gun locks. We were practical gunsmith mechan- ics, not real business men; so we wisely turned the contract over to Walter Coleman & Sons (as the sequel proved, for it failed them up), Ralph to have a general oversight, I master mechanic, at a fixed salary. We en)ployed al)Out seventy hands and finished the contract. Afterwards I took a position as foreman of the machine department in the Union Screw P\-ictory. This concern was absorbed by the Eagle Screw Co., about two years later, when I started a business of my own, as before. As an autobiography is supposed to porti-ay the spirit and charac- teristic features of a writer, we trust a few lines concerning the pict- ures in this book will be in order. The artistic work on all the pict- ures , except the half-tones, was the wotk of the writer. The sketch- ing and drawing were done with the aid of an instrument invented and patented by ihe writer. The instrument is a veiy ingenious de- vice for measuring all ol)jects in a landscape, or any object 3'ou wish to [)ortray. It is somewhat like the pantagraph. We call it a Loco- graph, because with it any one can locate, or draw on paper, or in his picture, all objects in the scene in exact proportion, with an}' artistic skill. Please examine fixed objects in these pictures, for exact pro- portion, one part with another; especially, the picture called Hoppin > > ^^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^ -^-^^^^^^-^-^ 4 [132] Square. It accompanies tliis article. This instiuiueiit has nothing to do with the shadintr:' that wliolly depends on the skill of the i artist. > Hoppin square picture shows the neighborhood in which we liave i resided for the last thirty-two years. \ I have already- mentioned my inclination towards being an all- round mechanic. In this picture may be seen a glim[)se of my hand- iwork as an architect, carpenter and builder, in the three-story house on the center corner, and the one to the left, 9 Hoppin street. It is here Aunt Sarah, and Uncle Henry, expect to spend the balance of their days. This article is already too long for its intrinsic value, but I add this incident : — A doctor who had made a call on a sick woman, one of our tenants who occupied rooms on the top tloor of the block, was returning b}' the side door. I waited in the yard to inquire the condition of his patient. We had never met before, but when we met I saw he was measuring me up. After answering my question, with a little twinkle in his eye he said, "Ah, I thought there was an orig- inal character around this corner." Uncle Henry. 4- ■♦■ -^ -^ -^-^-»--«-*< [133] PREPARING THIS SOUVENIR. I t Soon after our 1H90 leunion tliere was a manifest desire for some > one to prepare a souvenir of that niein(Mal)le ever.t. By a popular 4 request Uncle W. consented to i\o what he co\ild. it t)eing his Hrst and only attempt of the kind. I in:iy s:iy fioin my cailiest recollection I was inclined toward gen- eolouical investigation. Vi-ry well do I remember the interest and pleasure I experienced in the study of my uncle John's genealogical manuscript ch:iit. He liegiin it 1832 and finished in '."iS. I secured one of cousin Allen's charts ms soon as printed. From this date I l)ey,an securing data, thinking to extend the chart. This matter was combined with the souvenir, and as soon as convenient the matter was in the hands of the printer, with the first leaves of the chart. From that date to this, with doggeil persistence, we have utilised the limited time our limited means would allow us to devote, for gathering data for this work. From Savage's Genealogical Dictionary of New England : Jol)n Gladinjr. Eliz. Rogers, Newbery. ni. 17 .July. 1666. Had. Susan, b 6 Oct.. 1668; .lobn. 11 Oct.. 1670; VVilliani. 25 .Tuly. 167:^ ; Eliz., 15 Sept., 1676; Mary. 14 Jan., 1679; Hannah. 8 Nov.. 1681. The above is a true copy. Gladding is spelt with one d. Eliz., without doubt, is abbreviation of Elizabeth; Had we this matter sooner it would have appeared at the head of the chart as it is in- serted above. The John and Elizabeth Rogers Gladding married at Newbury, Mass., 1666, were our first American ancestors, the settlers, as to all 'known dates, yet. Bristol town records are in harmony with Savage. It is only uncle John's m.-iilcr of trndition that difTers. We have the former chart copied in fiiil in this work* See p:ige [m] To Whom it may Concern : Please do not fail to write (in 3-our l)ook) all known matters, in the l)lank spaces, as the^ above indicates, for the benefit of the living, and children yet unborn. XoTE. — Much of correspondence and personal interview has been con- < snnied in obtaining data. es))eciallv matters concernni'j tlie maternal parent. '> 4 Tlie former charts follow the male line only ; in the new chart the father's ^ I name in full heads each famil}'. The mother's name, when known, is in- ^ ^ scribed in full, with birth, marriage and death dates, also the family resi. > ^ deuce. The married daughters have tiieir husband's name follow their ^ name. (See the chart.) -^ » » » ■» » ♦-i- [1341 ^ The first family, that fnmily at the beginning of each generation, ^ is sui)i)osed to be tlie cliildren of the oldest son who marries and has ^ childien. He will be known by tiiis C^star. ^ John and Elizabeth Rogers Gladding, the settlers, constitute the first generation. Their children constitute the second generation. The third generation is the settlers' grandchildren. The fourth gen- eration contains all of the settlers' great grandchildren, onlj" ; and so on. The oldest son and his family are at the head of each gener- ation ; the next oldest, in true line, to the end or foot of each gener- ation. See page G for abbieviations, &c. Exam2ile.- Turn to page L, generation 7. Find #24 William, &c. Next, turn to page T, 8th generation. Find f 24 William Gladding. Her 24 is a father, ^^68 William James, is 24 oldest son. Now take his number, #68 William J, to generation nine. Find f 68 William who is father. #73 William is 68 son. We have now three genera- tions. 24 William is grandfather, 08 William is son, and 73 is grandson. This 73 and his children you will find on page (i), tenth generation, f 73, Asa Wood, &c. Take any of these, number and generation, and trace the opposite way back to the settlers. This chart is not without omissions, and more or less errors ; yet I think, as a whole, it is correct. The blank space is left for inter- ested parties to fill. In completing this work I wish to extend ray sincere thanks for the kind assistance offered and rendered by the cousins. Respectfully-, UNCLE HENRY. ^^^ H}- -«--«--«. S- -*--»• -i- -*- -»—*"«'-*• I 1 THE GENEALOGICAL CHART <^ <> OF THE GLADDING FAMILY IN AMERICA. '> John Gladding, the 7th, which he sent with his ingeniously arranged Chart, from his home, central New York, to his brother Edward of Bristol, R. I. Also the remarks of cousin Allen I. Gladding, of California. Cousin Allen took up these matters where uncle John left them. With commendable persistence he searched out the names of all who were born to the family that he could obtain up to that date. The aforesaid letter and remarks were inscribed on Allen's new chart. These matters set forth the origin and consecutive order in which this chart has descended to us, and tell their own story better than I could think to write it. — Uncle H. [Copy of a letter written by John Gladding, to his brother, Edward T. Gladding.] Pharsalia, Chenango Co., N. Y., June 18, 1838. Agreeable to your request, I send you this Chart of the Gladding Family, with every branch of it as far and as correct as I am at present able to do it. When I was at Rhode Island, on a visit in the winter of 1832-3, I had a favorable opportunity of obtaining many of the famil}' records, that are on this chart. I do not say that it is perfectly correct ; indeed, I found it impossible to get all the information I wanted, so as to satisfy myself, and I might, for aught I know, have made some mistakes where correct information has been given me ; but I think it is very nearly correct. I have been informed by my grandfather, (when I was a boy), that it had been handed down to him by tradition : That the first John Gladding came over from England to Phmouth Colony, some twenty (Should read fort}'. — h. c. g.) years after the first settlers landed ; and about the same time thev began to emigrate from the > i colony to the west; he with others came and settled on what is called ^ 4* ^ ■> i- Bristol Neck, in the state of Rhode Island, he being then about ^ twenty years of age. I have seen in the town clerk's office in Bristol, * a record of the following, viz. : John Cladding's mark for neat cattle and swine is a slit one-third the length, in the left ear, dated 16G2, F^^ W B ^, (Should read 1G82. — h. c. g.) T forget which month. This must have been the 1st John Gladding on the chart. You well know the old manuscript that has been handed down from the oldest John, to his oldest son John, &e., has of course come to me, which was written by the grandson of the first John Gladding on the chart, or rather commenced by hiin, the said grandson, and all his successors in the line of the oldest son Johns have kept their family records ever since down to mine. He begins his family record and journal thus : — ""I, John Gladding, son of John Gladding and Alice his wife, was born September 18. yr. 1G94, Tuesday. John Gladding, and JNIartha his wife married Thursday, Jul}' 12, 1716." He then goes on with the rec- ord of the births of his children, and in his journal mentions when his brothers William, Jonathan and Joseph were married, &c. ; and he says : "April 27, 1726, ray grandfather, John Gladding, died, aged 85 ;" so that he must have been born iu the year KUl. He also mentions when his brother Ebenezer was married, and when his cousin James Gladding was married. I am not positively certain f^ \ v:x that this cousin James's father was Ebenezer, but I have got the im- ' Iatm^o^^ pression some how or other that his name was Ebenezer. He also records in his journal : "March 23, 1729, my mother, Alice Gladding, died." I will now omit making any more extracts from this John Gladding, and will make a few from his oldest son, John Gladding. He commences his journal thus: "September 25, 1738. I, John Gladding, was married to Mary Drown on Monday night." He then goes on and records the births of his children, &c., and mentions many curious incidents and remarkable events that happened in Bris- tol in his days. He records, "April 14, 175'J, my wife died, aged about 40 years." 175'J, was married the second time, September (5, to Hannah Short. He says, "June 6, my mother, that was Martha Smith, died, in the 73d year of her age." I shall quote no more from this John Gladding's record and journal, who was our great- grandfather, and of course was great-grandson of the first John Gladding on the chart. The next John Gladding, and oldest son of John, &c., was our grandfather. He begins his record in the same manner as his predecessors, viz. : "I, John Gladding, Jr., was married to Lucretia Smith, Thursday, September 17, 1761." Tiien he goes on with the lecord of the births of his children, &c. The next record was by our own dear father. He begins his record, viz. : "January 11, 1784. I, -John Gladding was married to Rachel Tolbee, , it flSks L^^S^---'-^-'^^^^ c and the record of ours and our brothers' and sisters' births." I will copy no more from the old records and journals, but relate some things traditionary. It is said that there was another person by the name of Gladding that came over in the same vessel with our ancestor, and not at all related to him as they knew of ; and is said that he settled on the Connecticut river ; and the probability is that it was so, as there are families of Gladdings in Connecticut, and others that have removed from there to other parts of the country, that do not appear to belong to the Family on the present chart. The James Gladding marked 8 on the Chart, at a very early day re- moved from Bristol up into Massachusetts, — I have forgotten the name of the town, — and his son Samuel, raaikcd 20, removed from there into Vermont state ; and after living there a while, removed again to Greenbush, in the state of New York, and his son Samuel, marked 44, lives now in New York city, a ship carpenter, and his brother Onslow resides in Canada, I think Montreal. His family, if he has any, I know nothing about. The four sons of Jonathan Gladding, marked 7, which are Jonathan, Nathaniel, Timoth}' and Benjamin, these four brothers removed to Newport at an earh' day, and when the Revolutionary war broke out, Timothy and Benjamin, marked 18 and 19, removed to Providence, from whom most of the Gladdings in Providence sprang ; and those families of Gladdings that now reside in Newport mostly descended from Jonathan and | Nathaniel, marked IG and 17. There ar_e families of Gladdings in Newport that sprung from Solomon Gladding, which you will find on the chart marked 15. I think he removed from Bristol to Newport since the Revolutionary war. I think you must remember old Mr. William Gladding, that lives in Bristol, marked 14, the father of Stephen and Thomas, likevpise you may remember old Mr. Samuel Gladding, the gnager, marked 25, the father of Samuel Gladding, the cooper, and Philip Gladding. Uncle Josiah Gladding, marked 22, in the time of the revolution removed from Bristol to Middle- town, in Connecticut. His descendants have scattered, — some in <■ Albany, Vermont, western New York, and New Haven. You will . 4. • r I notice that there are thirty-five John Gladdings in the several fam- [ ^. ilies, and see the whole live of the grandsons of the first John, ^ t named their first sons after themselves. You will find a considerable > t . . > man}' family spaces left blank, especialh- in the eighth generation. "w < i D J' so that if any should cop}' this, and their whole family' not being on t < the chart, it can be easily added. t < Yours, fraternally, t ^ JOHN GLADDING, ^ at the top of the Seventh generation on the Genealogical Chart. Edward T. Gladding. Bristol, R. I. [Remarks by ALLEN L GLADDING.] Genealogical Investigations. At no period since the first settlement of our country, has the public mind been so deeply interested in genealogical research, as is now visible among all classes of men. On everj- side, individuals are to be found searching the homesteads of their forefathers, and the national, state, county, town and cimrch archives for the treas- I ures which for centuries have escaped observation ; and in every ' ancient burial-place maj- be seen some venerable representative of *'01d Mortality," brushing up and re-chiselling the fading memorials on the '•'■headstones of the Covenanters.'' There is a glow of piet}' j mingled in the thought that we can trace our ancestry to the May- fiower, and other kindred ships, freighted with the lovers and defend- ers of civil and religious liberty, in the early days of our country's history ; and when looked at in sober reality, there is a vein of de- vout and filial pride running through these ancestral researches. If we find ourselves descended from noble and praiseworthy ancestry, there is a laudable ambition in striving to imitate their example. If we are descended from those less amiable, there is an honest pride in the thought that we are not responsible for their faults. If we profit by their faults, and improve our race, we are certainly entitled to credit. Among the benefits derived from a sheet like this, may be mentioned the fact, that w'hen the relationship existing is rendered visible to the mind, it creates and fosters a feeling of fraternal ^ brotherhood, among many wIk; knew not before that any blood > kindred existed between them ; thus enlarging and purifying the \ I circle of family feeling ; oui- children, and children's children, sur- | •< veying these records, will be incited to imitate the noble acts of their \ * forefathers. The motives that prompt research into the knowledge ^ of ancestry, are usually founded in pious instincts. But there are E --^-^■^-^■^-^^ ^<:^£p^^^ other motives, perhaps, equally blameless, to be found in the ^'- a rg amentum ad pecunican." The vast amount of property, partic- ularly in Europe, held in abeyance for want of rightful heirship, and the frequent occurrences in this branch of finance, should stimulate men to acquire a knowledge of their race, sufficient to meet these exigencies, and thus prevent erroneous judicial results ; and a history of a family, prepared without any reference to such heirship, would have tenfold more weight in the courts of law, than any hasty pro- duction especially prepared for such emeigency. These few laconic hints may serve to call more minute attention to the important uses of genealogical researches. It can be seen by tlie letter of Mr. John Gladding, (at the head of the 7th generation), that the family records have been kept from the first down to the seventh cjeneration. I have ihiouo-h much labor filled the vacant spaces, made corrections, and comi)leted this Chart so far as I have been able to get information. In performing this work, I feel under obligations to many for the kind attention and assistance rendered me. ALLEN I. GLADDING, No. 140, eighth generation, San Francisco, Cal. ,tt :^'^ 'S^: ww^'^Bw?''%l -----*--' -=€>^ll G The settlers, John and Elizabeth Rogers Gladding, according to Savage, (Genealogical Dictionary of New England), were naarried at Newbary, Mass., 166^.V To them, at Newbary, were born six children. His grandson states, in his genealogical record, "April 27, 1726, My grandfather, John Gladding, died aged 85." So he was born 1640 or -41, and he must have resided at Newbary about twenty years. It is well known that they removed to Bristol 1680 or -81. He was a freeholder and voted with the 76 electors at the first elec- tion in that town. As the foregoing data and other matters in our new Chart disagree more or less with the former chart, hence, for comparison, we have reprinted and added the old chart to this book. See page {m). n SIGNS AND ABBREVSATiONS. # parent, (father or mother) ; / family ; m married ; b born ; d died ; gro group ; di died in infancy ; gf grandfather ; gr-ch grandchildren. Example.- Turn to page I. Find generation 6 and €=Vi. With '12 Ezra turn to page L. Find/ (family) 12. 12 Ezra is now a father, of children 20, 21, 22. Ezra runs out having no grandchildren. His brother. / 13 -Jo- siah, will be grandfather, at the head of his group of grandchildren in gen- eration 8, page T, the same as grandfather No. 2 Josiah, on page L. FIRST GENERATION. t/' No. 1 John and Elizabeth Rogers Gladding, the settlers, m. at Newbary, Mass., 166^^.7 Mr. Gladding b. in England, 1640-41. SECOND GENERATION. / 1. John and Elizabeth Glad- ding's children. 1 Susan, b Oct. 5, 1068 ^' ^■2 John, b Oct. 11, 1()70 ^53 WiUiaui, b July 2o. 1673 4 Eliz tbeth, b Sept. 15, 1676 .") Marv, b Sept.-1+, 1679 ^Of^ \ L 6 Hannah, b Nov. 8, 1681 Born at Bristol : t-Ss7 Tona'.han, h Miv 16, 1685 Joi t;'-8 "D.miel, b May 8, 16S7 KiD^, 9 Sarah, b Nov! 20, 1691 THIRD GEI^ERATION. .Tohn and Elizabeth group of grand- children. '-A-) V'2 John Gladdinir, b Oct. 11, 1670, nv Alice, dau of Uzill W^ardell, Oct. 13, 1603. Their dust now rests near their p.irents in the old Bristol bu 'ial g/onnds. ^§r John, b Sept. 18, 169-t 2 Mary, b Nov. 30, lOilfi CP Will am, b Oct. 13, 1698, -^J4 J niathan, b [an. 5, 1701 ]>'' 5 Eb -nt zer, b Dec. 8, 1702 ^() lo.( ph, b Oct. 2, 1704 7 "A icc.b M.r. 14, 1706 8 Elizabeth, h Sept. 13, 1708 9 Ni.thaniel, b D-C. 16, 1709 10 S irah, 1st, b May 27, 1712 11 Sarah, 2d, b May 21, 1715 t DoubtfLil which was the f.ither of l^'Janico, 13 Sar;ili. {Third Generation continued.) /3 Wiliiaiu Gl uldiiig, b at Biistol, July 23, 1()73, 111 Marv Children : a Mary, b Dec. 7, 1700 h Samuel, b May 19, 1703 (" Eliz^tbeth, b Auij. (j, 1705 1 8 Daniel (JIadding %11 James B 6Y'oi.( , n 0 1 av^vi^Ww. t Wa-) 13 Sarah FOURTH GENERATION, JOHN BRANCH. John and Alice Gladding group of grandchildren. f 1 John Gladding, b Sept. 18, 1G94, m Martha dau of Richard .Smith ^Sl John, b Jan. 30, 1717 5;P Charles, b July 10, 1719 3 Daniel, b M.iy 20, 1721 4 Martha 5 George %lo Samuel 7 Phebe 8 Mary WILLIAM BRANCH. / 3 William Gladding, b Oct. 13, 1698. . . ',. '^ '-r Qtt*.u ... Bristol, R. I. ^P William ^^10 Solomon JONATHAN BRANCH. / 4 Jonathan Gladding, b June .'5, 1701, ' ■ . , Bristol,, R. I. ^jjsll Jonathan 5Xsl2 Nathaniel ^J13 Timothy ^Sl4 Benjamin JOSEPH BRANCH. / 6 Joseph Gladding, b Oct, 2, 170/;^ 1,5 Samuel -^ ^^16 Joseph 17 Cary !,>< Jonathan 19 Peter 20 Priscilla 21 David |;s22 Henry 23 Stephen fgi,\ John 25 Benjamin 26 Kbenezer 27 Nathaniel 28 Alice William and Mary's grandchildren. 12 , 1st JAMES BRANCH. J d Jam s Gladding, b at Bristol, Sept. 21, 1707; twice m : ist, (cousin) Alice, dau of John and Alice Gladding. Jame.s Gladding died on his return from camp. Lake George, 1760. His widow, Sarah, died Dec. 26, 1788, ag. 83. S^ie James b Apr. 19, 1731. Alice died Aug, 25, 1734. Second, m Sarah Fairbanks. niC. 1, 1737. f Sarah, Dec. 20, 1738 g Alice, Aug. 20, 1740 &i William, b Jan. 24, 1744-5 '.-"/ Samujl, b Mar.l 6, 1749.50 (2d James Branch.) / 12 James Gladding 29 lames #'j30 Samuel H^ FIFTH GENERATION. No. 1 JOHN BRANCH. f 1 jchn Gladding, Mary Drown. Hannah Short, Bristol #1 3 4 6 7 8 9 John, b Jan. 3, 1739 josiah Peter Maltha ist Daniel M irtha ad Mary Solomon ^. C\ Josiah f V)-i' :) J 6 Samuel Gladding f5lO Samuel f^ll Nathaniel 12 George 13 Marv, Deacon Hammond 14 John Later Information. Barrington, R. I. Fourth jfenerntion. No. 2 Charles and Jndith Gladding's Children : 9 1-2 Ludia 1746 10 " Sarah 1747 11 " Charles 1748 12 " George 17.iO 13 " Joseph 1752 U " Judith 17.i6 '^iC^ 4st4«^ Grandchildren of No. 3 William and Mary. '« James Gladding, b at Bristol, Apr. 19, 1731, m Oct. 1.5, 17.58, at Rehoboth, Jo- anna Wheeler, of R J James, b Aug. 31, 1761, m Anna Maker k Ebenezer, b Mar. 2, 1763 / Mary, b Apr. (i, 176.5 m Ann, b Jan. 2:5, 1768, m Feb. 16, 1792, John Francis n William, b July 13, 1770, m Sylvia o Richard, b Mar. 31, 1775 fh William Gladding, b Jan. 24, 1744-.5, m An- na Sprague, of Rthoboth, R. I., Oct. 1.5, 176.5 / Tames, and his brother, k Ebenezer, were soldiers in the Revolution- ary war 2d WILLIAM BRANCH. /■g William Gladding fp5 William 16 loseph jjjn Ebenezer 18 Charles 19 Hannah ^;J20 Stephen 21 Jeieniiah 22 Timothy 23 Molly y"3 Solomon Gladding 24 Esther 's25 Solomon JONATHAN BRANCH. Jonathan group of grandchildren. / 11 Jonathan Gl;:dding, Providence, R. I. L :26 Allen 27 Jonathan 28 Phcbe 29 Susan, Wm. Davenport 30 Benjamin 31 Abigail .32 S irah, Walker Humphrey ?P3 John / 12 Nathaniel Gladding, Providence, R. I. 34 Sarah .3.5 Mary 36 Betsey 37 Hannah *s.38 Warren =;P9 Nathaniel 5;;J40 Jonathan SS41 Hale Provii'.eiKC, R. I- /13 Timothy Ghiclding, 42 Nathaniel ist. 43 Nathaniel 2d. ^jJ44 Timothy 45 Nancy C;46 John 47 Betsey, D. Pitts 48 Sarah G. 49 Sylvinia,ist. 50 Lydia Lowel Adams ^;;;51 George W. 5;iJ52 Nicholas 53 Sylvinia, 2d. 54 Harriet f 14 Benjamin Gladding, Providence, K. I. 55 Sally 5(J Polly 5" Betsey 58 Henrietta 59 Benjamin, d at sea 60 Anstras, ist. 61 Joseph 62 William 63 Anstras, 2d, Benjamin Snow 64 Lydia 65 Emma, Samuel W. Wheeler JOSEPH Xo. 6. f 16 Joseph Gladdint;-. 66 IJUis, C'apt. J. Larcher, J. Hardinijhurgh 67 Joseph 68 Cary 69 Samuel /22 Henry Gladding. 70 Joseph 71 Sarah 72 Rhoda i;;473 Henry y24 John Gladding 74 Elizabeth 75 Joseph 76 Henry 77 John These 77 sire great araiidcliildren of John Xo. 1. 2d generation. JAMES No. 12. /"30 Samuel Gladding, 78 David 79 Sally 80 Thirsa 81 Elizabeth 82 Solomon 83 Jonah 84 Anstras 85 Dolly ^JS6 Samuel 87 Marium Xo. 78 to 87 are great grandchildren of Ebenezer W. 2d generation. SIXTH GENERATION. JOHX Xo. 1. y'john Gladding. Lucretia, dau. of Richard Smith, Bristol. m John 2 Hannah, Ambrose Waldron 3 Lucretia ist ^•-.i Samuel 5 Richard ist 6 Benjamin 7 Polly, Samuel Monroe, Mr. Howland 8 Richard id !» Rebecca 10 Sarah, Nathaniel Cole 11 Lucretia, Otis Chase /2 Josiah #12 Ezra #13 Josiah 14 Polly #15 Joseph #16 Timothy 17 Susan #18 John #19 James #20 Daniel S. Middletowii, Conn. SAMUEL No. 30. /S6 Samuel Gladding 153 John B. 154 Onslow 155 Marietta 156 Julietta 157 Susanna 158 William B. 159 Catharine E. At this date (1895) Ebenezer No. .i of the 2d generation must end unless more information is obtained. — Uncle H. SEVENTH GENERATION. JOHN No. 1. h 17.39. /I John Gladding, Rachel, dau of Edward Tolbee, Bristol R. 1. 3 A'tA 5 John Edward Tolbee Lvdia, john Winslow Benjamin Hannah, Joseph Sparks Samuel, d at sea, age 22 Rachel, Samuel Sparks Stephen James N. fi Samuel Gladding, Charlotte, dau of joshua Ingraham, Bristol, R. I. 10 Eunice, Joseph Coit 11 Allen I. 12 Samuel ist m^ Richard S. e-14 John 15 Edmond 5^16 Gilbert R. ^1" Samuel 2d IS Martha J., Wm. Man Chester 19 Mary J., better known as the Good Sama- ritan 31 Mary Ann, Edraand Copeland, 1809 #32 Elias K., 1810 33 Xancy, Ira Ashly of Moretown, Vt., 1814 3-1 Hannah, Norman Persons, 1815 35 Harriet 36 Emeline _/"15 Joseph Gladding, JOSIAH No. y" 12 Ezra Gladding 20 Emily 21 Jeremiah 22 Ezra b 1741. /"13 Josiah Gladding, Hannah, dau of 23 Amanda, born 179V Ci24 William, 1798 «s25 Joseph H., 1800 2G Stephen, 1802 27 Maria, 1803 #28 Horace, 1805 29 Lath ram, 1S05 30 Irene, Israel Carpenter, ISOS Albany, X. V #37 Timothy C. #38 George W. 39 Ruana, Wilhelmas Pangburn ■to Samantha H John #42 Daniel P. 4:3 Charlotte. da 20 U Ann C. S. di /16 Timothy Gladding, Whipple, ^^ Freeman 46 Timothy A. #47 james M. 48 John 49 Lucy #.50 Henry I-. 51 Charles 52 George AV. .53 Frances E. Albany. X. Y /18 John Gladding, Mary, dau of Rutter, Ashtabula Co., O. i^JfTti Russell R. #.55 Joseph .56 Sally, Sacket 57 Mary .58 Marvin #5.59 Marquis 60 James 61 Nancj' /19 James S. Gladding 62 Lucy SEVENTH GENERATION. BRISTOL, R. I., FAMILY. Grandfather No. I JOHX'S Group of Grand Children. fl ^1 3 5 John Gladdino- married Rachel, daughter of Edward Tolbee, June 11, 1784. John born Xov. 19, 1762. died Oct. 20. 1821. Rachel, born died Doc. 14. 1849. A gar- den farmer and Bristol County Deputy Sheriff. John, b. Oct. -23, 1784 Edward Tolbee, b. Dec. 22, 1787 Lydia, b. June 17, 1790, m. John Winslow, of Fairhaven, Mass. Mo. of 6 children Benjamin, b. Feb. 9, 1792 Hannah, b. Aug. 6, 1794, m. 1st, Mr. Lind- sy, 2 children, m. 2d, Joseph Spark, 1 dau Hannah Samuel, b. 1797, d. at sea ag-. 20 Rachel, b. Oct. 20, 1800, m. Hon. Samuel Sparks, mo. of 8 children Stephen james X. Oct. 4, 1887 l.i me %~1' 18 e 19 Edmand. b. Oct. 2, 1800 Gilbert R., b. Mar. 4. 1^02 Samuel 2d, b. Julv 1<>^, 1804 Martha I , h. Sept. 7, 1806, m. Wm. Cox Manchester, of Bristol, R. 1. Wm. Allen Charlotte Gladding Frederic Harrisoff John Howard James Cook and Thomas Shepard (twins) Mary, the Almoner. Her good works ob- tained for her the sobriquet •'Good Sama- ritan." See page 100. Died Oct. S, 1809, aged 61 years. SEVEN BROTHERS. Grandfather No. 2 JOSIAH'S Group of Grand Children. /12 Ezra Gladding /4 Capt. Samuel Gladding and Char" 20 Emily •> r r. 21 Jeremiah lotte, daughter of Josiah and 22 Ezra Mary, (widow of Dr. I. Rich- mond). daughter of Capt. Paul /13 Jcsiah Gladding, Hannah, daughter of Unis, nee Ingraham. married Mar. 1789. Capt. Samuel died Dec. 14. 1813. aged 45. Charlotte died Xov. .5. 1836, aged 69. Ship owner and merchant capt- ain, Bristol. R. I. (See page 72.) 10 Eunice, and Jo.seph Coit. of Newport, m- April 8, 1808 Eunice, b. Xov. 12, 1789 Coit children ; a Mar\- Mum ford b Chaflot'e Allen c Eunice Gladding d Hannih Martin e Lucretia Smith j John 1st ^'Elizibeth Griswold h William Mumford / John 2d j Byron Dimond k Joseph 11 Allen I., b. Aug- 16, 1791 I.ost at sea Xov. 1810. The ship was never heard from 12 Samuel ist, b. Feb. 22, 1794 5^13 Richard S., b. Feb. 2.i, 1796 ^14 John, b. Mav 8, 1798 23 f24 '"26 #j28 29 31 Amanda, born 1797 William. 1798 Joseph H.. 1800 Stephen. 1802 Maria. 1803 Horaee, 180.5 Lathram. 1808 Irene, Israel Carpenter, 1808 Rev. Edmoud Copland and Marv Ann Gladding, m. ?ept. 1st, 18.30. Mary Ann died at Lydonville, Vt., Mirch 14, 189.1. a David, Dec. 21, 1832 h Jane, Sept. 12, 1834 r Ellen, Sept. 3. 18:16 d J. Wesley, June 17. 1840 e Edmond, July 6. 1846 f Georgianiia, July 11, 1850 f$32 Elias K. 33 Xancy, b. 1814, m. Ira Ashby, of More- town .34 Hannah, 1815, m. Xorman Persons 3.") Harriet 36 Emeline M (Seventh Generation) /l5 Joseph Gladding, b. Oct. 17,1764. m. Rhoda. dau. of Benj. and Han" nah. {nee Ingi'aham), Crittenden, d. Apr. 12, 1888, tig. 82y. 79 days. Joseph and Timoth}' Gladding es- tablished 1810 the house painting and decorating plant No. 935 State St., Albany. 'N. Y.. a noted land- mark in the old capital city eph d. ag. 77 y. 47 d. e Frederic / Emily ^ Frank 457 Mary, b. 1813, m. H. R. Hyde // Ruana /' Harriet J Olive k Austin / Allen m John -.■JS M'avin, h. I8I0, d. 1893 Jos- ^''--^9 Daniel Marquis, b. 1818 iif.GO James, b. 1820 61 Wansey, b. 18-2-2, d. 1853 ^P7 Timothy C. §J38 George W. 39 Ruana, m. W- Pangburn Pangburn children : a Joseph b James c George J Ruana 40 Samantha 41 John 5;rH2 Daniel Piatt 43 Charlotte 44 Ann C. S. /19 James S. Gladding / 16 Timothy Gladding, b d. m. 1st, Lucy Morton. Artist and portrait painter, Albany. N. Y. 5/;:45 Freman, b. July 11. 1815 46 Timothy Allen, March 26, 1818. Painter. Private N. Y. Heavy Artillery, d. at City Point, Va., Nov, 20," 1864 |;j47 James Morton, b. July 8, 1820 48 John, b. 1822, drowned 1835 in. 2d, Cynthia Whipple, who was sister of John Wliipple. father of Henry B. Whipple, Bishop of Min- nesota. 49 Lucy, b. Apr. 27. 1826 ^^50 Henry I.., Sept. 14, 1827 .■^l Charles \V., June 20, 1830 .W George \V. 53 P'rances E., m. Rev. Charles Hays, D. D. of Phelps, N. Y. n Mary Frances, 1855 b Charles, di r Anna W., di 1/ Margarett A., 1801, teacher e Catherine E., 1863 /Henry W., 1874, student /18 John Gladding, b. in Conn., 1782. m. Mary Kutter, 1S06. Removed to O. See page 27 ^S.54 Russel R-, b. 1800 5;;^.55 Joseph, 1808 .56 Sally, b. 1811, m. Chancy Sackst 1! Hannah b Orsemus r Mary d Luev 62 Lucy 63 Mary ist 64 Tames 65 Timothy 6-> Sophronia 67 Mary 2d 68 Lafavette 69 Priscilla 70 Lucretia 71 Maria 72 jane THE YOUNGEST OF THE SEVEN BROTHERS. flO Daniel S. Gladding, ni. June 18, 1811, Sally Patten. Daniel, born Mar. 16, 1786. Sally, b. Jan 22, 1781, d. June 25, 1847. Paper box maker. New Haven, Conn. 73 Edmond, h. 1821, d. 5^74 Henry, July 16, 1816 75 Francis, Aug. 20, 1820 N (Seventh Generation) (iraiidfather Xo. 5 DANIEI/S group of Grand Children. / 24 C'apt. Natlianiel Gladding, b ni. NaiK^y. dan of Jonathan Peck, master and owner in tlie niercliani carrying trade. Sickened and diet' on a, voyage out from Xew Oi- lcans and was buried in the Gull of Mexico. All of Bristol, K. I. (See page 53.) w"" N'athaniel ^;J77 Johathan P. igTS John 79 N^ncy P., ist 5;;J80 josiah 81 Su.san W., ist 82 Hannah H. S;{ William Frederic 84 Susan W. 2d. m. Mr. Letherbcrar 8,") Lvdia Richmnnd, m Thomas '^uin o! New York city. Mother of Dr. K. A. (^in, practicing phy.sician of \'icks. burg:, Miss. 86 Nancv, m. Thomas Bell. Mother of nine daughters arid one son, who mostly re- side in Bedford City, Va. / 26 Daniel Gladding m. Sarah Alger, of Warren. R.I Sailmaker. of Bristol. K. I. (See old Daniel Gladding house. 87 Peter 8S Daniel ist .S!) josiah !«» Daniel jd 91 DoUv i.-.t 92 Henry White 98 Joseph A. 94 Dollv, in. ^Vln. M.mchestcr, of Bristol K. i. 9.") Sally, rn. Henry White 9< HenVittta, d. ag. 20 97 John Qj A. di Grandfather No. 9 JOSIAH'S group of Grand Children. / 32 Solomon Gladding m. Xancy. dau. of Ambrose Waldron. all of Bristol. *!';98 Edward Grandfather Xo. 10 SAMUEL'S group of Grand Children. / 43 Samuel Gladding, b Seaman, of Bristol. 100 Bt-tsev 101 Martha 102 Nathaniel 103 .-^anniel 104 Phillip 10.> Benjamin Grandfather No. 11 Capt. XATIIAX- lEI/S group of Grand Children. /" .50 Joseph S. Gladding b. Dec. 11 1787; d. at Hartford, Conn., Mar. 24, 1S72; m. Apr. 23, 1817, Susan^ dau. of Esquire Cady, of Plain- lield. Conn. Manufacturer and mill owner, Moosup. Conn. Mary Elizabeth b. Feb. 16, 1819, . d. at Hartford Feb, 18. 1880. She m. Samuel Coit, of Hartford. Coit Children: lOG (/ Susan G. m. Samuel Day, of Conn. /' Joseph S. n. . Sarah Shaw, of Conn, r Mary E. married Dr- W. j. Bacon, of liarlford. J Hattie I. m. E. T. Piatt, Washington, D. C. e Martha W. m. Rev. H. M. Ladd, of New York city- / Samuel Bacon m. Leonora Bailey, of Wisconsin. 107 Phebe Ann, b. Plaintield, juneSO, 1823; died there March 15, 1S47 108 Phebe 109 Martha 110 Susan / 52 Xathaniel Gladding, b ni. Susan, dau. of Peter and Eliz- abeth Taylor. Merchant, import- er and wholesale dealer, of Prov- idence. R. I. / 34 Joshua Gladding m. Betsey Corwiii. all of Bristol, K. I. 99 Elizabeth L. di Second cousins group from No. 1 tO| Xo. 99. 111 Nathaniel T., b. Nov . .'), 1827 112 Eleonora E., b. Feb. 2, 1830 113 Leonora 114 William F., Aug. 22, 1&32 ll.'i Jostphine ist, b. Sept. 18, 1^37 116 j(sephine 2d, b. Feb. 2, 18.37, m. Shubael Hojikins a Maria Hutchings, m. Augustus Beldin b Shubael Hutchins. ^117 John Thomas, April 3, 18.39 118 Susan Taylor, Aug. 22, 1841, m. Prof. R. H.Thurston c Harriet T. Thurston, m. Victor Collin 0 {Seventh Generation) 119 Elisha H., Aug. 14, 1843, di #1-20 Charles A., jan. 8, 1845 121 Frank Raymond, Nov. 11, 1838, di 1-22 Phebs S , Oct. 29, 1849, m. Kev. Gould. No issue S. S. /54 Samuel Gladdino^, b. Apr. 26. 1804. d. iis- 92. m. l. on, Newport, R. I. 220 Esther A., m.john Walker 230 Frances, m. John Gladding 2:11 Elizabeth, di 232 Martha, m. Capt. Wm. Briggs 233 Sophia, in. John Allen 23'I Rc'iicca, di 233 Man,-, di 0236 Alexander ;;g237 (iet rge ^^^238 Christopher "239 Olive, m. Wm. Frank 5"4240 Nicholas T. / 2.t1 Josejih Gladding (m. Ellis Baker) 241 Martin, ist 242 Ellis, m.john Trip 243 Stephen, ist 244 John, di 245 Stephen, 2d 246 Martin, 2d 247 Ann 248 Maria, m. Charles Huddey /2.T2 William O. Gladding; Southwick, dau. of rn. Mary Ann 249 AV'illiam H. 2.50 Elizabeth, 251 Ann Wm. I'ike End of the 7th generation. s (Eighth Generation.') BRISTOL, R. T., BRANCH. Group of ofrandchildren to No. 1 Johu, of the 6th o:eneration. / 1 John Gladding was born at Bristol, R. I., Oct. 23, 17S4; m. Nancy, dau. of James and Patty («(?(' 'i'virner) Coggeshall, all of Bris- tol. Mr. Gladding-, a rope maker by trade, with wife and three children removed from Bristol JSl.") or -16 to Pharsalia, N. Y., where he established a cordage plant. The works are now an important concern, owned and run by his grand- and great- grandchildren. 1 Martha Turner, b. Aug. 4, 1810 ^1^2 Anstress j., b. Nov. -IS, 1811 m. Jonathan Finch ^P James Coggeshall, b. Nov. 12, 1813 j;p Rachel Talby, b. Sept. 17, 1819; m. Charles Crittenden. One daughter 5 John Arnold, b. Apr. 28, 1822; m. Mary Woodley. No issue / 2 Edward Talby Gladding, b. Dec. 22, 1787, d. 1858, ag. 70. Garden farmer; m. Ruth, dau. of Capt. John Harding, all of Bristol, R. 1. 6 Timothy X., di f=7 James Harding, b. July 22, 1813 tS8 Edward 6. 5g9 John 10 Mary, (twins) ; m. 1st, John Watton, no issue: 2d, m. Daniel F. Gladding of Albany, N. Y. a Charles h Lizzie 11 Hannah V., m. Francis Waldron, of Bris- tol. Mother of 8 children 12 Charles M., di 13 Susan B., di 14 Sarah, m. Charles Anthony, of Fall Riv- er, Mass. / 4 Benjamin and Mahitable (Coggeshall) Gladding, m. Sept. 27, 1S14. Benja- min b. Feb. 9, 1792, di Sep. 13, 1847. Mahitable b. July 17, 1797, Mr. Gladding was an apprentice to the carpenter and joiner trade at Prov- iaence. In the fall of 181."> or -16 he with his brother John and their fami- lies removed from Bristol to Chenango CO., N. Y. The family moved again 1827 to Waterville, Oneida co. CJl.") Benjamin F., b Oct. 19, 181.5 16 Mahitable Ann, b Jan. 28, 1818; m Thos. Coats. a Henrv T., b Mar. 8, 1846 b Mary;b Feb. 26, 1850 r John, b Jan. 7, 18.52 5;|fl7 George W'., b Apr. 9, 1820 18 Ellen, b Nov. 11, 1822; Aug. 13, 1855 m John Huike a Libby b Charles r Emma ii John e Lillie / Lewis Csig Charles Giles, b Jan. 8. 1825 ^s20 Henry Coggeshall, b Jan. 11, 1827 21 Maiyett. b Jan. 19, 1829: m P. Palmer 22 Anjanett, b Mar. 26, 1831; m Geo. L. Buckingham (7 Flora, di b Gwallis <" Carrie d Benjamin G. e Mira y Kate ^P3 James Nickerson, b Jan. 21 18.31 24 Lydia Winslow, b Oct. 8, 1838 25 William, di / 8 Stephen Gladding, b Feb. 21, 1803, m 1st, Hannah, dauC. H. I. Harding, of Bris- tol, R.I. Mr. Gladding was ajiprenticed to the carpenter trade with his brother Benjamin. This family early located at Smithfield. Bradford co., Va. i;P6 John f^27 Samuel 28 Lydia, b 1840; ra Thomas L. Pierce a Addle b Myra c Emma d Walter e Bertha Gladding 29 Anstress, m Orin Kniffen 30 Josephine, m John Akin / 9 JamesNickerson Gladding, b Oct. 4, 1807; m Lucretia, dau of Nathan and Sarah fGladding) Cole, all of Bristol, R. I. Mr Gladding was by trade a cooper ; In his later days like many other deni- zens of Bristol he followed the garden- farming, growing onions and carrots. He d 1857. 31 Lucretia J., b ]8;59; m Wm. Wilcox 32 Julia Thrasher, b 1840 33 Rachel, b 1841 34 Alzada, b 1843 35 Jamus N., b 1844. Private, Co. /, R, I. Vol. Died at Washington, D. C, Tuly 3, 1894. ' 36 Sarah Cole, b 1846 : m Philip Manchester 37 Annie H., b 1849; m, 1st, H. Bennett; 2d, Elder T. Miatt. 38 Ella Francis, b 1851, m \Vm. B. Cluley 39 Ellen L.iwlass, b 1!S,t;5, m Lorenzo Kenny ;^J40 Daniel H., b 1855 ^;H1 Benjamin, b Sept., 1857 Capt. Samuel of No. 4. / 1 6th jjen- eratioii and his wife Charlotte, nee lii- graham's, group of grand-children. / 13 Capt. Richard S. Gladding, b Feb. 25, 17%, m Martha, dau of Jose|)h E. Clait, May 25, 1815. Packet owner and mas- ter in the carrvinir trade between K. I. waters and the Hudson and Albany, N. Y. Died at Bristol 1880, ag 84 years 170 days. Cs42 Allen I., dec 1815 Cs43 William R., b Feb. l(i, 1818 ?jH4 Charles B., b 1820 4.3 Martha E., b 1823; m 1st John Waldron a James Waldron zd m Colbv Carr b Cory E. Carr c Theodore Carr Cs46 johi. A. C, b 1825 ^P7 Samuel, b 1828 «;j48 Theodore O., b 1830 #49 Henry D., b 1833 i^oO George T., b 183(5 — Bristol, R. I., family / 14 John Gladding, b m Mary, dau of Capt. Hezekiah Wal- dron (^Eighth Generation.) 51 Elizabeth, m Capt. N. Waldron 52 Emily J. Winston / 10 Gillert R. Glidding 53 Ann E. 54 Charlotte 55 William H. .56 Susan B. .57 Henry R. 58 Irene W. .59 Samuel B. (iO Frederick A. (il Francis B. — Providence family. / 17 Capt. Samuel Gladding, b Feb. 28, 1804. ni Sarah Cart, who died soon after; m 2d, Elizabeth T., dau of Ellis and .Ma- ry Bointon 62 Sarah E., b Apr. 24, 1842; m W. T. Hov- ey 63 Mary B., b Aug. 1st, 1844; m Israel H. Smith. One son, Charles H. Smith, m Grace Angel, of Prov. , R. I. 64 Samuel E., b Sept. 13, 1849 G5 William L., b Aug. 17, 1851 66 Charles H., b Dec. 6, 1852 Joshua, / 2, *13, 6th generation Joshua and Hannah's group of grand children. f 24 William Gladding, Sopha b 1798, d aged 58; m 67 Hariot, :ii E. Lansing f^568 William James, b Dec. 19, 18^21 69 Edward W. 70 Sopha M. 71 Horace S. 72 Israel S. 73 Cornelia M. 74 Joseph K, 75 Lydia C. ; m Clark §^76 Walter V. R. 77 Theodore 78 Elizabeth / 25 Josiah Gladding, b 1800 79 Josephine u {Eighth Generation.) /28 Horace Gladding, b 1805 SO James Y. 81 Anna M. 82 Francis 83 John / 32 Ellas K. Gladding:, b 1S13, d 1889; m Sal- ly, dau of Wm. and Rebecca, «tv Pierce Lovett, Marshfield, Vt. 084 Horace, b 1846 85 Caroline, b 1847 5^86 Albert, b 1851 87 Eunice, b 18,52; m Henry L. Broad 5^88 Philo, b 18G0 /32 Elias K. Gladding^, b July 15, 1813. at Stockbridge, Vt':; d Apr. 10, 1889, Plaintield, Vt. ; m Sally, dau oi C- Bart- lett, b May 17, 1816, d Apr. 8, 1889 089 George L., b Sept. 24, 1831 90 Harriet, b jan. 14, 1839; m Ez^-kiel Skin- ner, Feb. 2, 18,58, Plainfield, Vt. a Jennie A. akinner, b Nov. 15, 1858, d 1862 091 William H., b Apr. 8, 1841 92 Emeline, b Feb. 20, 1844; m George Pierce Oct. 24, 1866, of Barre, Vt. 93 Tulia, b Nov. 3, 1845, d 1891 94 i;dmond C, Sept. 22, 1846 95 Amanda L., May 19, 18.50; m Justin F. Chadwick, Aug. 17, 1872 96 Anna, b Aug. 14, 18.56, d aged 7 97 Ad I E . b Sept. 3. 1862; m Victor A. Grant of Pitsfield, N. H,, ]une 9, 1884 a Glenn R., b July 24, 1S85 h Victor M., ist, bjuly 9, 1887 r Victor M , 2 i, b Jan. 24, 1888 (/ Fleda Lucik-, b Apr, 7, 1892 Joseph./ 2, *15, spph and Rhoda children. (Ith generation Jo- group of grand- / 37 Timothy C. Gladding, b Dec. 26, 1810. House painter, ',)35 State St., Albany, N. Y. D at Albany, Dec. 14, 1S.50. He was m twice, :st to Margaret I. Mc- Grath , 2d, m Sally Ann Graham, b 1^17, d 18.84 98 Chailotte Adelia, b Dec. 14, 1831, d 99 Emeline C, b Jan. 21, 1836; m George W. Davis, Capt. in Havelock Battery for four years a [ohn Davis, b Mar. 24, 1869 b George A., b Apr. 5, 1870 c Knsetta Emeline, b Ddc. 11, 1871 d Mary Elizabeth, b July 9, 1873 e Minnie C, b July 13, 1877 100 Kosetta, b 18:58 101 Charles Sheiman, b 1840, d 102 Rhoda, b 1843, m Charles Hill 103 Joseph, b 1845, d ag 20 /38 George W. Gladding, b July 25, 1813; a niembL-r of the old and well known Gladding decorating and painters' es- tablishment, 935 State street, Albany, N. Y.; m ist, Rosetta Clark 104 jane McNab 105 George W. m 2d, Mrs. Catharine Clark 106 Edward J., b July, 18.50 107 Louise K., b July, ]852 m 3d, Mrs. Rebecca Hildebrand 108 Daniel Piatt, b 18,55, d ag 10 109 Caroline Arthur, b Jan. 24, 1858 f 42 Daniel Piatt Gladding, b Feb. 25, 1822 Youngest son ot the Joseph family ; con- tinued the painting business at the old stand through life. He was twice mar. ried. D at Albany, ag 70. M 1st, Mrs. Mary Walton, dau of Edward Glad- ding, of Bri stol, R. I. 110 Chailes D., 18.59 111 Mary K. W., b 1869 M 2d, Elizabeth Ostrander, dau of Jo- seph and Elizabeth Neeman Timothy, of/ 2, *16 and generation 6. Ilis group of grandchildren. /45 112 113 114 0116 Friman Gladding, b July 1, 1815, d 1881 ; m Lavanty King, dau of Geo. and Es- ther Nicker.'on, of Schoharie, N. Y. Ornamental painter, Albany, N. Y. James K., b May 7, 1841 Lucy A., b S -pt. 1. 1843 Mary E., F<.b. 8, 1145 William H., Sept. 1, 18.54 Charles S., Sept. 10, 1859 /" 47 James Morton Gladding, b July 8, 1820, d Jan. 27, 1894; m Oct. 7, 1846, Harriet P. y {Eighth Oeneration.) Maben. Accountant, Albany, N. Y. ^^n Frank H., Oct. 13, 18.i'J lis Hariot E.. July 11, 1S57 M Arthur E. More, Apr. 7, 1888 (7 Hariot Eva More, b Julv -20, 1S89 119 Florence E., b Mar., 18.39; di / 50 HenrvLangdon Gladding-, bat Albany, Sept. 14, isil; m Catherine A. Hain- street, of S.iratoga. N. Y. Mr. Glad- ding and son were general agents of the United States Mercantile I'ro'.ective Association, N. Y. 120 Carrie, b July 30, 18.">3: di 121 Charles Frederick, b Aug. 30, 18.56; d 122 Jessie Elizabeth, b May 28, lS.i8; m Alex. ander M. Holmes: an accountant p23 Edward Livingston, b Aug. 5, 18(iO ASHTABULA CO., OHIO. John, / 18. 0th greneration. John and Mary's group of grandchildren. / .54 Russel R. Gladding, m Clarissa, dau of Noah and Sarah Sadam. He was the first white male child born in Windsor, O. Died 1880 124 Wellington R., b 1832 125 Sarah, U 1837 126 Malvina, b 18.37; ni R. Spring; mother of one child, which died. D 1886 128 Lucinda, b 1840; m John Blakesley. Mother of one child wh di 129 Cynthia, b 1844; m 1871 Mr. Rigolds. To them were born two children, a son and dau /" 55 josei)h Gladding, b 1806; m ThankfiiU, dau of Cornelius and Abitrail Morris 130 John, b 1835, d ag63 131 Mary, b 1836, d 1891. a William * Robjrt ("Arthur d John 132 Charles, b 18.38 ^;P33 George, b 1840 134 Ruth, b 1844. di 1846 M J. B. Nye / 59 D.iniel Marquis Gladding, b 1818: m So- phia A., dau of Paul and Abigail Nye 1.35 John, b 1844, di 136 Henrv A., b 1846 137 Edna, b 1848, d 18,i2 138 Ida F , b 1855, d 1S80. son 1879 M A. S. Thomp. y 60 James Gladding, b 1820; m Lorinda, dau of Elisha and Eliza Grover 138 Philena, b 1852; m jobn McKenery a Bernice, b 1874 * W.ivne, b 1878 l:»javE.,b 18.56 :40 Estella, b 18.58 (The descendants of family 19. 7th generation Jiunes S. Gladding's three sons and eight daughters, would he recorded in thi.s place had we the dates and information needed. I think members of this family reside near Long Island Sound, east of Connecti- cut river : so far I tind in communi- cating through the post-office with this branch.) NEW HAVEN, CONN. Family 20. 7th generation Daniel S. and Sally Paten Cladding's group of grandchildren. w (Eighth Generation.) f-i Henry Gladdinjj, b July IG, 1816. Paper box manufactur>-'r. New Haven, Conn. m ist, Miirv Ann Coburn, who wiis b 1819, d 1851' Ann C, b Nov. 17, 1840, di Henry C. ist, b Sept. 1, 18.51, di 2d, m July i."), IS.%, Harriet Holbrook 5^143 Henry H. id, b. Apr. 27, 18.57 141 142 The grandchildren of the Seven Brothers of generation 6 end here. BRISTOL. R. I., FAMILY. Family 24, 7th generation. Capt. Xathaniel and Nancy Peck Gladding group of grandchildren. / 76 Nathanif-1 Gladding, b l.-^Ol, d 1831. Sea- man, Bristol, R. I., m Eveline, dau of Capt. Isaac and Priscilla Manchester, of Bristol 144 George H., b 18-26, d 1876 145 Hannah H., b 1828 #146 Nathaniel, b 1829 147 Eveline, b 1831, di f 11 Capt. Jonathan P. Gladding, b 18 . . . d at sea ... m Olive Davis 148 149 150 Mary A. Sarah A. Olive m Richard Franklin m Ambrose Waldron All of Bristol, R. I. /78 151 1.52 1.53 :;J154 John Q_iiincy Gladding, b 18 — at Bri-^tol, mMiiy, dau of John and Mury Quin. In early life he was in the book-hinuing business, at Bristol, R 1.; su s quenc- ly, a local preacher at Philadelpliia, Pa Marium John W. Susan Malanthan / 80 Capt.josiah Gladding, ^m Susan Swift In early life Mr. Gladding followed the sea; later on he k pt a giocery and p.-o- vision store at Bristol 1.56 Abby H., ist 157 Josiah 158 Abbv H. 3d; m Capt. Collins, of Bristol #1.59 Frank J., b 1845 160 Susan W. / S3 William Frederick Gladding and family 1 think were the Ptnvan, N. Y., Glad- d'ng family, and their descendants still live in western New York Family 20. generation 7, Daniel and Sally Gladding gronp of grandchild- ren. / 87 Peter Gladding, m ist, Maiy Friend, of Newport. He was a sailmaker, and Bristo.'s town- clerk for thirty-five successive years #161 William O. 162 Daniel H. 163 Charles J. 164 Peter R., m 2d, Hannah, dau of Crawford and Hannah Hall Esterbiooks f 92 Henry White Gladding, b May 8, 181.5, d Sept. 1, 1887; m Alby, dau of Nathan- iel and Mary Munroe. Sailmaker, Wairen, R. I. 165 Maiy A., b Nov. 23, 1841 166 Henrietta, b Oct. 14, 1843 1«7 aarah E., b May 7, 1845; m E. B. Bos- worth. 168 Ellen S., b Dec. 27, 1846, d Mar. 30, 1880 '4169 Dani.l W. 1.55 Thomas Swift / 93 Joseph Alger G'addirg, b 1817, d Aug. 8, 1885; m hutn Ann, dau of Pal- mer and Ihcbe Brown. Merchant Tai- lor, Wooniockei, R. I. #170 Diniel Palmer, b Oct. 12, 1842 171 Georg ana, b Jan. 29, 1857; m Noah A. Bryant 172 Lilla, b jan. 29, 18.57, d ag 6 years Solomon and Nancy group of grand- children of family 32, 6th generation. /' 98 Edward Gladding, m {Eighth Generation.) Carpenter and build-'r, Bristol, R. I. 173 Catherine P., m Georg _■ \V. Esterbrook^;, of Bristol, R. I. Xath.iiiiel and Susuii's group of grandchildren, of family 52. 6th gen- eration. Samuel Gladding group of grand- children. /12o Frank Rusjgles Gladding, b 1842, drown July, 18S-2 m Annie Ackley Clerk in National Bank of No. Amer- ica 176 Alice LaSalle, b 1878 / 117 John Thomas Giadding. b Apr. 3, 1839 m Amy, dm of ^B .i.j imin and Maiy / 126 Charles Frederick Gladding, b 1844. ni Carttight, all of Piovidence, R. I. No issue y 120 Charles A. Gladding, b Jan. S, 1848; m Susan, dau of John Field Pharmacist, 223 Greenwich St., I'rov., R. I, 174 Thomas, student Emma C dau ol' David and Jane Her- skell Moore, of Norwich. C'>'nn. Brok- keeper Phoenix Mutual Life Insuiance Co., Hartford, Conn. 178 Helen Moore, b 1872 179 Bessie Wav, di 180 Bessie Curtiss, di / 127 John Russell Gladding, b 18.')8, m Ellen Thurston, dau of Hon. B. F. Thurston, of Providence, R. I. No issue Mr. Gladding is secretary and treas- , uier of Alkali Co., Providence. (^Eighth Generation.) WILLIAM BKANCH. No. 66, 6th Generation. Samuel and Catherine's group of grandchildren. / 133 Harrison and Catharine Candy Glad- ding, Providence, R. I. 182 Eliz.ibeth P., m Andrew D. Ross, mar- ke'man, 73 Fountain St., Pawtucket, R. I. a May Corinne Ross 183 Herbert Harrison No. 67, 6th Generation, Solomon and Clarigsa Stanhope and Elizabeth Mumford Gladding group of grand- children. / 234 William H. Gladding, d with Cholera, aged about 22. Left One dau 184 Charlotte, m Christopher Trip, 22 Bridge st^ Newport, R. I, /235 Samuel Sterns, m Sarah E., dau of Thomas and Betsey Stanhope. Con- tractor and builder, Pawtucket, R. I. D ia the fall of 1896, ag 72 yr 18.1 William H., b 1849, d in his 9th vr 186 Clarissa Sterns, b 18.il, m D-xter Bucklin 187 Elizabeth F., b 1854, m Fisher Stark- weather ^§188 Samuel S., b ]ai7 189 Sarah E., b 1866 190 Ida Bell, b 1868 No. 69. generation 6th. John Glad- ding group of Children. /247 William Gladding 191 Mary E, 192 Charles A. /" 248 Samuel Gladding 193 Julia R. i:)4 John C. 195 Samuel 196 Harriion f 249 Solcmon Gladding family, unknown / 150 John Gladding, twice m : ist, Sarah Surah Chaffee Ann Pottei ; 2d, 197 Samuel P. I St ^198 John 199 Frank, so dier, 1861 200 Benjamin 201 George T. 1st 202 Sarah 203 George N. 3d ^p04 Samuel P 2d ^205 Frederick U. 206 Clarence, di 207 Ann A.,d «b17 William branch for this generation ends with No. 207. {Eighth Generation.) JONATHAN BRANCH. John G. and Abb}' Gladding group of giandcliildi"en. 158 William B. Gladding, in Helen Nichols, dau of Commodore A'ichols, U. S. N. 208 Dorothy No. 85, generation 6. Benjamin C. and Hannah Ghid- ding's group of grandcliildien. ./ 160 Frank Gladding, b jan. 16, 185"), m Cor- inne S., daj ot Luciuj and Sarah Halli- day, of Philadelphia, Pa. Accountant, Provinence, R. 1. 209 Benjamin H., b Sept. .30, 1891 210 Mary TiUinghast, D Dec..20, J896 Nathaniel, No. 91, geuefatiou 6th. Abraham S. Gladdlng's group of grandchildren. f 161 Th-imas C. Gladding, m Hiinnah, dau of ., Benj[jmin .-and C-ir. it: . Pendleton, mer. ;■ ; -^iihaiii, of- Providence, R. I. Wm. H. Fiih, of 211 Julia 212 Annie A., m Kev Melio e, Mass 214 Mary E. 215 Sarah Fish ist 216 Emuy P. 217 Sarah F. 2d 218 Charlotte V. 219 Thomas E. / 162 Abr.iham S. Gladding, m Ann Eliza- beth, dau of ThoniHK and Eliza Hatha- way, Providence, R. I. #222 Frank H., b May 7, 1848 C;;5228 Walter E., b Jan 20, 1S51 5;p24 Thomas C. 225 Nellie =3226 Louis A. No. 94. generation 6th. Jarvis E.. Amy Fenner, Harriot P. Lang Gladding's group of grandchil- dren, Providence, R. I. / 167 Nathaniel Gl idding, b 18 L9, m Caroline, dau ot Lewis and Abby Thomas Providence, R.I. #220 William 221 Cynthia A. m Isaac Turner No issue f 108 Jarvis E.Gladdiug,b 1822, m Frances, dau of S imuel Brown 227 Helen Ida f 109 Thomas, W. Gl idding, b 1827, m Mary ' ' Templi No issui { 170 Jbhn F. Gladding, b 1833 ' m ' Winfoid 228 Amy No. 99. generation 6th. Capt. Thomas P. and Sarah Glad- ding's group of grandchildren. f 175 Thomas D. Gladding;, di 1S75, ag 70. Mary Templeton. No issue. HouiC painter. Providence, R. I. (Eighth Generation.) f 174 John Norris Gladding m Sarah, dau of Wm. Handy 227 Howard E. No. 102, generation 6, Charles and Ruth Shove Cladding's group of gr. children. / 184 Reuben H. Gliidding, b ni Lohannah, dau of Ezekiel Walker, Pawtuck^t, R. I. C. dau of John and Sally Deming. Tih. 7, 1900. She died 228 Ellen E., b 229 Emma, b m Henry Ruth / 186 Charles Francis Gladding, b m Mary Davis Livery and boarding stable, Broad St. Providence, R. I. 2.30 Sadia 231 Charles 232 Hoiace f 186 Edmond Quincy Gladding, b m Adelaide, dau of Wm. and Amelia Andrews. Variety store. South st. Providence, R. I. 233 Grace ist 234 Frederick 235 Howard 236 Grace zA 237 Clarence, drowned Jan. S, 1897 238 Everett TIMOTHY, Of Jonathan Branch. No. 109. generation 6. Henry Gladding group of grandchildren. B. / 196 Howard R. Gladding m Grace A. D.t dau of Wm. W. and Julia M. Linton Dibble. Howard R., b Mar. 16, 1861. Grace A. D. b Nov. 2, 1861. 239 Bruce D , b Feb. 28, 1891 •240 Hazel J., b Apr. 16, 18i).5 No. 144. generation 7 John Hill and Lydia M. Gladding's group of grand- children . The above Henry B. was born Jan. 17, 1817. A prominent business man and tor many years a member of the firm of Gladding Brothers & Tibbitts, proprietors of the leading book-store in Providence, R. I. Feb., 18.57, he m Mary E. Ruggles (Hunting, ton), dau of Samuel and Elithea Ruggles. She died Jan. 26, 1872. Apr, 15, 1874, m, 2d, Louise { 208 Geors'e Washington Gladding, b Mar. 14, 18.54; m Feb. -'.5, 18d0, Ida E., dau of E quire Thomas A. and Henrietta McCall, Nashville, Ten. 241 George McCall, bjan. 26, 1857 f 210 james Wilson Gladding, b Jan. 26, 1857, m Corinne C, dau of Charles B. and Mary E. Johnson; dentist, ol' Provi- dence, R. I. Residence, Memphis, Ten 242 Corinne Johnson, b at Memphis, Oct. 5, 1890. f 212 Nelson A. Gladding, h July 8, 1863, m Mary D., dau of Elias C. and Sarah F. Atkins, of Indianap jlis, Ind., Dec. 20, 1888. Mill supplies, etc. Residence, , Memphis, Ten. 243 Frances Maria, b Sept. 5, 1890 244 Mary Elizabeth, b Nov. 3, 1891 Jonathan branch ends with 244 for this generation. JOSEPH BRANCH. No. 145, 7th generation. Capt. John and Ann Cladding's group of grand- children. ^ /216 Lieut. (U. S. A.) William Henry Glad- ding, b Apr 2, 1819. m Eliza Green, Dec. 3, 1839, died at Port Royal, Va., Jan. 25, 1865 245 Hariot Croon, b Mar. 11, 1840 m Fred Hill (^Eighth Generation.) 246 Wm. H.. b Mav 9, 1S43, died in Cuba. Jan. 26, 1895 / 218 John H. Gladding, b Oct. .=5, 1823, died Jan. 25, 1S8.5. He was twice married, lirst to France? L., dau of Thomas and Ribecca Gladding, of Newport, R. I. B May 7, 1S25 Drv and fancy goods dealer, Bristol, R. I. 247 Abbie Ann. b Oct. 22, ll«46 248 Abbie Frances, b July 6, li*4S, d Oct. 23, 186(3 249 Frank Henrv. b Nov. 17. lS.i9, di 250 Tallulah A.,'b Mar. 1.5, 1S55, m Wm. F. Wist 251 Anna Fuller, b Sept. 10, 1857 252 Minnie Kebecca, b Feb. 16, 1859, m Wal ter E. Jones 2d m, Jullelte Haskins, Not. 11, 1S66 253 Francis Arvillia, b Sep. 29, 1867, m Ques- eene Watson, Sept. 27, 1887 ^254 John Lawless, 1869 f 222 Henrv Gladding, b m Matilda, dau of Wanton and Abby Wiikey. Sailmaker, Newport, R. I. No. 147. generation 7. Capt. ward group of grandchildren. Ed- 220 Edward Gladding, b m Abby, dau of George and Sally Dun- well, ^=255 Arthur B. 256 Edith Newport, R. I. d ag 13 2.j7 Louisa L. d ag abjut 11 *i*8.5> Charles E. 260 Mary A., m Frank P. Dally ^261 Benj imin O. f 321 John Gladding m Mary or Abbie, dau of Eason Hall, boat builder, of Newport, R. I. 262 John ist #263 John aJ 264 William A. 265 Henry ist 266 Emelii.e R., b 267 Percival 268 Hattie E., §269 Henry ad 27(1 L.llie, di 271 Alice 272 Wanton M. m Joseph Pabody m Wm. P. Trip /223 Martin Gladding m Marv H., dau of Peter and Hannah Newport, R. L Dennis. §273 HenryJ. 2i4 Romeo 275 Gertrude ist 276 Gertrude 2d 277 Fannie 278 Edward M. / 224 Thomas Gladding m Elizabeth W.. dau of John and Edith Ring, Newport, R. I. §279 Rena 280 Sidney B. §281 Ida R. 282 Halle M. 283 Sanford T. 283 Sanford T. ends the 8th genera- tion. di (^Ninth Generation.) It so happened a son was the first born of each generation from the first to the seventh, and each was snrnamed John, thus heading the first seven generations in the Chart with a John Gladding. Two daughters were the first born to the eightli generation, Martha and Anstras. Martha died with, out issue. Anstras. born Nov. 28. 1811. married Jonathan Finch, of Pitcher. Chenanoro Co.. N. Y. Thus the Finch children are the first born of the ninth greneration. Chenango Co., X. Y. Familt. JOHN BRAXCH. Xo. 1. generation 7 John and Xancy Gladding's group of grandchildren. f 2 Anstras, b Nov. -JS, ISll: m Tonathan Finch, of Chinango Co., N. Y. a Achilles Finch b Ellen r George d Byron e Foster was sealmin of B.i tol, R. I. D aged 44 vears and 10 months 13 Eliz^.belh. m Edward Nichols 14 Mary A. , m George T. Easterbrooks p.") Jessie All of Bristol, R. I. f 9 John Gladding, b Tiiismith, stove and sheetiron dealer, Bristol, R. I. M ist. Julia Green. All of Bristol, R. I. 16 Louisa, d aged about 17 17 Henry, di 18 Charles ist, di ^=19 Charles 2d. m 2d, Caroline, widow of Wm. O. Swan and dau of Daniel and Polly Easterbrooks fwO Frederick R. / 3 James Cogareshall Gladding, b Nov. 12, 1813 ra Nancv, dau of Jonathan Fargo. He was engased in the manufacture of cordage and fish tackle, the same his father established in 1S16 and carried on all his days : he died 1S93, aged SO veais. ^s 1 Eliza A., b ISSh ^ 2 bquire James, b 1S38 3 Mary Jane, b 1840, m Silas Hill 5^ 4 Albert F., b 1842 5 Cvnthia. b 1845, m Wm. Eddv G Nancv C, b 1S48, m H. E. Bet be 7 RoseAdel, b 18.50. m j. B. Kellog 8 Benjam n F., 18.53 *',;= 9 John E., b 1S56 Xo. 2. generation 7 Edward T. and Enth Gladding's group of grand- children. /7Jam;s Harden Gladding, b July 22, 1813, m AKce T. Craiy. He was clerk and an accountant. All of Bristol, R. I. 10 Su^an Ellen, b Mar. 12. 1836, m fistjohn Anthony, 2d, Capt. Samu.I Gladding 11 William, di 12 Julia Frances, m Charles Anthony / 8 Edward T. Gladding, b m Mary, dau of" Thomas Grjen. He Xo. 4. 7th generation. Benjamin and Mahitable of grandchildren. Coggeshall Gladding's gr. f 15 Benjamin F. Gladding, b Oct. 19, 181.5, m Maria, dau of Thomas and Mary Dolman Stantial, merchant tailor, of Waterville, N. Y. Mr. Gladding has been much eng ged in public contract work. He is now Jiving, at Gill, Mass., in his Soth vear, well and hearty 21 Elizabeth M.,"b July 2.5, m Charles Stillwell, A. M.. analistic chemist, corner of Cliff and Fitton st.. New York, house Saint John's Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. a How.ird h M.bel c ]ohn rf "Albert 22 John H. 23 WilliEm. di ^iJ24 Thomas Stantial 25 Charles H , drowned, aged about 10 / 17 George W. G'.ad ling, b Apr. 9. 1820. Carpenter, contractor and builder. Still alive and well in his 80th year. M Sa- rah, dau of Moses Ellis Residence Ravenna. O. 26 AUis i\I., b 184.5, m "W'in. Philpot, of Niagara Falls, N. Y. She d aged Left one daughtei, a Maud =;;;27 Alfred E., b Feb. 6, 1851 {yinth Generation.) 28 Georgia G., b Apr. 26, 1852 Scnool teacher 29 Mahitable, di 30 Minnie M., b Ftb. 22, 1862 School teacher / 19 Charles Gile? Gladding, b Jan. 8, 1825 Rope and cordage manuf icturer ; m, Jan. 8, 1846, Gr:ice Williams. He died aged 26 years and 10 months Residence. WaterviUe.N. Y. ^4.31 Charles Bejimin. b O.t. 25, 1846 32 Sarah Amelia, di O.t. 25, 1846 ^33 Julius, b Jan. 4, 1852 / 20 Henrv Coggeshall Gladding, h Pharsalia. Chenango Co.. N. Y., Jan. 11, 1827; ap- prentice to machine trade at Watervill N. Y. For many years proprietor of machine business at Provdence, R 1.; m tst, at Bristol, R. I., Apr. 2. 1851, t'> Emilv P., diu of Cipt. Samu-l and La- vii.ia BarbTur Eldred. She died at Din- wida Co., Va., Apr. 11, 18.52. aged 21 years, 11 months and 9 days, bhe Icit one daughter m 2d. Sarah M., dau of Capt. Allen and Martha Gladding Waldron, of Bristol. R. I., Sept. 12, 18.53. Residence, 9 Hoppin St., Providence, R. I. 34 Emily Eldred. b Mar. 22, 1852; m L; Nelson, of Providence, R. I. No ;vi D. issue group of grandchildren. ing. Carpenter and builder, Easton, Maryland. 43 Rose P., b 18.58, d aged No. 9 generation 7 James N. and Cretia Giadding's group of grand- children, Bristol. y 23 James Nickerson Gladding, b at Water, ville. N. Y., Jan. 21, 18;U. He diid at Providence, (Mav 25, 1897,) where passed most of his days, engag d in the machine business. M Almira, dau of Henry and Minerva Wicks. 35 Annetta, b July , 1860; m George Man- chester, of Providence a Howard Manchester b Nellie 2d, m to William Potter %3Ci William Henry, b Mar. 1, 1861 Cs-57 lo.seph Turner, b 1862 38 George Herb rt, b S.pt. 23, 18'!5 39 James Edward, b Mav 1867 40 Nellie A., b Sept. '1869 m A. E. Minchester 41 Flora Mabel, b 1877 m Wm. Oa^r, All of Providence. R. I. No. 8 of generation 7 R. I. Stephen /■ 26 John Gladding, m Rhoda Kitcham. Carpenter and builder. Turner, 111. 4%42 Hiram D., b f 21 Samuel Gladding, m Mrs. Emily Gladd- y 40 Daniel H. Gladding, b 1855, m Eliza, dau of I-^aac Underwood. Blacksmith of Fall River, Mass. 44 James Xickei'son 45 Edward 46 Dani.-i 47 Ravraond 48 Ediih 49 Kuth f 41 Benjamin Gladding, b Sept., 18.57, m Mrs. Priestley, all of Bristol. No issue. Xo. 13 . generation 7. Capt. Richard and Patty Giadding's group of graud- children, Bristol, R. 1. / 42 Allen I. Gladding, b Dec. 1815, d Feb. 21 1889, m Abby M., dau of Allen and Leah Handy Brown, Jan. 16, 1840. Weolesale merchant. Later, real es- tate agent, Oakland, Cal. .5(1 Sarah ist, b Nov. 6, 1841, d ag 10 years 51 Allen, b Oct. 28, 184.3, d in his 23d yr .52 Abb,- M., b Oct. 5, 1845, di ^.'553 William jf"., b Ojt. 20, 1847 .54 Henry C, b Oct. 20, 1847, di 55 Sarah E., m Henry Sanbourn, of Oakland, Cal. ^5.56 Theodore O.. b July 15, 18.55 ^s,57 Charles B., b julv 7, 18.58 .58 Richard S., b July 18, 1862 / 43 William R. G'adding, b Feb. 16, 1818, m m Susan Tanner. Mr. Gladding was blind for many years, loosing his sight from an .iccidciit when working at his trade as boiler maker, at Providence. He d at HrisK.l, Mav 20, 1871 .59 Susan D., b 1853, m J. W. Green. / 44 Charles B. Gladding, b Aug. 5, 1820, m Lydia Smith 60 Lydia N., m ist, Mr. Campbell, ra 2d, Mr. Faden $m Charles F. {Ninth Generation.) /46 Capt. John A. C. Gladding, b St pt. 1, lS'2o, 11! Elizabtth, dau Joseph Green, July '25, 1849. Fish and oyster dealer, "Bristol, R. I. 62 Leonore F., b Feb. 6, IS-lO, m exLieut. Gov. Wm. T. C. Wa; dwell a H< zekiah Church, b Nov. -26, 1876 b Eli.zab-th U., b July 16, 1877 r Marg.iret, b. y;in. '2'2, 188'2 63 Frederic F., b'july U, 1850 64 Marv G., b Feb 4, 18.i:;. m james P. Ly n d Frcdena W. Lvon, b Match 25, 1873 645;=^ Richard S., b Sept. 17, 1855 6.'># Theodore O. 65 Helen V. m James F. Canheld e T -hn Canlield, b July 21, 1886 /'M rgaret, b Nov. 17, 18 66 Wilhilmina R., b Jan. 17, 1869, m VVm.R. JJabc>:ck, wholesale me, chant, Pi evi- dence, R. I. g- Mary F. B.ibcock, b Mar. 29, 1894 // Wi.h.m.ina R., d Aug. '23, 1895 Capt. Samuel Gladding, b Feb. 6, 182S, m ist, Abby Sweet. Seaman, Bristol, R. I. 67 Samuel 68 Richaid 69 Abby m 3d, Mrs. Susan E., widow of John Anthony, dau oljamesH. and Alice Gladdinsf William F. Alice, b May 30, 1875 / 47 Theodore O. Gladding, b Sept. 14, 1830, ra Abby A. Coggeshall, all of Bristol, R. I. Mr. Gladding d on board S. S. Ore- gon, jan. 24, 1853 70 Charles A. / 48 Henry D. Glac'dirg, b Oct. 27, 1833, Ac.bv A. Luther, ail of Bristol, R. I. 71 Charles A. / 49 Capt. George T. Gladding, b Oct. 8, 1836, m Susan E., all of Bristol, R. I. No issue No. 17 Capt. Samuel and Elizabeth Gladding's group of grandchildren. m Ida Holmes, of Philadelphia, Pa. Merchant; residence, Jersey City, N.J. No issue / 62 Samuel Ellis Gladdirg, b Apr. 13, 1849, /■ 61 William L. Gladding, b Aug. 17,18.51, 72 George William, b at Providence, R. I., May 17, 1875 Descendants of the Seven Brothers. JOHN BRANCH. No. 24, generation 7 William Gladd- ing's group of grandchildren. No. 68 Willii.m James Gladding, b 1820, d 1890, m Sophia E., dau ot JElrieid and Elizabeth Avery. Merchant, New Yoik, N.Y. (Page 81) i;''s73 William James Gladding, b 1843 ' 74 George Henry, b 1845, d 1879 iJiflo Asa vV'ood, b 1847, d 1877 76 Sophia Matilda, b 1852, d 1882, mM.j. Dobbelaer 77 Laura Tryon, b 1852, di 78 Edward Norton, b 1855, di 79 vrchie, b 1878, 111 2^, Nelly Mansfield / 86 Albert, b 1851, m Orelia, dau of Henry L. Broad. Residence, West Brookfield, Mass. 86 Lillia 1876 87 Warren 1876 88 Wallace 1S7S 89 William 1888 y 88 Philo Gladding, b 1860. m Carrie, dau of Geoige and Agnes T. Tny!or, Barre, Vt. {Ninth Generation.) 90 Carrie, b 1837 No. 32. ^eiierarioii 7. Elias Sally Gladcliiit;^"s jiioiip of children. K. and "rand- y 89 Gcorg L. Gladding and Sarah, dau of Aaron Hill, m Sept. S, 1S74 Glover h Sept. 24, 1887 No issue Liconia, N. H. /91 Will m H. G addir.g, b .\pr. 8. 1841, m ju.ia A., d.iu of Henry Foster, ijarie, Vt. No issue / 93 Julius Gladding, m Elsada,dau of Joseph Lane, Aug. 17, 1S7'2. He was b .Mar. 3, 184t), d at Barre, Vt. . Nov. 16, 1891 / 94 Edmand C Glidding, b Sept. 22, 1848. m Elizub.th J., dau of VVm. D.llon. He d at Barre, Vt., Feb. 22, 1895 91 William F., b Mar. 22, 1874 92 Frank E.. b S pt. 26. 187.i 93 Clarence B.. b J ulv 18, 1877 94 Inella L , 0 Apr. 23, 1879 95 Alice B.. b Aug. 13, 1880 96 Edith M., b July 31. 1883 97 Ethel H.. b Mar. 28, 1887 98 Mabel, b Apr. 4, 1889 ALBANY, N. Y. No. 38. orenoration 7. Georire W. Gladilinof of .Albany. N. Y.. group of Sfrandehildren. /" 106 Edward J. Gladding was b at Albany, N. Y., 1850 No. 42. generation 7. Daniel P. and Mary, of Albany, group of grand children. / 101 Charles D. Gl idding, b 1859. Ticket a^rent B. & O. R. R., Philadelphia, m Millie, d.tu of Wm. S. L., and baiah S. Townsend 9< Smith T. 100 Miry R. 101 ^arah K. 102 Ch irles D. 103 Lee O.a No. 45. generation 7. Timothy and Lavanty's group of grandchildren. /■ 115 William H. Glndding, b Sept. 1st, 18.54, m Ab v Lau a, dau ot Samuel Carter, Sup.. Masonic Temple, Albany, N. Y. / 116 Charles S. Gladding, m EUa Blanch, dau of C.ipt. Wra. T. Woodlev, New York, N. Y. Bookkeeper, Albany, N. V. 10(1 Ella, b Dec. 1, 1883 107 Charles Fr.incis, b jan. 21. 1889 108 Mary Morton, b ju^y 24, 1892 No. 47. generation 7 James M. and Hariot P. group of grandchildren. /■ 117 Frank H. GUidding, b Oct. 3, 18.T2, m Anna Amelia Rjenig, .May 7, 1^72. City Cont.olcr, Detroit, Mich". 109 Hariot Elizabeth, b Feb. 6, 1873 110 LucyMoiton, b Mar. 23, 1875 No. 50. generation 7 Henry L. and Catharine A. Gladding group of grand children. f 123 Edward Livingston Gladding, b Aug 5, 1860, m Ber.iice M.. dau of F. C. D. McKay, of Wilmington, Del. 111 First born d at birth 112 Henry Langdon, b Feb. 26, 1892 cr {Ninth Generation.) WINDSOR, ASHTABTLA CO., O. No. 55 Joseph antl Thankful Gladd- ing's group of grandchildren. / 132 Charles Gladding:, b 18;5H*, m Mary, d.iu of AdiiOn and Dorcas Murphy fjnS Charles Bird. 1868 ' 114 Georgre Adison, 1870 ll.-i lohn Earl, 1879 116 Dora, 1886 f 133 Georee Gl-idding h 1840, m Annie, dau of William and Ann Pond 117 William, 1867 fJllS Joseph, 1S72 0 Hart M., 1874 0 Benj imin H., 1876 0 Potter, 18S] 119 John B., 1883 1'20 Georgiana, 18S6 No. 59. generation 7 Daniel M. and Sophia A. group of grandchildren. / 136 Judge Henry A. Gladding, h 1846, m Mary F., dau of Jeremiah and Abigail C'ampb-11 Among the early settlers of Sherman Co., Neb., where he served in nearly every office in the co. He now residis in Windsor, O., in the house built by and on the farm cleared by |ohn Gladd- ing No. 18, generation 6. See page 27 121 Maynard M., b 1877 122 Abigail Glade, b 1884 New Haven, Conn , Claddings. No. 76. generation 7 Henry and Hariot group of grandchildren. / 142 Henry H. Gladding, b April 27, 1857, m Mary F. Bradley. Civ.l engineer. All of New Haven, Conn. 123 Edna H., b 1881 124 Daniel H., b 1882 124 youngest of the seven brothers. BRISTOL, R. I., FAMILY. / 144 Geoge H. Gladdinsr, h 1826, d 1876, m Sarah Ri binson. Seaman, Bristol, R. I. No. 78. generation 7 Nathaniel and Eveline group of grandchildren. f 146 Nathaniel Gladdmg, b 129. M.ison, contiacior and build^'r, Bll^tol, R. I. m ist Emily, dau of Ellery and Maria Wood =^223 Charles Parker, b 186.5 ' 224 V\ illiam Spragu = , b 1861, d 186.") m 2d, Hat ie, dau ot William and Hat- tie Pendcrg ass m 3d, Hattie A., dau of Austine and Emeline Terrv 225 En. ma Eve.ine.b Mav 31, 188.1 226 Nathaniel Austin, b july .30, 1887 No. 80. generation 7 Capt. Josiah Gladding. Sons 155 Thomas Swift. 157 Josiah, and 159 Frank J. (iladding, early re- moved from Bristol. K. I. Of their descendants, if any. we know nothing. No. 87. generation 7 Peter and Ma- ry's group of grandchildren. J 161 William Osborne Gladding, b at Bristol 1833, a at Newport, R. 1., S.pt. 21, 18e9 Was far many years ckrk ia Newport j welry store; m Cynthia Stacey, ot 2, W^st Mar burg St., Newport No. 92, generation 7 Henry VV. and Abby Cladding group of grandchild- ren. /■ 169 Daniel W. Gladding, b May 1."), IS.'iO, m Rose, dau of and Emily S. Cluids. Accountant, Warren, R. i 227 Howard, b Dec. 6, 1875, d ag 2 228 Ellen S., b Aug. 2, 1882 No. 9.3. generation 7 Joseph A. and Ruth Ann group of grandchildren. / 170 Daniel Palmer Gladding, b Oct. 12, 1842 ni Hannah Maria, dau of Abel H. and Rebecca B. Williams, {Ninth Generation.) Hairdresser, Fitchburg, Mass. 229 Alice Rebecca, b Nov. 14, 1874, m Edwin A. WfStern a Ruth Alice Western, b Jan. 2:?, 1896 230 Daniel Otis, b Nov. 14, 1874, d June 4,1888 231 Emma Maria, b Aug. 11, 18(i8, di John branch for this generation ends with 231 Emuia Maria. WILLIAM BRANCH. 'So. 235 Samuel S. and Sarah E. group of grandchildren. y 188 SamuU Sterns, b 1857, m Lizz'e Turner Meat marketman, ol" Fawtucket. R. I. 232 Ida Bell, b 1887 233 Raymond, b 1888 234 Frederick, b 1890 No. 250. generation 8 John, twice ra united group of grandchildren. / 198 john Gladding m Alice, dau of Joshua Brainard 23.T Benjamin T. 236 Herbert B. 237 John /201 SimuL-l P. Gladding, m Grace CauU, Newport, R. I. 238 Bessie /"205 Fred;rick U. Gladdinar, m Julia P., dau of Charles Peckhara, 239 I^ula Louise 240 John We regret our not being better in- formed concerning this Branch, for we believe several families are omit- ted, and we doubt the correctness of some parts of what is recorded. JON.ITHAN BRANCH. No 162. generation 7 Abraham and Elizabeth group of grandchildren. (The above Abraham GU'.dding and Eliza- ab th Hathaway m 1842. He d 187G, in his .")7th year; bv trade a harness maker, but much of his time engaged in meat market, in Provi- dence, R. I.) / 220 William Henry Gladding, b Aug. 28, 1843. He was twice married: ist, ni 18 , Ciara, dau of Baniah and Mahala Barney; 3d, m Annie P., dau of Win. and Mary Harwood Toombs. Grocer and ship chandler, .311 , (residence 322) Eddy St., Provideuce. 241 Walter Henry, b Dec. 14, 1879 242 Ralph Pierce, b S-pt. 20, 1883 243 Amv Harwood, b July 20, 1892 /" 222 Frank H. Gladding, b May 7, 1848, m ]ennie, dau of John D. and Caroline E. Manchester Benton. Manufacturer of jewehy, Providence, R. 1., residence, 71 Burnet St., Prov., K. I. 244 Herbert Benton, b July 21, 1874, di 24.i Maude Hope, b Apr. 4, 187() 240 Howard Benton, b Aug. 12, 1S80 247 Carrie Benton, b Apr. 4, 1887 f 2'3 Walter E. Gladding, b julv 20, 18.")1, m Ann E.izabeth. dau of" ReT. D. N. and Anna P. Prince Hrotiks. Bi^arding stable. Arsenal Lane, 2S.J Friennship St., Prov. No issue / 224 Thomas Carpenter Gladdiny, b July 24, 18.")4. m Louisa, dau of Charles and Cressena Vini;eron. Calet market; residence 28.3 Friendship St., Prov. 248 Herbert Carpenter, b Aug. 16, 1883 249 Harold Earl, b June 14, 1885 /■225 Louis Augustus GHddinir, b Aug. 10, 18C , m Ida Milord, dau of Austin and {Ninth Generation.) Eveline Milod Market, cor. of N. Main and Thom;is 250 Teddv, di 6 years 251 Bsrthe, b Oct. 17, 1894 JOSEPH BRANCH. No. 218, generation 7 John H. and wife group of "raudchildren. / 251 john Lawless, b Apr. 28, 1869, m Grace Wallace Warren, Oct. 11, 1891 Accountant, Providence 2.')2 Julia Warren, b Jan. 1, 1895 Newport, R. I.. No. 220, generation 7 Edward and Abby group of grandchildren. No. 222, generation 7 Henry and Matilda group of grandchildren. /255 Arthur B. Gladding, b m Mary, dau of David Wilhera, o( Newport, R. I. No issue f 258 Charles E. Gladding, b twice married : m ist, Jennie Millar; m ad, Mabel Sweet, of Newport, R. I. 253 Fannie 254 Edith 255 Marion f 261 Benjamin D. Gladding, b ni Lizzie, dau of Samuel Ken- edy, 256 Edward C. 257 Bessie / 269 Henry Gladding, m Mary, dau of Mystic, Conn. 258 Bradford 259 Ernest 260 Gertrude No. 223, generation 7 Martin and Mary H. group of grandchildren. / 274 Romeo J. Gladding, m not known No. 224, generation 7 Thomas and Elizabeth group of grandchildren. / 280 Sidney B. Gladding, b m josephene, dau of John Steele, Newport, R. I. / 283 SandforH T. Gladding, m Sally, dau of John Cary, Newport, R. I. End of the 9th generation. 3 {Tenth Generation.) JOHN BRANCH. Chenango Co., N. Y., Farailj'. 14 George P., b March 20, 1880 15 Jessie W., Feb. 11, 1884 No. 1, «eneration 8 James and Marj' Ann's group of grandcliildren. Names other th:in Glidding : — /■ 1 Eliza A. Gladding, dau of James and Maw Anil, rnariied Ledgird Brown. A farmer; all of Chenanj^o co., N. Y. / 1 Tenth g^cn»ration : %^a Ralph Brown, b 1S59 b Flora A. Brown, m Holden B. Math- son, of Pharsalia, Chenango cc, N. Y. Sept. 1.1, 18S6. Fl .ra b F^b. "24, I86.1; Holden b May 9, 18(i5. Memb-r of the firm M. D. Brome, Olypiant, Pena. f 2 Esquire janie? Gla Iding, b 1838, m Sally, dau of Geoige Brown ^P Adon L.. h 1864 •2 Mattie, 1867, m George Bacon, of Nor- wich, N. Y. 3 Ralph, 1870 4 Grace, 187-2, m Lerov Aldrich, of Cort- land, N. Y. / 4 Albert F. Gladding, b 1843, m Caroline, dan cf Wm. Church. Surrogate and county judge of Chenango co., N. Y. Norwich. 5 Robert F., b 1S72, m 2i, Mrs. Grace O ven, dau of Owen 6 Gr.ice, 1882 7 Gladys, 1884 8 Gertrude, issi; / 8 Beniamin F. Gladding, b 18.53, m jeiinia E.. dau of Ledyaru Co;)k. No i^-su,! Senior in tie Cila lilmg Cordagj and Fish Tackle pi int, S. OtsUic, Chenango co.,N. Y. /■ 9 John Edward GI idding, b KS.'ifi, m Is-idora dau of John F. Dickc.ison. Coinme-- cial traveler, residence Norw.ch, N. Y. 9 Dickenson 10 Donald No. 8, genoration 8 Edward and Mary's group of grandchildren. J 1.5 Jesse G. Gladding and Lizzie Potter were m 1869. J"sse b 1848. Commer- cial traveler. All of B itol, R. I. 11 Willia'.n E., h May 22. 1871, di 1S80 12 Ed.vard P., Dec. 14, 1872 13 (lertrude J.. Dec. 19. 1874, m George E. Brown, Dec. 27, 1897 No. 9. generation S John. Julia and Caroline's group of grandchildren. / 10 Charles Gladding, b Jan. 29, 18.50, m Eli- ZH Ann, dau of Rufus Durfee. Fish and oyster dealer. All oi Bristol, R. I. 16 Louis C., b Oct. 11, 1879 / 20 Frederick Gladding, m Mrs. No. 1.5, Benjamin F. and Maria's group of grandchildren. f 24 Thomas Stantial Gladding, A. M. Brown University graduate. M Clar- issa E., dau of Wiliard Savles, Esq., of Providence, R. 1. Member of the tirm of Stillwill & Gladding, analvtical and consulting chemists, corner of Clifl' and Fulton St., N. Y., residence Montclair, N.J. 19 Wiliard Savles, only child, died Oct. 19, 1897, in his 19th year. No. 17. generation 8 George W. Ghidding and Sarah's group of grand children. f "7 AUred E. Gladding, A. M., supt. schools East Liverpool, O., b Feb. 6, 1851, m 1st Mary Lila, dau of Andrew and Bell Sifte:, Dec. 24.1879. Shed Aug. 1,1880; m 2d, Mary Kate, dau of Andrew and Mary Macall, nee llagar Bentz, Aug. 19, 1853 20 Alfred Bentz, b Jan. 14, 188.5 "1 Eila May. julv 18, 18S9, d May 20, 1891 22 Oscar .Shay, Mar. 14, 1892 No. in. generation 8 Charles Giles and Grace's grandciiildren. f 31 Charles Benjamin Gladding, b Oct. 25, 1846, m In early life Mr. Gladding began hunt- ing, trapping, and trading with the In- dians ot Minnesota and Nebraska. {Tenth Generation.) About '79- 'SO, m a lady of Lake City, Mill., and soon located at Saniee Ageii- cy, Neb., where he established a gener- al repair business and variety store, lor indiaii trade •23 Garry G., b 1881 24 Henry Coggeshall, b March, 1891 / Julius Gladding, b 1850, d 1S8-2, m Agnes Down Pharmacist, Albany, N. Y. 2.5 Grace, 1879 26 Dudley, 1882 No. 23, generation 8 James N. and Maria's group of grandchildren. /' 36 William Henry Gladding, m Emma, dau of Hiram Zoiaster, cf Milwaukie, Wis., machinist, b at Prov- idence, R. I., Mar. 1, 1862 27 Nellie, b 189^ 28 George A., b 1894 / 37 Joseph Turner Gladding, b Oct. 4, 1863, m July 2, 1898, Mrs. Mary Bell, widow of Daniel Cameron and dau of David and Catherine Germain, of Prince Ed- ward Island, b 1862. Decorator and paper hanger, Providence, R. 1. a Walter Chester Cameron, b 1886 PENNSYLVANIA FAMILY No. 26. generation 8 John and Rho- da's group of grandchildren. / 42 Hiram D. Gladding, m Ann, dau of David and Anna Ward, 29 Josephine 30 "Rhoda A. 31 Wilbur 32 John D. 33 Flora E. CALIFORNIA FAMILY. No. 42, generation 8 Allen I. and Abby's group of grandchildren. f 53 William F. Gladding, b Oct. 20, 1847, ra Anna Rogers Johnston Clerk, Oakland, Cal. y .55 Henry M. Sanborn, m Sarali E. Gladding Merchant, of Oakland. Cal a Abbie D. Sanborn, Dec. 21, 1879 b Edgar M., Dec. 1, 1883 / 50 Theodore O. Gladding, july 7, 18.58, m Fiances, dau of Joseph and Mary Per- cy Betansul Accountant, Portland, Oregon 34 Susan M. 35 Allen H. 36 Lauranoe Anita No. 44, generation S Charles B. and Lydla group of grandchildren. / 61 Charles F. Gladding, b Residence, iiuckley, Almeida co., Cal. No. 46. generation 8 Capt. John A. C. and Elizabeth's group of grand- children. / 04 1-2 Richard Smith Gladding, b Sept. 17, 18.55, m July 15, 1886 Eunice, dau of Henry and Catherine M.ihnkin, Bristol, R. I. 37 Catherine Elizabeth. Mar. IS, 1888 38 Dorothy Ward well, Oct. 29, 1871; di 39 Helen Lavinia, Jan. 19, 1893 No. 47, generation 8 Capt. Samuel, Abby and Susan E. group of grand- children. f 69 1-2 William P. M. Gladding, • m Descendants of the Seven Brothers : JOHN Branch. 1 {Tenth Generation.) No. 68, freneration 8 William H. and Sophia's trroiip of grandchildren. / 73 Judge William Jimes Gladdintj, b in N' Y. city, 1843, m Annetla B'^ Josepli JLJLco Gary 61 Samuel 21 •>-2 23 24 26 12 62 Tosejjh Gladding 63 "Sarah 64 Rhoda 65 Hear)- 66 Elizabeth Gladding / "^"^ Joseph J-*-^f)S Heniy 69 John 69 William Gladding 70 Joseph 71 Ebenezer 72 Charles 29 30 14 73 Hannah 74 Stephen 75 Jeremiah 76 Thomas 77 Maliy ISl S Esther Gladding (9 Solomon 16 80 Allen Gladding 81 Jonathan 82 Phehe 83 Sus in 84 Benjamin 85 Ahiuail 86 Sarah 87 John 88 Sarah Gladding 89 Maiy 90 Betsey rj.'9l Hannah 4 92 Warren 93 Nathaniel 94 Jonathan 95 "Hale 96 Nathaniel Gladding rst 97 Nathaniel 2d 98 Timothy 99 Nancy 100 John J. 101 "Betsey 102 Sarah G. 7 8 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 31 32 33 34 35 3(! 37 38 30 40 L"] FIFTH GENERATION. -* ^104 Sylvania Gladdiny -XOlO.i Lvdia 10(i G'jorye \V. 107 Nicliohis B. 108 Svlv.inia id 109 Harriet I St 41 4-2 19 110 Sally Gladding HI PoUv 11-2 Bttsey 11:! Henrietta 114 B-iij imin 11.") Ans.rebS 110 Jos ph 117 Willu.m 118 Anstrcss id 119 I.ydia 120 Emma 1'21 David Gl: 12-2 Sally 1'23 Tliirsia 124 Elizabeth <)yjI2.i Solomon ^»'"l2() Joanna 127 Onstras 128 Dolly 129 Samuel 130 Mariuni SIXTH GENERATION. ddini. 131 John G adding 132 H mnah 133 Lucretia ist 134 Si.iniu;! <> -*13.") Richard ist f^ J- 130 Benj Linin 137 Po iy 138 Richard 2d 139 Rebecca 140 Sarah 141 Lucretia 2d 142 Ezra Gladding 143 josiah 144 Polly OOll'' Joseph /^^IK; Timothy 147 Susan 148 John 149 I:'m.-s 150 Daniel S. lol Nancv Gladding 152 Polly 153 Sus in 154 Nathani 1 155 Phjbe 15(> Daniel 157 Peter 158 Sallv 159 Patty 23 100 I.ydia Gladding 161 Hannah 1(52 Solomon <>^1(53 Sarah /V5ri(U Joshua 105 George ist 160 Abi .ail 167 George 2d 168 Samuel Gladding 169 Philip Q /tl70 Adalize /Vt>171 Betsey 172 Nathaniel 173 Samusl Gladding ist 174 Elizab-lh 175 John 176 Mary 53 54 56 44 «>/J177 Joseph S. ^^^178 George G. 179 Nathaniel D. 45 180 Samuel 2d 181 Samuel 3d 182 Eliza Gladding 0 ^^183 Sarah ^ 4 184 Henry 185 Susan 186 John 46 47 187 John Gladding 18S "Phebe 48 189 Edward M. 49 0^190 Henry /^'l!t8 D )rcas 199 Jo-iah 200 Simeon ^^201 Betsey 31 202 Hannah Gladding 203 Sally 204 William Gladding 205 Betsev 206 S:imuel 207 Solomon »rt208 Elizabeth ►/V-209 lohn 210 "Walter ist 211 Abigail 1st 212 Walter 2d 213 Abigail 2d 33^ 214 Susan Gladding 215 Kinsley C. 2H'. Abigail ist 217 Mary S. 43 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Lo] SIXTH GENERATION. 218 Chnrlotte C. 219 Abigail 2d 34^ •220 Josinh G. Gladding 73 221 I.ouisa 222 Henrv G. 74 323 Elizibeth 224 lohn C. 75 22o Benjamin C. 7(i 22G M iry 327 Marajaret 228 Allen 229 Joseph 3o^ 30 Ruth Gladdin.if 36 231 Abraham S. 232 Mar}a 233 Hann:ih 234 Jarvis E. 23.1 Lydia 236 Ann Gladding ^V237 Jonathan Gladding 3S 2.38 Marv Ann Gladding 239 Thomas D. 240 Martha P. 241 Jonathan 242 Charles 243 James W. 39 244 Millicent P. Gladdint 24.') Marianii 240 Elizabeth 247 Marv 48 I-ihii P. 240 "H-^nry B. 80 81- S3 83 40 2.50 Royal P. 2.'jl Benjamin O. 2.'>2 Susan P. 2.')3 AlminiD. 2.54 Ohiey D. 2.'i.5 Georg.' W. Gladdint 2.i(; John J. i2ri7 Clarissa J. 2.)8 Olive B. 2.")9 Edward 41 42 2(i0 Geoge F. Gladding 301 Rtb cca A. 362 Benjamin H. 203 Jane H. 204 J oh II 41 . 20.5 Jamrs W. 200 l.vdia Ann J. 207 Harriet L. 208 Nathaniel I. 209 Mjnroe H. 270 Melvin A. 271 Charles W. 373 Marv H. Gladding 273 James W. 374 Caroline W. 375 Anna 376 Charles W. 377 Ellen R. ist 378 Franklin W. 279 Ellen R. 2d 85 86 87 280 John B, Gladding 281 Onslow 383 Marietta yi Q2S3 Julietta *«-*284 Susanna 385 William B. 386 Catherine E. 44 4 287 Tnhn Gladding 288 Edward T. 289 Lvdia 390 B'enj imin 391 Hannah 392 Samuel 393 Rachel 294 Stephen 395 James N. 396 Eunice Gladding 297 Allen I. 298 Samuel ist 299 Richard S. ;^;-100 John «-'.301 Edmond 303 Gilbert R. .303 'Samuel 2d 304 Martha J. 305 Mary I. SEVENTH GENERATION. 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 90 46 306 Emily Gladding .307 Tt-remiah 308 Ezra 309 Amanda Gladding 310 William 311 Joseph H. 313 Stephen 313 Maria 314 Horace /♦'315 / 310 Lathram Irene 317 Marium 318 Elias 319 Nancy 330 Hannah 331 Harriet 322 Enieline 97 98 99 48 323 Timothy C. Gladdint; ,334 Gcorae W. 325 Rujina .336 Samantha 327 lohn .338 Daniel P. 339 Charlotte 3.30 Ann C. S. 331 Freeman Gladding 100 101 103 103 Lp] :B2 Timothv A. 4^9 .•«3 James M. ZM J oil 11 .•«.! 'Lucy :5:«; Henry L. .a; CliarLs :i3S George \V. :J39 Frances E. SEVENTH GENERATION. 390 Philip 391 Benjamin 340 Russell R. Gladdina: 341 J S-. ph 34-2 Sallv ,'»'/i'!43 Marv ♦ >T^844 M ^rvin 345 Marquis 346 James 347 Nancy 348 Lucy G'adding 349 Marv ist 3.")0 James 3ol I'iniothy ■^ -f'Abi Sr>plironja f > A :;-,3 Mary 2d 354 Lafayette 355 Priscilla 356 Lucretia 357 Maria / 358 Jane 359 Edward E. Gladding ,*'«>360 Henrv ^^361 Francis 362 Nathaniel Gladding 363 lonathan P, 364 John 365 Nancy P. ist 366 Josiah X Q'^*'" S'isan W. I St «>0;{(;s Hannah H. 369 William F. 370 Susan W. lA 371 Lvdia K. 37-2 Nancv P. 2d 373 Pet r Gla-lding 374 D iniel \V. ist 375 losiah 376 "Daniel \V. aJ ■^ #377 Dorethy ist »>"»-37S H nry W. 379 Joseph A. 380 Dorothy id. 381 Sallv 382 Henrietta 383 John Q_ A. T 'T'^'^* Edward Gladdii.g ,j'/?385 Elizabeth L. tJladding 386 Betsey Gladding !I87 Martha /VSPrt Nathaniel 104 105 106 107 10.- 109 110 111 11-2 113 114 392 Marv E. Gladdinir 393 Susan C. ist Phebe A. - iilhaniel 396 Susan C. 2d ,•'(0394 Ph 397 Nathaniel T. Gladding 398 Eonora E. 399 Leonora 400 William F. 401 Josephine A. 1st /f O^'^ Josephine A. 2d •->«/403 John T. F. 404 susan T. 405 Elisha 11. 406 Chailes A. 407 Frank K. 408 Phene S. 60 409 Samuel Gladding 410 Sarah R. 411 Fiank R. 412 Charles F. ' 413 John R. {}j[i^i John 11. Gladding 0 415 William 11. Gladding 0416 John H. ■»'417 Abby A. 418 Phebe A. Gladding 419 Edward /* O420 John V«^421 Henrv 4'2-2 Marlin 423 Thomas 424 Joseph G. 116 117 118 119 1-20 121 122 64 425 Susan Gladding 421; Hariiel 427 William J. 115 tJ 4 Z: ;89 Samuel 428 Esther A. Gladding 429 Francis 430 Klizibeth 431 Maltha 432 Sophia » ,"r433 ReLiecca 434 Mary 435 .Alexander 436 Geo r lie 437 Christopher 438 Oliver 439 Nicholas 60 66 440 Martha A. Gladding ist 441 Ellis 442 Stephen iSt 443 John 444 St phen 2d 445 Martha A. ad 446 Ann 447 Maria Lq] SEVENTH GENERATION. 6 448 AVilliani H. Gladding lyWd Elizabeth / 450 Ann OS 451 Mary K. Gladding 452 Clmflotte A. 69 453 Tulia R. 454 "John C. 455 Samuel S. r*J 456 William H. Gladding 457 Samuel S. 458 CI irissa 45!) Edward L. 460 Theodore ist 461 Ellen M. yi461 Theodore 2d / "46-2 Vlarium M. 463 Arthur 464 J mes 465 Charles 466 Giorge 467 Elizabeth ■168 William Gladding- /y -fim Samuel t -*-470 Solomon 471 John /*'Q472 Catherine M. Gladding / -^473 Frederick W. /y 0474 William B. Gladding /*5475 Augusta 'y ^Wy Louisa F. (Jladding 477 Anna E. Gladding '*' >T478 Sus m C. 4 t>47i) William B. •^/JISO Marv T. Gladding 4 t#4sl Frank 482 Thomas C. (iladding 483 Abraham S. 'y/%'484 Nathaniel B. / / 485 Maria 486 Ann F. 487 Ebenezer 123 124 125 126 488 Nathaniel Gladding 489 Jarvis E 490 Thomas W. /y C491 Jolin F. Williim N. 493 Edward W. 494 Zetell 495 Marium B. 496 Thomas D. Gladding 497 Hale 498 Ma y 499 John N. Q500 L:\\\ a F. Anna E. 502 Albert A. 503 Helen M. 504 Harri -t F. 505 Sarah E. SO 506 Reuben H. Gladding |507 Francis 508 Edmond 128 509 Julia D. Gladding O •/510 Maiy A. C'-tall James R. S2 512 Eoomis H. Gladdinu 0513 Emily 514 Mary G. 515 Benjamin O. S3 S4^ 516 Elizabeth E. Gladding 517 Howard R. 518 Harriet R. 519 George E. Gladdint 520 Clarissa O.J. S5 521 Saallv E. Gladding 522 Saiah E. 523 Emma A. ^6* 524 Jennie l^ Gladding 525 Marv Ann A. ■ 526 Harriet L. S7 527 G = orge W. Gladdii 528 |ohn H. /%'529 'lames W. 530 Frederick E. 531 Nelson A. EIGHTH GENERATION. 532 Martha T. Gladding 533 Anstress T. O C534 James C. t?<-'535 Rachel T. 536 John A. 537 Timothy N. Gladdini; 538 Janus H. 539 Edward S. 540 John 129 130 131 132 Si) /)41 Mary K. 542 Hannah \'. 543 Charles M. 544 Susan M. 545 Sarah 346 Benjamin F. Gladding 547 Hittiann A. 548 George W. 549 Eleanor 133 134 Lr] EIGHTH GENERATION. fl^i.V)0 Charles G. Gladding ♦>'^.i51 Henrv C. 55-2 Mari-Jtta 5.")3 Angenctte 554 James X. ooH Lydia J. 556 John Gladdin^r 557 Samuel 135 1*; i;57 138 139 f^ ■<55'^ I.ydia )59 Anstrcss 5G0 Jostphine 501 Lucretia J. Ghidding 5()2 luliaT. 563 Rachel 564 James N. 565 Sarah C. fi«>566 Alzady »-'^>''567 Frankcv 568 Ada 569 Ellen 570 D iniel 571 Benjamin 572 Allen I. Gladding 573 William R. 574 Charles B. 575 Martha E. fi0576 John A. C. *'*^yi~ Samuel 57.S Theodore O. 579 Henry D. 580 George T. 608 James Y. Gladding fJO609 Anna M. *J*Ji\\Q Francis 611 John 612 Charlotte A. Gladdini 613 Eineline C. Y fkfk^'^M Rosetta J- fJfJiWf, Charles S. 616 Khoda 617 Joseph 618 James X. 619 George \V. 1 fl 7620 Edward J. J- "^ 621 D. Piatt 622 Carry 10 OG23 Charles D. Gladding ■VG24 Mary E. W. 625 James F. 626 Lucv A. Gladding 140 141 142 143 144 145 _2 ^^627 Mary E 94^ 95 81 Elizabeth Gladding 582 Emily 5S3 Ann E. Gladding 584 Charlotte 585 William H. 586 Susan S 587 Hinrv R. ")88 Ii-ene'W. 5.M) Samuel B. 590 Frederick A. 591 Francis B. 628 William H. 629 Charles S. -1 fk/ij'M Frank H. Gladding JL fj^au Harriet E. 632 Carrv Gladding I •'633 Charles F. »^634 Jessie E. 635 Edward L. 036 Sarah J. Gladding 10 1 fhfl*>''' Lucinda 592 Sarah E. Gladding 593 Ma y B. f »/*")94 Samuel E. «/W595 William L. 596 Charles H. 9 597 Harriet Gladding 598 Will am J. 599 Edward W. 600 Sophia M. /*-601 Horace / 602 Israel S. 603 Cornelia L. 604 Joseph R. 605 Lvdia C. 606 Walter V. R. 9S^^ Josephine Gladding 10 638 Malvina 639 Cynthia 640 Tohn CJladding /*-041 Marv / 642 Charles 643 George 644 Ruth y ^ «D645 George H. Gladding '646 Nathaniel 647 Mary A. Gladding J^^648SarahA. '649 Olive 650 Mariam Gladding y //lfj-"'l John W. (j52 Susan 653 Malenthan 654 Thomas S. Gladding 655 Abby H. ist 146 •< -< y656 Josiah 657 Abby H. 2d Ls] EIGHTH GENERATION. 11 658 659 660 «>6(;i Frank J. Susan W. Willi:(;(;7 Ellen S. 668 Daniel W. 669 Daniel P. Gladding -t -f J_l>'() Geiirgianna Gladding Lillie 672 Catherine D. Gladding lis 1 •//?67.3 Harriet G. Gladding U.JLfJ(i-;i William H. 11 675 Abhv A. Gladding 676 Alby F. -^677 Frank H. / 678 Telluah A. 679 Ann F. 6S0 Minnie R. 681 Arthur B. Gladding 682 Edith E. -/ -/ JD6S3 Louisa L. -«.-*- 06S4 Charles E. 6S5 Marv A. 686 Benjamin B. 687 John Gladding 1st ■/ 7 fi'''^** '"''" C.l idding 2d -t -t »>'6S9 William A. 690 Henrv Gladding ist 691 Emeline R. -/ *>/^692 P.-rcival G. adding -L/^fJ(y.)?, Hattie E. 694 Henry 2d 695 Lillie L. 696 Henry J- Gladding 121 697 Romeo 698 Gertrue ist 699 (Jertrue 3d 700 Fannie 701 Edward M. 702 Renar Gladding TOO703 Sidney B 704 Ida R. 705 Hattie M. 1231 706 07 Mary E. Gladdidg Charlotte A. 70S Julia R. Gladding " " John C. Samuel S. ni Harrison -f O .# 709 John C -1.^3:710 ^ 712 Samuel P. Gladding ist 713 Frank 714 Benj imin 715 George T. ist 0 5'716 Sarah /V«>717 Gorge T. 3d 718 George N. ri9 720 721 721 Samuel P. 2d Frederick U. Clarence E. Anna A. 722 Juliet F. Gladding 723 Annie A. 724 Mary E. 725 Sarah F. 1st -f Q/?726 Emilv P. J-f^rf--!- Sarah F. 2d 728 Casandra P. 729 Charlotte Y. 730 Thomas E. 731 William H. Gladding 832 (_ vnthia A. 733 Frank H. Walter E. 7 *> T''^-*^ Walter E. JLn^ 4 735 Thomas C. 736 737 Nellie A. Louis A. •/ «> CT38 Ellen F. Gladding JL n^ fl743 C vnthia A. -t.'V'»j^744 NancieC. 745 Rose A. 746 Benj im in F. 747 John E. i3(y\ i48 Susan H. Ghi 49 Willi in J. 750 Julia F. lidiiig 147 751 Elizabeth Gladding 2"Q f752 Marv ♦> J- 753 Jesse 751 Louisa Gladding TrO#>755 Henrv -L*y n^ -:■,{■■, Chailes ist 757 Charles 2d 758 Frederick R. 759 Elizabeth M. Gladding 760 John H. Lt] NINTH GENERATION. 703 Thomas S. 764 Charles H. 7*)5 Alice M. Ghiddiiisf 1 *iA.''''> AUVed -*-♦-* *7()7 Sarah 768 Hattie 769 Mary 7 •^.r770 Charles B. GladJinij -t»>»>771 Julius ll^f}'~- Emily E. Gladding 13 773 Annette Gladding fyi'ii William • 77-5 Joseph l^S"^ Hiram D. Gladding ]^^Q"' Ro^a F. Gladding 778 Sarah E. Gladding ist TENTH 7 J. ' / SOI James Gladding 77!) Allen I. 7S0 A I. by M. 7-^1 William F. 1 J.ff^'- Henry C. -*- ^'■'-'78:! Sarah E. at 784 Theodore O. 78.T Charles B. 7S(i Richard S. J_4:l~'^~' ^"S'"' D- Gladding 1 J.*>''^'^ Lvdia H. Gladding -*- ^*''-»' 780 Charles F. 790 L-jonora F. Gladding 791 Frederick F. 7 J_ •>79-i M.irv C;. -«- '*'t>793 Richard S. 794 Theodore O. 795 Nellie V. 96 Samuel Gladding 97 Richard i 98 Abby A. 1 d.d.'^^' Richard A _/^J['799 Charles A. Gladding _2^^800 Susan Gladding GENERATION. Later Information. Charles Gladdin*?. No. 2. family 1, 4th creneration, son of John and Martha Gladduio:. and great grandson of the settler, was born in Bristol, July 10, 1719, on Friday. (See page 44.) The following data came too late for insertion in the proper order. Charles and Juditli children belong on page H, Fifth generation, next after family 1, John and Mary Drown family. FIFTH GENERATION. John and Mary Drown Gladding gronp of of grandchildren. / 2 Charles and Judith Cladding's children: 9 1-2 Lvdii. h 0.;t 2. 174fi 10 " Sarah, b June 3, 1747 11 " Charles, b Dec. 4. 1748 12 " (Jeoigre, b Sept. 10, 1750 t'tVi " los-ph, b N.n-. S, 1752 " 14 " Judith, b July 28, 1756 SIXTH GENERATION. Charles and Judith's group of "frandchildren. /13 1-2 Joseph Gbiddin^. b Nov. S, 17.52, m Amanda, dan. of Capt. Nathaniel and .Susan Martin, of Bairington, R. I. 37 1-2 William, b Oct. 19. 1779 Cs:^^ " Judith, b Sept. 10, 17SI 5;;;;39 " "CJeorife, b No. . 25, 1783 40 " Nancv, b Jan. 9, !78(! 41 " Joseph. 1st, b Mar. 28. 17SS, d asf 2 5/;s42 " Jos.eph 2d, b Nov. 2, 1790 SEVENTH GENERATION. Joseph and Susan gronp of grand- children. / 13 1-2 Matthew and Judith Gladding^ Inora- ham's children. Judith, born Sept. 10, 1781, died Apr. 9, 1846 a William G. In^raham, b Ort. 2, 1801 /} Matthew W. ist, b D c. (I, 1805 c I.vdia M., b Auff. IS, 1808 (/ Mary Ann, b Feb. 28, 1811 /> Nancv \V., b Nov. 4. 1813 / .Matthew 3d, b Oct. 19, 1814 f 14 12 G-orge Gladding, b Nov. 25, 1783, d Apr. 3, 1855, m Nancy, dau of Luther and Elizabeth Humphrey Martin, May 13, 1810. Nancy, b Mar. 3, 1792, d ag 84 y and 27 days. 99 1 2 George ist, b July 2(5, 1814, d Nov. 2, 1821 5;";100 1-2 Georae A. 2d, b Aug. 0, 1822 / 17 1-2 Joseph and Mercy Bullock Gladding ni Mav 1814 101 1-2 Jei-usha B-, b Feb. 20, 1815, m James B. Edsall, Apr. 20, 1S40 102 " Emeline S., b St pt. 15, 1818, m E. P. Shaw, Au^. 27, 1843 103 " Inseph N. 104 " "Geoisre W. 105 " Vial Allen 106 " William Penn 107 " Charles E. b 1833 EIGHTH GENERATION. George and Nancy Gladding group of grandchildren. _/ 10012 George A. and Julia A. Drown Glad, ding m li'eb. 12, 1852. Ceo. d Dec. 28- 1893. 173 1 2 Charlotte M. b Feb 14, 18i)4 174 " Elizabeth H. b hept. 22, IS.'iS, d Sept. 17, 1S56 Cil75 Alvin M. b Mar. 1, 18.58 %,a76 " George D. b Sept. 9, 1860 5;;.a77 " Charles F. Oct 2, 1863 178 " Uerirv D. b Dec. 25, 1865, d July 15, 1867 -5:P79 " Fannie D. b July 25, 1869 NINTH GENERATION. George A. and Julia N. Gladding group of grandchildren. f 175 1-2 Alviu Mason and Grace Kage Rich- ardson Gladding in Oct. 23, 1885. Grace d Feb. 1893. Left no issue f 17() Georsre D. Gladdinu:, twice m : ist, Josephine C. Flagg, July 20, 1886 231 12 Hope Mehldran, b June 14, 1889 m 2d, Ardelia C. Dewing, Nov. 19, '9. f 177 l-'2 Charles Forist Ghidding and Carrie F. Place m Oct 8, 1889 [v] (Ninth Generation Continued.) 232 1-2 Edward Edmund, h D;;c. 30, 1892 f 179 Edward J. Brovvnell and Fannie D' Gladding, f)f' Barrington, R. I., m Dec 27,1897. Bristol fnmily. a Charles DeWolf Brownell, b Jan. 15, '98 The first Director}' of the City of Providence, issued b}' Brown & Danforth, in 1824, had, of the Gladding name — GLADDING, Allen, g:rocer. 11)0 South Main, Abraham S., shoe store, 27 Market, 67 Broad, Benjamin, wig-maker, 36 Weybosset, 104 Broad, George W., dry goods, 35 Cheapside, 7 Washington, Henry, clerk. 35 Cheapside, Jarvis E.. tailor, 12 Market Square, 52 Broad, John, grocer, chandlery, 105 South Water, John J. grocer, cor. Broad and Pawtuxet, Josiah G., Aborn, K. C, ornamental painter, 136 and 192 South Main, Mrs. Nancy, 46 Westminster, Nicholas B,. 35 Cheapside. Sliip, Timothy, tailor. 14 Westminster, 122 Broad, Mrs. Martha, dry goods. Transit. THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY REFERENCE DEPARTMENT This book is tak under no circumstances to be en from the Building 1 . fill- 111 410